use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AuthorizerInstantiator method createAndInitializeAuthorizerInstance.
* Creates a new instance of the configured {@link Authorizer} extension, based on the provided extension jar
* file.
* @return a new instance of the configured {@link Authorizer} extension
private Authorizer createAndInitializeAuthorizerInstance(File authorizerExtensionJar) throws IOException, InvalidAuthorizerException {
Class<? extends Authorizer> authorizerClass = loadAuthorizerClass(authorizerExtensionJar);
// Set the context class loader to the AuthorizerClassLoader before creating a new instance of the extension,
// so all classes required in this process are created from the AuthorizerClassLoader.
ClassLoader oldClassLoader = ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(authorizerClassLoader);
LOG.debug("Setting context classloader to {}. Old classloader was {}.", authorizerClassLoader, oldClassLoader);
try {
Authorizer authorizer;
try {
authorizer = instantiatorFactory.get(TypeToken.of(authorizerClass)).create();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidAuthorizerException(String.format("Error while instantiating for authorizer extension %s. Please make sure that the extension " + "is a public class with a default constructor.", authorizerClass.getName()), e);
AuthorizationContext context = authorizationContextFactory.create(createExtensionProperties());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidAuthorizerException(String.format("Error while initializing authorizer extension %s.", authorizerClass.getName()), e);
return authorizer;
} finally {
// After the process of creation of a new instance has completed (success or failure), reset the context
// classloader back to the original class loader.
LOG.debug("Resetting context classloader to {} from {}.", oldClassLoader, authorizerClassLoader);