use of co.cask.cdap.etl.batch.PipeStage in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MapReduceTransformExecutorFactory method getPipeStage.
private PipeStage getPipeStage(PipelinePhase pipeline, String stageName, Map<String, PipeStage> pipeStages, OutputWriter<?, ?> outputWriter) throws Exception {
StageSpec stageSpec = pipeline.getStage(stageName);
String pluginType = stageSpec.getPluginType();
// handle ending stage case, which don't use PipeEmitter
if (pipeline.getSinks().contains(stageName)) {
if (Constants.Connector.PLUGIN_TYPE.equals(pluginType) || BatchJoiner.PLUGIN_TYPE.equals(pluginType)) {
// connectors and joiners require the getting the RecordInfo class directly instead of unwrapping it
Transformation<RecordInfo<Object>, Object> sink = getTransformation(stageSpec);
return new DirectOutputPipeStage<>(stageName, sink, new SinkEmitter<>(stageName, outputWriter));
} else {
// others (batchsink, aggregators, alertpublisher), only required the value within the RecordInfo
return new UnwrapPipeStage<>(stageName, getTransformation(stageSpec), new SinkEmitter<>(stageName, outputWriter));
// create PipeEmitter, which holds all output PipeStages it needs to write to and wraps any output it gets
// into a RecordInfo
// ConnectorSources require a special emitter since they need to build RecordInfo from the temporary dataset
PipeEmitter.Builder emitterBuilder = Constants.Connector.PLUGIN_TYPE.equals(pluginType) && pipeline.getSources().contains(stageName) ? ConnectorSourceEmitter.builder(stageName) : PipeEmitter.builder(stageName);
Map<String, StageSpec.Port> outputPorts = stageSpec.getOutputPorts();
for (String outputStageName : pipeline.getDag().getNodeOutputs(stageName)) {
StageSpec outputStageSpec = pipeline.getStage(outputStageName);
String outputStageType = outputStageSpec.getPluginType();
PipeStage outputPipeStage = pipeStages.get(outputStageName);
if (ErrorTransform.PLUGIN_TYPE.equals(outputStageType)) {
} else if (AlertPublisher.PLUGIN_TYPE.equals(outputStageType)) {
} else if (Constants.Connector.PLUGIN_TYPE.equals(pluginType)) {
// connectors only have a single output
} else {
// if the output is a connector like agg5.connector, the outputPorts will contain the original 'agg5' as
// a key, but not 'agg5.connector' so we need to lookup the original stage from the connector's plugin spec
String originalOutputName = Constants.Connector.PLUGIN_TYPE.equals(outputStageType) ? outputStageSpec.getPlugin().getProperties().get(Constants.Connector.ORIGINAL_NAME) : outputStageName;
String port = outputPorts.containsKey(originalOutputName) ? outputPorts.get(originalOutputName).getPort() : null;
if (port != null) {
emitterBuilder.addOutputConsumer(outputPipeStage, port);
} else {
PipeEmitter pipeEmitter =;
if (SplitterTransform.PLUGIN_TYPE.equals(pluginType)) {
// this is a SplitterTransform, needs to emit records to the right outputs based on port
return new MultiOutputTransformPipeStage<>(stageName, getMultiOutputTransform(stageSpec), pipeEmitter);
} else {
return new UnwrapPipeStage<>(stageName, getTransformation(stageSpec), pipeEmitter);