use of co.cask.cdap.data2.queue.QueueProducer in project cdap by caskdata.
the class QueueTest method testOneEnqueueDequeue.
private void testOneEnqueueDequeue(DequeueStrategy strategy) throws Exception {
// since this is used by more than one test method, ensure uniqueness of the queue name by adding strategy
QueueName queueName = QueueName.fromFlowlet(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getEntityName(), "app", "flow", "flowlet", "queue1" + strategy.toString());
configureGroups(queueName, ImmutableList.of(new ConsumerGroupConfig(0L, 1, strategy, null), new ConsumerGroupConfig(1L, 1, strategy, null)));
List<ConsumerConfig> consumerConfigs = ImmutableList.of(new ConsumerConfig(0L, 0, 1, strategy, null), new ConsumerConfig(1L, 0, 1, strategy, null));
try (QueueProducer producer = queueClientFactory.createProducer(queueName)) {
TransactionContext txContext = createTxContext(producer);
producer.enqueue(new QueueEntry(Bytes.toBytes(55)));
try (QueueConsumer consumer = queueClientFactory.createConsumer(queueName, consumerConfigs.get(0), 2)) {
txContext = createTxContext(consumer);
Assert.assertEquals(55, Bytes.toInt(consumer.dequeue().iterator().next()));
forceEviction(queueName, 2);
// verifying that consumer of the 2nd group can process items: they were not evicted
try (QueueConsumer consumer2 = queueClientFactory.createConsumer(queueName, consumerConfigs.get(1), 2)) {
TransactionContext txContext = createTxContext(consumer2);
Assert.assertEquals(55, Bytes.toInt(consumer2.dequeue().iterator().next()));
// now all should be evicted
verifyQueueIsEmpty(queueName, consumerConfigs);
use of co.cask.cdap.data2.queue.QueueProducer in project cdap by caskdata.
the class QueueTest method testRollback.
@Test(timeout = TIMEOUT_MS)
public void testRollback() throws Exception {
QueueName queueName = QueueName.fromFlowlet(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getEntityName(), "app", "flow", "flowlet", "queuerollback");
ConsumerConfig consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig(0, 0, 1, DequeueStrategy.FIFO, null);
configureGroups(queueName, ImmutableList.of(consumerConfig));
try (QueueProducer producer = queueClientFactory.createProducer(queueName);
QueueConsumer consumer = queueClientFactory.createConsumer(queueName, consumerConfig, 1)) {
TransactionContext txContext = createTxContext(producer, consumer, new TransactionAware() {
boolean canCommit = false;
public void startTx(Transaction tx) {
public void updateTx(Transaction tx) {
public Collection<byte[]> getTxChanges() {
return ImmutableList.of();
public boolean commitTx() throws Exception {
// Flip-flop between commit success/failure.
boolean res = canCommit;
canCommit = !canCommit;
return res;
public void postTxCommit() {
public boolean rollbackTx() throws Exception {
return true;
public String getTransactionAwareName() {
return "test";
// First, try to enqueue and commit would fail
try {
producer.enqueue(new QueueEntry(Bytes.toBytes(1)));
// If reaches here, it's wrong, as exception should be thrown.
} catch (TransactionFailureException e) {
// Try to enqueue again. Within the same transaction, dequeue should be empty.
producer.enqueue(new QueueEntry(Bytes.toBytes(1)));
// This time, enqueue has been committed, dequeue would see the item
try {
Assert.assertEquals(1, Bytes.toInt(consumer.dequeue().iterator().next()));
// If reaches here, it's wrong, as exception should be thrown.
} catch (TransactionFailureException e) {
// Dequeue again, since last tx was rollback, this dequeue should see the item again.
Assert.assertEquals(1, Bytes.toInt(consumer.dequeue().iterator().next()));
use of co.cask.cdap.data2.queue.QueueProducer in project cdap by caskdata.
the class QueueTest method testConcurrentEnqueue.
public void testConcurrentEnqueue() throws Exception {
// This test is for testing multiple producers that writes with a delay after a transaction started.
// This is for verifying consumer advances the startKey correctly.
final QueueName queueName = QueueName.fromFlowlet(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getEntityName(), "app", "flow", "flowlet", "concurrent");
configureGroups(queueName, ImmutableList.of(new ConsumerGroupConfig(0, 1, DequeueStrategy.FIFO, null)));
final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(4);
ConsumerConfig consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig(0, 0, 1, DequeueStrategy.FIFO, null);
// Starts three producers to enqueue concurrently. For each entry, starts a TX, sleep, enqueue, commit.
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
final int entryCount = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
final QueueProducer producer = queueClientFactory.createProducer(queueName);
final int producerId = i + 1;
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
TransactionContext txContext = createTxContext(producer);
// Sleeps at different rate to make the scan in consumer has higher change to see
// the transaction but not the entry (as not yet written)
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(producerId * 50);
producer.enqueue(new QueueEntry(Bytes.toBytes(i)));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
// sum(0..entryCount) * 3
int expectedSum = entryCount * (entryCount - 1) / 2 * 3;
try (QueueConsumer consumer = queueClientFactory.createConsumer(queueName, consumerConfig, 1)) {
// Trigger starts of producer
int dequeueSum = 0;
int noProgress = 0;
while (dequeueSum != expectedSum && noProgress < 200) {
TransactionContext txContext = createTxContext(consumer);
DequeueResult<byte[]> result = consumer.dequeue();
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
noProgress = 0;
int value = Bytes.toInt(result.iterator().next());
dequeueSum += value;
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(expectedSum, dequeueSum);
use of co.cask.cdap.data2.queue.QueueProducer in project cdap by caskdata.
the class LocalQueueTest method testInjection.
public void testInjection() throws IOException {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ConfigModule(conf), new NonCustomLocationUnitTestModule().getModule(), new DiscoveryRuntimeModule().getStandaloneModules(), new TransactionMetricsModule(), new DataFabricModules().getStandaloneModules(), new DataSetsModules().getStandaloneModules(), new ExploreClientModule(), new ViewAdminModules().getStandaloneModules(), new AuthorizationEnforcementModule().getStandaloneModules(), new AuthenticationContextModules().getMasterModule(), new NamespaceClientRuntimeModule().getStandaloneModules(), new AuthorizationTestModule(), Modules.override(new StreamAdminModules().getStandaloneModules()).with(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
QueueClientFactory factory = injector.getInstance(QueueClientFactory.class);
QueueProducer producer = factory.createProducer(QueueName.fromFlowlet(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), "app", "my", "flowlet", "output"));
Assert.assertTrue(producer instanceof InMemoryQueueProducer);
use of co.cask.cdap.data2.queue.QueueProducer in project cdap by caskdata.
the class OpenCloseDataSetTest method testDataSetsAreClosed.
@Test(timeout = 120000)
public void testDataSetsAreClosed() throws Exception {
final String tableName = "foo";
ApplicationWithPrograms app = AppFabricTestHelper.deployApplicationWithManager(DummyAppWithTrackingTable.class, TEMP_FOLDER_SUPPLIER);
List<ProgramController> controllers = Lists.newArrayList();
// start the programs
for (ProgramDescriptor programDescriptor : app.getPrograms()) {
if (programDescriptor.getProgramId().getType().equals(ProgramType.MAPREDUCE)) {
controllers.add(AppFabricTestHelper.submit(app, programDescriptor.getSpecification().getClassName(), new BasicArguments(), TEMP_FOLDER_SUPPLIER));
// write some data to queue
TransactionSystemClient txSystemClient = AppFabricTestHelper.getInjector().getInstance(TransactionSystemClient.class);
QueueName queueName = QueueName.fromStream(app.getApplicationId().getNamespace(), "xx");
QueueClientFactory queueClientFactory = AppFabricTestHelper.getInjector().getInstance(QueueClientFactory.class);
QueueProducer producer = queueClientFactory.createProducer(queueName);
// start tx to write in queue in tx
Transaction tx = txSystemClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) producer).startTx(tx);
StreamEventCodec codec = new StreamEventCodec();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
String msg = "x" + i;
StreamEvent event = new StreamEvent(ImmutableMap.<String, String>of(), ByteBuffer.wrap(msg.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)));
producer.enqueue(new QueueEntry(codec.encodePayload(event)));
// commit tx
((TransactionAware) producer).commitTx();
while (TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "write") < 4) {
// get the number of writes to the foo table
Assert.assertEquals(4, TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "write"));
// only 2 "open" calls should be tracked:
// 1. the flow has started with single flowlet (service is loaded lazily on 1st request)
// 2. DatasetSystemMetadataWriter also instantiates the dataset because it needs to add some system tags
// for the dataset
Assert.assertEquals(2, TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "open"));
// now send a request to the service
Gson gson = new Gson();
DiscoveryServiceClient discoveryServiceClient = AppFabricTestHelper.getInjector().getInstance(DiscoveryServiceClient.class);
Discoverable discoverable = new RandomEndpointStrategy("service.%s.%s.%s", DefaultId.NAMESPACE.getEntityName(), "dummy", "DummyService"))).pick(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(String.format("http://%s:%d/v3/namespaces/default/apps/%s/services/%s/methods/%s", discoverable.getSocketAddress().getHostName(), discoverable.getSocketAddress().getPort(), "dummy", "DummyService", "x1"));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(get);
String responseContent = gson.fromJson(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent(), Charsets.UTF_8), String.class);
Assert.assertEquals("x1", responseContent);
// now the dataset must have a read and another open operation
Assert.assertEquals(1, TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "read"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "open"));
// The dataset that was instantiated by the DatasetSystemMetadataWriter should have been closed
Assert.assertEquals(1, TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "close"));
// stop all programs, they should both close the data set foo
for (ProgramController controller : controllers) {
int timesOpened = TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "open");
Assert.assertTrue(timesOpened >= 2);
Assert.assertEquals(timesOpened, TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "close"));
// now start the m/r job
ProgramController controller = null;
for (ProgramDescriptor programDescriptor : app.getPrograms()) {
if (programDescriptor.getProgramId().getType().equals(ProgramType.MAPREDUCE)) {
controller = AppFabricTestHelper.submit(app, programDescriptor.getSpecification().getClassName(), new BasicArguments(), TEMP_FOLDER_SUPPLIER);
while (!controller.getState().equals(ProgramController.State.COMPLETED)) {
// M/r job is done, one mapper and the m/r client should have opened and closed the data set foo
// we don't know the exact number of times opened, but it is at least once, and it must be closed the same number
// of times.
Assert.assertTrue(timesOpened < TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "open"));
Assert.assertEquals(TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "open"), TrackingTable.getTracker(tableName, "close"));
Assert.assertTrue(0 < TrackingTable.getTracker("bar", "open"));
Assert.assertEquals(TrackingTable.getTracker("bar", "open"), TrackingTable.getTracker("bar", "close"));