use of co.cask.cdap.proto.element.EntityTypeSimpleName in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MetadataHttpHandlerTestRun method testInvalidSearchParams.
public void testInvalidSearchParams() throws Exception {
NamespaceId namespace = new NamespaceId("invalid");
Set<EntityTypeSimpleName> targets = EnumSet.allOf(EntityTypeSimpleName.class);
try {
searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, AbstractSystemMetadataWriter.ENTITY_NAME_KEY);;
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
// expected
// search with bad sort field
try {
searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, "name asc");;
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
// expected
// search with bad sort order
try {
searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, AbstractSystemMetadataWriter.ENTITY_NAME_KEY + " unknown");;
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
// expected
// search with numCursors for relevance sort
try {
searchMetadata(NamespaceId.DEFAULT, "search*", targets, null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1, null);;
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
// expected
// search with cursor for relevance sort
try {
searchMetadata(NamespaceId.DEFAULT, "search*", targets, null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, "cursor");;
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
// expected
// search with invalid query
try {
searchMetadata(NamespaceId.DEFAULT, "");;
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
// expected
use of co.cask.cdap.proto.element.EntityTypeSimpleName in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AbstractMetadataClient method searchMetadata.
* Searches entities in the specified namespace whose metadata matches the specified query.
* @param namespace the namespace to search in
* @param query the query string with which to search
* @param targets {@link EntityTypeSimpleName}s to search. If empty, all possible types will be searched
* @param sort specifies sort field and sort order. If {@code null}, the sort order is by relevance
* @param offset the index to start with in the search results. To return results from the beginning, pass {@code 0}
* @param limit the number of results to return, starting from #offset. To return all, pass {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}
* @param numCursors the number of cursors to return in the response. A cursor identifies the first index of the
* next page for pagination purposes
* @param cursor the cursor that acts as the starting index for the requested page. This is only applicable when
* #sortInfo is not default. If offset is also specified, it is applied starting at
* the cursor. If {@code null}, the first row is used as the cursor
* @param showHidden boolean which specifies whether to display hidden entities (entity whose name start with "_")
* or not.
* @return A set of {@link MetadataSearchResultRecord} for the given query.
public MetadataSearchResponse searchMetadata(Id.Namespace namespace, String query, Set<EntityTypeSimpleName> targets, @Nullable String sort, int offset, int limit, int numCursors, @Nullable String cursor, boolean showHidden) throws IOException, UnauthenticatedException, UnauthorizedException, BadRequestException {
String path = String.format("metadata/search?query=%s", query);
for (EntityTypeSimpleName t : targets) {
path += "&target=" + t;
if (sort != null) {
path += "&sort=" + URLEncoder.encode(sort, "UTF-8");
path += "&offset=" + offset;
path += "&limit=" + limit;
path += "&numCursors=" + numCursors;
if (cursor != null) {
path += "&cursor=" + cursor;
if (showHidden) {
path += "&showHidden=" + true;
URL searchURL = resolve(namespace, path);
HttpResponse response = execute(HttpRequest.get(searchURL).build(), HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST.getCode());
if (HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST.getCode() == response.getResponseCode()) {
throw new BadRequestException(response.getResponseBodyAsString());
return GSON.fromJson(response.getResponseBodyAsString(), MetadataSearchResponse.class);
use of co.cask.cdap.proto.element.EntityTypeSimpleName in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MetadataHttpHandlerTestRun method testSearchResultPagination.
public void testSearchResultPagination() throws Exception {
NamespaceId namespace = new NamespaceId("pagination");
namespaceClient.create(new NamespaceMeta.Builder().setName(namespace).build());
StreamId stream ="text");
DatasetId dataset = namespace.dataset("mydataset");
StreamViewId view = stream.view("view");
DatasetId trackerDataset = namespace.dataset("_auditLog");
// create entities so system metadata is annotated
streamViewClient.createOrUpdate(view, new ViewSpecification(new FormatSpecification("csv", null, null)));
datasetClient.create(dataset, new DatasetInstanceConfiguration(Table.class.getName(), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()));
datasetClient.create(trackerDataset, new DatasetInstanceConfiguration(Table.class.getName(), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()));
// search with showHidden to true
EnumSet<EntityTypeSimpleName> targets = EnumSet.allOf(EntityTypeSimpleName.class);
String sort = AbstractSystemMetadataWriter.ENTITY_NAME_KEY + " asc";
// search to get all the above entities offset 0, limit interger max and cursors 0
MetadataSearchResponse searchResponse = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, sort, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, null, true);
List<MetadataSearchResultRecord> expectedResults = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(trackerDataset), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(dataset), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(stream), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(view));
List<String> expectedCursors = ImmutableList.of();
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, new ArrayList<>(searchResponse.getResults()));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedCursors, searchResponse.getCursors());
// no offset, limit 1, no cursors
searchResponse = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, sort, 0, 1, 0, null);
expectedResults = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(dataset));
expectedCursors = ImmutableList.of();
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, new ArrayList<>(searchResponse.getResults()));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedCursors, searchResponse.getCursors());
// no offset, limit 1, 2 cursors, should return 1st result, with 2 cursors
searchResponse = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, sort, 0, 1, 2, null);
expectedResults = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(dataset));
expectedCursors = ImmutableList.of(stream.getEntityName(), view.getEntityName());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, new ArrayList<>(searchResponse.getResults()));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedCursors, searchResponse.getCursors());
// offset 1, limit 1, 2 cursors, should return 2nd result, with only 1 cursor since we don't have enough data
searchResponse = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, sort, 1, 1, 2, null);
expectedResults = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(stream));
expectedCursors = ImmutableList.of(view.getEntityName());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, new ArrayList<>(searchResponse.getResults()));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedCursors, searchResponse.getCursors());
// offset 2, limit 1, 2 cursors, should return 3rd result, with 0 cursors since we don't have enough data
searchResponse = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, sort, 2, 1, 2, null);
expectedResults = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(view));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, new ArrayList<>(searchResponse.getResults()));
// offset 3, limit 1, 2 cursors, should 0 results, with 0 cursors since we don't have enough data
searchResponse = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, sort, 3, 1, 2, null);
// no offset, no limit, should return everything
searchResponse = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, sort, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 4, null);
expectedResults = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(dataset), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(stream), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(view));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, new ArrayList<>(searchResponse.getResults()));
// cleanup
use of co.cask.cdap.proto.element.EntityTypeSimpleName in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MetadataHttpHandlerTestRun method testSearchResultSorting.
public void testSearchResultSorting() throws Exception {
NamespaceId namespace = new NamespaceId("sorting");
namespaceClient.create(new NamespaceMeta.Builder().setName(namespace).build());
StreamId stream ="text");
DatasetId dataset = namespace.dataset("mydataset");
StreamViewId view = stream.view("view");
// create entities so system metadata is annotated
// also ensure that they are created at least 1 ms apart
streamViewClient.createOrUpdate(view, new ViewSpecification(new FormatSpecification("csv", null, null)));
datasetClient.create(dataset, new DatasetInstanceConfiguration(Table.class.getName(), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()));
// search with bad sort param
EnumSet<EntityTypeSimpleName> targets = EnumSet.allOf(EntityTypeSimpleName.class);
// test ascending order of entity name
Set<MetadataSearchResultRecord> searchResults = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, AbstractSystemMetadataWriter.ENTITY_NAME_KEY + " asc");
List<MetadataSearchResultRecord> expected = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(dataset), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(stream), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(view));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, new ArrayList<>(searchResults));
// test descending order of entity name
searchResults = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, AbstractSystemMetadataWriter.ENTITY_NAME_KEY + " desc");
expected = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(view), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(stream), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(dataset));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, new ArrayList<>(searchResults));
// test ascending order of creation time
searchResults = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, AbstractSystemMetadataWriter.CREATION_TIME_KEY + " asc");
expected = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(stream), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(view), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(dataset));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, new ArrayList<>(searchResults));
// test descending order of creation time
searchResults = searchMetadata(namespace, "*", targets, AbstractSystemMetadataWriter.CREATION_TIME_KEY + " desc");
expected = ImmutableList.of(new MetadataSearchResultRecord(dataset), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(view), new MetadataSearchResultRecord(stream));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, new ArrayList<>(searchResults));
// cleanup
use of co.cask.cdap.proto.element.EntityTypeSimpleName in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MetadataHttpHandlerTestRun method testInvalidParams.
public void testInvalidParams() throws Exception {
NamespaceId namespace = new NamespaceId("testInvalidParams");
namespaceClient.create(new NamespaceMeta.Builder().setName(namespace).build());
try {
EnumSet<EntityTypeSimpleName> targets = EnumSet.allOf(EntityTypeSimpleName.class);
searchMetadata(namespace, "text", targets, AbstractSystemMetadataWriter.CREATION_TIME_KEY + " desc");"Expected not to be able to specify 'query' and 'sort' parameters.");
} catch (BadRequestException expected) {
// expected