use of co.cask.cdap.data2.util.hbase.HBaseTableUtil in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MapReduceRuntimeService method buildJobJar.
* Creates a jar that contains everything that are needed for running the MapReduce program by Hadoop.
* @return a new {@link File} containing the job jar
private File buildJobJar(Job job, File tempDir) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
File jobJar = new File(tempDir, "job.jar");
LOG.debug("Creating Job jar: {}", jobJar);
// For local mode, nothing is needed in the job jar since we use the classloader in the configuration object.
if (MapReduceTaskContextProvider.isLocal(job.getConfiguration())) {
JarOutputStream output = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jobJar));
return jobJar;
// Excludes libraries that are for sure not needed.
// Hadoop - Available from the cluster
// Spark - MR never uses Spark
final HadoopClassExcluder hadoopClassExcluder = new HadoopClassExcluder();
ApplicationBundler appBundler = new ApplicationBundler(new ClassAcceptor() {
public boolean accept(String className, URL classUrl, URL classPathUrl) {
if (className.startsWith("org.apache.spark") || classPathUrl.toString().contains("spark-assembly")) {
return false;
return hadoopClassExcluder.accept(className, classUrl, classPathUrl);
Set<Class<?>> classes = Sets.newHashSet();
// take over the classloading.
if (cConf.getBoolean(Constants.AppFabric.MAPREDUCE_INCLUDE_CUSTOM_CLASSES)) {
try {
Class<? extends InputFormat<?, ?>> inputFormatClass = job.getInputFormatClass();
// If it is StreamInputFormat, also add the StreamEventCodec class as well.
if (MapReduceStreamInputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(inputFormatClass)) {
Class<? extends StreamEventDecoder> decoderType = MapReduceStreamInputFormat.getDecoderClass(job.getConfiguration());
if (decoderType != null) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.debug("InputFormat class not found: {}", t.getMessage(), t);
// Ignore
try {
Class<? extends OutputFormat<?, ?>> outputFormatClass = job.getOutputFormatClass();
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.debug("OutputFormat class not found: {}", t.getMessage(), t);
// Ignore
// Add KMS class
if (SecureStoreUtils.isKMSBacked(cConf) && SecureStoreUtils.isKMSCapable()) {
Class<? extends HBaseDDLExecutor> ddlExecutorClass = new HBaseDDLExecutorFactory(cConf, hConf).get().getClass();
try {
Class<?> hbaseTableUtilClass = HBaseTableUtilFactory.getHBaseTableUtilClass(cConf);
} catch (ProvisionException e) {
LOG.warn("Not including HBaseTableUtil classes in submitted Job Jar since they are not available");
ClassLoader oldCLassLoader = ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(new CombineClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader(), Collections.singleton(ddlExecutorClass.getClassLoader())));
try {
appBundler.createBundle(Locations.toLocation(jobJar), classes);
} finally {
LOG.debug("Built MapReduce Job Jar at {}", jobJar.toURI());
return jobJar;
use of co.cask.cdap.data2.util.hbase.HBaseTableUtil in project cdap by caskdata.
the class HBaseTableTest method beforeClass.
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
cConf = CConfiguration.create();
hBaseTableUtil = new HBaseTableUtilFactory(cConf, new SimpleNamespaceQueryAdmin()).get();
// TODO: CDAP-1634 - Explore a way to not have every HBase test class do this.
ddlExecutor = new HBaseDDLExecutorFactory(cConf, TEST_HBASE.getHBaseAdmin().getConfiguration()).get();
use of co.cask.cdap.data2.util.hbase.HBaseTableUtil in project cdap by caskdata.
the class IncrementHandlerTest method createTable.
public HTable createTable(TableId tableId) throws Exception {
HBaseTableUtil tableUtil = new HBaseTableUtilFactory(cConf).get();
HTableDescriptorBuilder tableDesc = tableUtil.buildHTableDescriptor(tableId);
HColumnDescriptor columnDesc = new HColumnDescriptor(FAMILY);
columnDesc.setValue(IncrementHandlerState.PROPERTY_TRANSACTIONAL, "false");
HTableDescriptor htd =;
TEST_HBASE.waitUntilTableAvailable(htd.getName(), 5000);
return tableUtil.createHTable(conf, tableId);
use of co.cask.cdap.data2.util.hbase.HBaseTableUtil in project cdap by caskdata.
the class IncrementSummingScannerTest method createRegion.
static HRegion createRegion(Configuration hConf, CConfiguration cConf, TableId tableId, HColumnDescriptor cfd) throws Exception {
HBaseTableUtil tableUtil = new HBaseTableUtilFactory(cConf).get();
HTableDescriptorBuilder htd = tableUtil.buildHTableDescriptor(tableId);
HTableDescriptor desc =;
String tableName = desc.getNameAsString();
Path tablePath = new Path("/tmp/" + tableName);
Path hlogPath = new Path("/tmp/hlog-" + tableName);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(hConf);
WALFactory walFactory = new WALFactory(hConf, null, hlogPath.toString());
WAL hLog = walFactory.getWAL(new byte[] { 1 });
HRegionInfo regionInfo = new HRegionInfo(desc.getTableName());
HRegionFileSystem regionFS = HRegionFileSystem.createRegionOnFileSystem(hConf, fs, tablePath, regionInfo);
return new HRegion(regionFS, hLog, hConf, desc, new LocalRegionServerServices(hConf, ServerName.valueOf(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(), 0, System.currentTimeMillis())));
use of co.cask.cdap.data2.util.hbase.HBaseTableUtil in project cdap by caskdata.
the class HBaseQueueClientFactory method createConsumer.
public QueueConsumer createConsumer(final QueueName queueName, final ConsumerConfig consumerConfig, int numGroups) throws IOException {
final HBaseQueueAdmin admin = ensureTableExists(queueName);
try {
final long groupId = consumerConfig.getGroupId();
// A callback for create a list of HBaseQueueConsumer
// based on the current queue consumer state of the given group
Callable<List<HBaseQueueConsumer>> consumerCreator = new Callable<List<HBaseQueueConsumer>>() {
public List<HBaseQueueConsumer> call() throws Exception {
List<HBaseConsumerState> states;
try (HBaseConsumerStateStore stateStore = admin.getConsumerStateStore(queueName)) {
TransactionExecutor txExecutor = Transactions.createTransactionExecutor(txExecutorFactory, stateStore);
// Find all consumer states for consumers that need to be created based on current state
states = txExecutor.execute(new Callable<List<HBaseConsumerState>>() {
public List<HBaseConsumerState> call() throws Exception {
List<HBaseConsumerState> consumerStates = Lists.newArrayList();
HBaseConsumerState state = stateStore.getState(groupId, consumerConfig.getInstanceId());
if (state.getPreviousBarrier() == null) {
// Old HBase consumer (Salted based, not sharded)
return consumerStates;
// Find the smallest start barrier that has something to consume for this instance.
// It should always exists since we assume the queue is configured before this method is called
List<QueueBarrier> queueBarriers = stateStore.getAllBarriers(groupId);
if (queueBarriers.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("No consumer information available. Queue: %s, GroupId: %d, InstanceId: %d", queueName, groupId, consumerConfig.getInstanceId()));
QueueBarrier startBarrier = Iterables.find(Lists.reverse(queueBarriers), new Predicate<QueueBarrier>() {
public boolean apply(QueueBarrier barrier) {
return barrier.getGroupConfig().getGroupSize() > consumerConfig.getInstanceId() && stateStore.isAllConsumed(consumerConfig, barrier.getStartRow());
}, queueBarriers.get(0));
int groupSize = startBarrier.getGroupConfig().getGroupSize();
for (int i = consumerConfig.getInstanceId(); i < groupSize; i += consumerConfig.getGroupSize()) {
consumerStates.add(stateStore.getState(groupId, i));
return consumerStates;
List<HBaseQueueConsumer> consumers = Lists.newArrayList();
for (HBaseConsumerState state : states) {
QueueType queueType = (state.getPreviousBarrier() == null) ? QueueType.QUEUE : QueueType.SHARDED_QUEUE;
HTable hTable = createHTable(admin.getDataTableId(queueName, queueType));
int distributorBuckets = getDistributorBuckets(hTable.getTableDescriptor());
HBaseQueueStrategy strategy = (state.getPreviousBarrier() == null) ? new SaltedHBaseQueueStrategy(hBaseTableUtil, distributorBuckets) : new ShardedHBaseQueueStrategy(hBaseTableUtil, distributorBuckets);
consumers.add(queueUtil.getQueueConsumer(cConf, hTable, queueName, state, admin.getConsumerStateStore(queueName), strategy));
return consumers;
return new SmartQueueConsumer(queueName, consumerConfig, consumerCreator);
} catch (Exception e) {
// If there is exception, nothing much can be done here besides propagating
throw new IOException(e);