use of co.rsk.bitcoinj.script.Script in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class UpdateCollectionsTest method updateCollections_confirmTxs.
private void updateCollections_confirmTxs(ExecutionStats stats, int numCases) throws IOException {
final int minTxsWaitingForSigs = 0;
final int maxTxsWaitingForSigs = 10;
final int minReleaseTxs = 1;
final int maxReleaseTxs = 100;
final int minBlockNumber = 10;
final int maxBlockNumber = 100;
final int minHeight = 50;
final int maxHeight = 150;
final int minCentOutput = 1;
final int maxCentOutput = 100;
final NetworkParameters parameters = NetworkParameters.fromID(NetworkParameters.ID_REGTEST);
BridgeStorageProviderInitializer storageInitializer = (BridgeStorageProvider provider, Repository repository, int executionIndex) -> {
Random rnd = new Random();
SortedMap<Keccak256, BtcTransaction> txsWaitingForSignatures;
ReleaseTransactionSet txSet;
try {
txsWaitingForSignatures = provider.getRskTxsWaitingForSignatures();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to gather txs waiting for signatures");
try {
txSet = provider.getReleaseTransactionSet();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to gather release tx set");
// Generate some txs waiting for signatures
Script genesisFederationScript = bridgeConstants.getGenesisFederation().getP2SHScript();
for (int i = 0; i < Helper.randomInRange(minTxsWaitingForSigs, maxTxsWaitingForSigs); i++) {
Keccak256 rskHash = new Keccak256(HashUtil.keccak256(BigInteger.valueOf(rnd.nextLong()).toByteArray()));
BtcTransaction btcTx = new BtcTransaction(networkParameters);
Sha256Hash inputHash = Sha256Hash.wrap(HashUtil.sha256(BigInteger.valueOf(rnd.nextLong()).toByteArray()));
btcTx.addInput(inputHash, 0, genesisFederationScript);
btcTx.addOutput(Helper.randomCoin(Coin.CENT, minCentOutput, maxCentOutput), new BtcECKey());
txsWaitingForSignatures.put(rskHash, btcTx);
// Generate some txs waiting for confirmations
for (int i = 0; i < Helper.randomInRange(minReleaseTxs, maxReleaseTxs); i++) {
BtcTransaction btcTx = new BtcTransaction(networkParameters);
Sha256Hash inputHash = Sha256Hash.wrap(HashUtil.sha256(BigInteger.valueOf(rnd.nextLong()).toByteArray()));
btcTx.addInput(inputHash, 0, genesisFederationScript);
btcTx.addOutput(Helper.randomCoin(Coin.CENT, minCentOutput, maxCentOutput), new BtcECKey());
long blockNumber = Helper.randomInRange(minBlockNumber, maxBlockNumber);
txSet.add(btcTx, blockNumber);
final byte[] updateCollectionsEncoded = Bridge.UPDATE_COLLECTIONS.encode();
ABIEncoder abiEncoder = (int executionIndex) -> updateCollectionsEncoded;
HeightProvider heightProvider = (int executionIndex) -> Helper.randomInRange(minHeight, maxHeight);
executeAndAverage("updateCollections-releaseTxs", numCases, abiEncoder, storageInitializer, Helper.getZeroValueRandomSenderTxBuilder(), heightProvider, stats);
use of co.rsk.bitcoinj.script.Script in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class BridgeSupport method registerBtcTransaction.
* In case of a lock tx: Transfers some SBTCs to the sender of the btc tx and keeps track of the new UTXOs available for spending.
* In case of a release tx: Keeps track of the change UTXOs, now available for spending.
* @param btcTx The bitcoin transaction
* @param height The height of the bitcoin block that contains the tx
* @param pmt Partial Merklee Tree that proves the tx is included in the btc block
* @throws BlockStoreException
* @throws IOException
public void registerBtcTransaction(Transaction rskTx, BtcTransaction btcTx, int height, PartialMerkleTree pmt) throws BlockStoreException, IOException {
Federation federation = getActiveFederation();
// Check the tx was not already processed
if (provider.getBtcTxHashesAlreadyProcessed().keySet().contains(btcTx.getHash())) {
logger.warn("Supplied tx was already processed");
// Check the tx is in the partial merkle tree
List<Sha256Hash> hashesInPmt = new ArrayList<>();
Sha256Hash merkleRoot = pmt.getTxnHashAndMerkleRoot(hashesInPmt);
if (!hashesInPmt.contains(btcTx.getHash())) {
logger.warn("Supplied tx is not in the supplied partial merkle tree");
panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "Supplied tx is not in the supplied partial merkle tree");
if (height < 0) {
logger.warn("Height is " + height + " but should be greater than 0");
panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "Height is " + height + " but should be greater than 0");
// Check there are at least N blocks on top of the supplied height
int headHeight = btcBlockChain.getBestChainHeight();
if ((headHeight - height + 1) < bridgeConstants.getBtc2RskMinimumAcceptableConfirmations()) {
logger.warn("At least " + bridgeConstants.getBtc2RskMinimumAcceptableConfirmations() + " confirmations are required, but there are only " + (headHeight - height) + " confirmations");
// Check the the merkle root equals merkle root of btc block at specified height in the btc best chain
BtcBlock blockHeader = BridgeUtils.getStoredBlockAtHeight(btcBlockStore, height).getHeader();
if (!blockHeader.getMerkleRoot().equals(merkleRoot)) {
logger.warn("Supplied merkle root " + merkleRoot + "does not match block's merkle root " + blockHeader.getMerkleRoot());
panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "Supplied merkle root " + merkleRoot + "does not match block's merkle root " + blockHeader.getMerkleRoot());
// Checks the transaction contents for sanity
if (btcTx.getInputs().isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("Tx has no inputs " + btcTx);
panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "Tx has no inputs " + btcTx);
boolean locked = true;
// Specific code for lock/release/none txs
if (BridgeUtils.isLockTx(btcTx, getLiveFederations(), btcContext, bridgeConstants)) {
logger.debug("This is a lock tx {}", btcTx);
Script scriptSig = btcTx.getInput(0).getScriptSig();
if (scriptSig.getChunks().size() != 2) {
logger.warn("First input does not spend a Pay-to-PubkeyHash " + btcTx.getInput(0));
panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "First input does not spend a Pay-to-PubkeyHash " + btcTx.getInput(0));
// Compute the total amount sent. Value could have been sent both to the
// currently active federation as well as to the currently retiring federation.
// Add both amounts up in that case.
Coin amountToActive = btcTx.getValueSentToMe(getActiveFederationWallet());
Coin amountToRetiring = Coin.ZERO;
Wallet retiringFederationWallet = getRetiringFederationWallet();
if (retiringFederationWallet != null) {
amountToRetiring = btcTx.getValueSentToMe(retiringFederationWallet);
Coin totalAmount = amountToActive.add(amountToRetiring);
// Get the sender public key
byte[] data = scriptSig.getChunks().get(1).data;
// Tx is a lock tx, check whether the sender is whitelisted
BtcECKey senderBtcKey = BtcECKey.fromPublicOnly(data);
Address senderBtcAddress = new Address(btcContext.getParams(), senderBtcKey.getPubKeyHash());
// If the address is not whitelisted, then return the funds
// using the exact same utxos sent to us.
// That is, build a release transaction and get it in the release transaction set.
// Otherwise, transfer SBTC to the sender of the BTC
// The RSK account to update is the one that matches the pubkey "spent" on the first bitcoin tx input
LockWhitelist lockWhitelist = provider.getLockWhitelist();
if (!lockWhitelist.isWhitelistedFor(senderBtcAddress, totalAmount, height)) {
locked = false;
// Build the list of UTXOs in the BTC transaction sent to either the active
// or retiring federation
List<UTXO> utxosToUs = btcTx.getWalletOutputs(getNoSpendWalletForLiveFederations()).stream().map(output -> new UTXO(btcTx.getHash(), output.getIndex(), output.getValue(), 0, btcTx.isCoinBase(), output.getScriptPubKey())).collect(Collectors.toList());
// Use the list of UTXOs to build a transaction builder
// for the return btc transaction generation
ReleaseTransactionBuilder txBuilder = new ReleaseTransactionBuilder(btcContext.getParams(), getUTXOBasedWalletForLiveFederations(utxosToUs), senderBtcAddress, getFeePerKb());
Optional<ReleaseTransactionBuilder.BuildResult> buildReturnResult = txBuilder.buildEmptyWalletTo(senderBtcAddress);
if (buildReturnResult.isPresent()) {
provider.getReleaseTransactionSet().add(buildReturnResult.get().getBtcTx(), rskExecutionBlock.getNumber());"whitelist money return tx build successful to {}. Tx {}. Value {}.", senderBtcAddress, rskTx, totalAmount);
} else {
logger.warn("whitelist money return tx build for btc tx {} error. Return was to {}. Tx {}. Value {}", btcTx.getHash(), senderBtcAddress, rskTx, totalAmount);
panicProcessor.panic("whitelist-return-funds", String.format("whitelist money return tx build for btc tx {} error. Return was to {}. Tx {}. Value {}", btcTx.getHash(), senderBtcAddress, rskTx, totalAmount));
} else {
org.ethereum.crypto.ECKey key = org.ethereum.crypto.ECKey.fromPublicOnly(data);
RskAddress sender = new RskAddress(key.getAddress());
rskRepository.transfer(PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR, sender, co.rsk.core.Coin.fromBitcoin(totalAmount));
} else if (BridgeUtils.isReleaseTx(btcTx, federation, bridgeConstants)) {
logger.debug("This is a release tx {}", btcTx);
// do-nothing
// We could call removeUsedUTXOs(btcTx) here, but we decided to not do that.
// Used utxos should had been removed when we created the release tx.
// Invoking removeUsedUTXOs() here would make "some" sense in theses scenarios:
// a) In testnet, devnet or local: we restart the RSK blockchain whithout changing the federation address. We don't want to have utxos that were already spent.
// Open problem: TxA spends TxB. registerBtcTransaction() for TxB is called, it spends a utxo the bridge is not yet aware of,
// so nothing is removed. Then registerBtcTransaction() for TxA and the "already spent" utxo is added as it was not spent.
// When is not guaranteed to be called in the chronological order, so a Federator can inform
// b) In prod: Federator created a tx manually or the federation was compromised and some utxos were spent. Better not try to spend them.
// Open problem: For performance removeUsedUTXOs() just removes 1 utxo
} else if (BridgeUtils.isMigrationTx(btcTx, getActiveFederation(), getRetiringFederation(), btcContext, bridgeConstants)) {
logger.debug("This is a migration tx {}", btcTx);
} else {
logger.warn("This is not a lock, a release nor a migration tx {}", btcTx);
panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "This is not a lock, a release nor a migration tx " + btcTx);
Sha256Hash btcTxHash = btcTx.getHash();
// Mark tx as processed on this block
provider.getBtcTxHashesAlreadyProcessed().put(btcTxHash, rskExecutionBlock.getNumber());
// locked the funds.
if (locked) {
}"BTC Tx {} processed in RSK", btcTxHash);
use of co.rsk.bitcoinj.script.Script in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class BridgeSupport method hasEnoughSignatures.
* Checks whether a btc tx has been signed by the required number of federators.
* @param btcTx The btc tx to check
* @return True if was signed by the required number of federators, false otherwise
private boolean hasEnoughSignatures(BtcTransaction btcTx) {
// When the tx is constructed OP_0 are placed where signature should go.
// Check all OP_0 have been replaced with actual signatures in all inputs
for (TransactionInput input : btcTx.getInputs()) {
Script scriptSig = input.getScriptSig();
List<ScriptChunk> chunks = scriptSig.getChunks();
for (int i = 1; i < chunks.size(); i++) {
ScriptChunk chunk = chunks.get(i);
if (!chunk.isOpCode() && == 0) {
return false;
return true;
use of co.rsk.bitcoinj.script.Script in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class BridgeSupportTest method registerBtcTransactionMigrationTx.
public void registerBtcTransactionMigrationTx() throws BlockStoreException, AddressFormatException, IOException {
BridgeConstants bridgeConstants = BridgeRegTestConstants.getInstance();
NetworkParameters parameters = bridgeConstants.getBtcParams();
List<BtcECKey> activeFederationKeys = Stream.of(BtcECKey.fromPrivate(Hex.decode("fa01")), BtcECKey.fromPrivate(Hex.decode("fa02"))).sorted(BtcECKey.PUBKEY_COMPARATOR).collect(Collectors.toList());
Federation activeFederation = new Federation(activeFederationKeys, Instant.ofEpochMilli(2000L), 2L, parameters);
List<BtcECKey> retiringFederationKeys = Stream.of(BtcECKey.fromPrivate(Hex.decode("fb01")), BtcECKey.fromPrivate(Hex.decode("fb02"))).sorted(BtcECKey.PUBKEY_COMPARATOR).collect(Collectors.toList());
Federation retiringFederation = new Federation(retiringFederationKeys, Instant.ofEpochMilli(1000L), 1L, parameters);
Repository repository = new RepositoryImpl(config);
repository.addBalance(PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR, LIMIT_MONETARY_BASE);
Block executionBlock = Mockito.mock(Block.class);
Repository track = repository.startTracking();
BtcTransaction tx = new BtcTransaction(parameters);
Address activeFederationAddress = activeFederation.getAddress();
tx.addOutput(Coin.COIN, activeFederationAddress);
// Create previous tx
BtcTransaction prevTx = new BtcTransaction(btcParams);
TransactionOutput prevOut = new TransactionOutput(btcParams, prevTx, Coin.FIFTY_COINS, retiringFederation.getAddress());
// Create tx input
// Create tx input base script sig
Script scriptSig = PegTestUtils.createBaseInputScriptThatSpendsFromTheFederation(retiringFederation);
// Create sighash
Script redeemScript = ScriptBuilder.createRedeemScript(retiringFederation.getNumberOfSignaturesRequired(), retiringFederation.getPublicKeys());
Sha256Hash sighash = tx.hashForSignature(0, redeemScript, BtcTransaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
// Sign by federator 0
BtcECKey.ECDSASignature sig0 = retiringFederationKeys.get(0).sign(sighash);
TransactionSignature txSig0 = new TransactionSignature(sig0, BtcTransaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
int sigIndex0 = scriptSig.getSigInsertionIndex(sighash, retiringFederation.getPublicKeys().get(0));
scriptSig = ScriptBuilder.updateScriptWithSignature(scriptSig, txSig0.encodeToBitcoin(), sigIndex0, 1, 1);
// Sign by federator 1
BtcECKey.ECDSASignature sig1 = retiringFederationKeys.get(1).sign(sighash);
TransactionSignature txSig1 = new TransactionSignature(sig1, BtcTransaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
int sigIndex1 = scriptSig.getSigInsertionIndex(sighash, retiringFederation.getPublicKeys().get(1));
scriptSig = ScriptBuilder.updateScriptWithSignature(scriptSig, txSig1.encodeToBitcoin(), sigIndex1, 1, 1);
// Set scipt sign to tx input
Context btcContext = new Context(bridgeConstants.getBtcParams());
BtcBlockStore btcBlockStore = new RepositoryBlockStore(config, track, PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR);
BtcBlockChain btcBlockChain = new SimpleBlockChain(btcContext, btcBlockStore);
BridgeStorageProvider provider = new BridgeStorageProvider(track, contractAddress, config.getBlockchainConfig().getCommonConstants().getBridgeConstants());
BridgeSupport bridgeSupport = new BridgeSupport(config, track, null, config.getBlockchainConfig().getCommonConstants().getBridgeConstants(), provider, btcBlockStore, btcBlockChain);
Whitebox.setInternalState(bridgeSupport, "rskExecutionBlock", executionBlock);
byte[] bits = new byte[1];
bits[0] = 0x3f;
List<Sha256Hash> hashes = new ArrayList<>();
PartialMerkleTree pmt = new PartialMerkleTree(btcParams, bits, hashes, 1);
List<Sha256Hash> hashlist = new ArrayList<>();
Sha256Hash merkleRoot = pmt.getTxnHashAndMerkleRoot(hashlist);
co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcBlock block = new co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcBlock(btcParams, 1, PegTestUtils.createHash(), merkleRoot, 1, 1, 1, new ArrayList<BtcTransaction>());
((SimpleBlockChain) btcBlockChain).useHighBlock();
bridgeSupport.registerBtcTransaction(mock(Transaction.class), tx, 1, pmt);;
((SimpleBlockChain) btcBlockChain).useBlock();
List<UTXO> activeFederationBtcUTXOs = provider.getNewFederationBtcUTXOs();
List<Coin> activeFederationBtcCoins =;
assertThat(activeFederationBtcUTXOs, hasSize(1));
assertThat(activeFederationBtcCoins, hasItem(Coin.COIN));
use of co.rsk.bitcoinj.script.Script in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class BridgeSupportTest method addSignatureMultipleInputsPartiallyValid.
public void addSignatureMultipleInputsPartiallyValid() throws Exception {
// Federation is the genesis federation ATM
Federation federation = bridgeConstants.getGenesisFederation();
Repository repository = new RepositoryImpl(config);
final Keccak256 keccak256 = PegTestUtils.createHash3();
Repository track = repository.startTracking();
BridgeStorageProvider provider = new BridgeStorageProvider(track, PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR, bridgeConstants);
BtcTransaction prevTx1 = new BtcTransaction(btcParams);
TransactionOutput prevOut1 = new TransactionOutput(btcParams, prevTx1, Coin.FIFTY_COINS, federation.getAddress());
BtcTransaction prevTx2 = new BtcTransaction(btcParams);
TransactionOutput prevOut2 = new TransactionOutput(btcParams, prevTx1, Coin.FIFTY_COINS, federation.getAddress());
BtcTransaction prevTx3 = new BtcTransaction(btcParams);
TransactionOutput prevOut3 = new TransactionOutput(btcParams, prevTx1, Coin.FIFTY_COINS, federation.getAddress());
BtcTransaction t = new BtcTransaction(btcParams);
TransactionOutput output = new TransactionOutput(btcParams, t, Coin.COIN, new BtcECKey().toAddress(btcParams));
provider.getRskTxsWaitingForSignatures().put(keccak256, t);;
track = repository.startTracking();
List<LogInfo> logs = new ArrayList<>();
BridgeEventLogger eventLogger = new BridgeEventLoggerImpl(bridgeConstants, logs);
BridgeSupport bridgeSupport = new BridgeSupport(config, track, eventLogger, contractAddress, (Block) null);
// Generate valid signatures for inputs
List<byte[]> derEncodedSigsFirstFed = new ArrayList<>();
List<byte[]> derEncodedSigsSecondFed = new ArrayList<>();
BtcECKey privateKeyOfFirstFed = ((BridgeRegTestConstants) bridgeConstants).getFederatorPrivateKeys().get(0);
BtcECKey privateKeyOfSecondFed = ((BridgeRegTestConstants) bridgeConstants).getFederatorPrivateKeys().get(1);
BtcECKey.ECDSASignature lastSig = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Script inputScript = t.getInput(i).getScriptSig();
List<ScriptChunk> chunks = inputScript.getChunks();
byte[] program = chunks.get(chunks.size() - 1).data;
Script redeemScript = new Script(program);
Sha256Hash sighash = t.hashForSignature(i, redeemScript, BtcTransaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
// Sign the last input with a random key
// but keep the good signature for a subsequent call
BtcECKey.ECDSASignature sig = privateKeyOfFirstFed.sign(sighash);
if (i == 2) {
lastSig = sig;
sig = new BtcECKey().sign(sighash);
// Sign with two valid signatuers and one invalid signature
bridgeSupport.addSignature(1, findPublicKeySignedBy(federation.getPublicKeys(), privateKeyOfFirstFed), derEncodedSigsFirstFed, keccak256.getBytes());;
// Sign with two valid signatuers and one malformed signature
byte[] malformedSignature = new byte[lastSig.encodeToDER().length];
for (int i = 0; i < malformedSignature.length; i++) {
malformedSignature[i] = (byte) i;
derEncodedSigsFirstFed.set(2, malformedSignature);
bridgeSupport.addSignature(1, findPublicKeySignedBy(federation.getPublicKeys(), privateKeyOfFirstFed), derEncodedSigsFirstFed, keccak256.getBytes());;
// Sign with fully valid signatures for same federator
derEncodedSigsFirstFed.set(2, lastSig.encodeToDER());
bridgeSupport.addSignature(1, findPublicKeySignedBy(federation.getPublicKeys(), privateKeyOfFirstFed), derEncodedSigsFirstFed, keccak256.getBytes());;
// Sign with second federation
bridgeSupport.addSignature(1, findPublicKeySignedBy(federation.getPublicKeys(), privateKeyOfSecondFed), derEncodedSigsSecondFed, keccak256.getBytes());;
provider = new BridgeStorageProvider(repository, PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR, bridgeConstants);
Assert.assertThat(logs, is(not(empty())));
Assert.assertThat(logs, hasSize(5));
LogInfo releaseTxEvent = logs.get(4);
Assert.assertThat(releaseTxEvent.getTopics(), hasSize(1));
Assert.assertThat(releaseTxEvent.getTopics(), hasItem(Bridge.RELEASE_BTC_TOPIC));
BtcTransaction releaseTx = new BtcTransaction(bridgeConstants.getBtcParams(), ((RLPList) RLP.decode2(releaseTxEvent.getData()).get(0)).get(1).getRLPData());
// Verify all inputs fully signed
for (int i = 0; i < releaseTx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
Script retrievedScriptSig = releaseTx.getInput(i).getScriptSig();
Assert.assertEquals(4, retrievedScriptSig.getChunks().size());
Assert.assertEquals(true, retrievedScriptSig.getChunks().get(1).data.length > 0);
Assert.assertEquals(true, retrievedScriptSig.getChunks().get(2).data.length > 0);