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Example 6 with BlockStoreException

use of in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class BridgeSupport method getBtcBlockchainBlockLocator.

 * @deprecated
 * Returns an array of block hashes known by the bridge contract.
 * Federators can use this to find what is the latest block in the mainchain the bridge has.
 * @return a List of bitcoin block hashes
public List<Sha256Hash> getBtcBlockchainBlockLocator() throws IOException, BlockStoreException {
    StoredBlock initialBtcStoredBlock = this.getLowestBlock();
    final int maxHashesToInform = 100;
    List<Sha256Hash> blockLocator = new ArrayList<>();
    StoredBlock cursor = getBtcBlockchainChainHead();
    int bestBlockHeight = cursor.getHeight();
    if (bestBlockHeight > initialBtcStoredBlock.getHeight()) {
        boolean stop = false;
        int i = 0;
        try {
            while (blockLocator.size() <= maxHashesToInform && !stop) {
                int blockHeight = (int) (bestBlockHeight - Math.pow(2, i));
                if (blockHeight <= initialBtcStoredBlock.getHeight()) {
                    stop = true;
                } else {
                    cursor = this.getPrevBlockAtHeight(cursor, blockHeight);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Failed to walk the block chain whilst constructing a locator");
            panicProcessor.panic("btcblockchain", "Failed to walk the block chain whilst constructing a locator");
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        if (!stop) {
    return blockLocator;
Also used : StoredBlock(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.StoredBlock) Sha256Hash(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VMException(org.ethereum.vm.exception.VMException) UTXOProviderException(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.UTXOProviderException) VerificationException(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.VerificationException) InsufficientMoneyException(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.InsufficientMoneyException) AddressFormatException(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException) IOException( BlockStoreException( PeginInstructionsException(co.rsk.peg.pegininstructions.PeginInstructionsException)

Example 7 with BlockStoreException

use of in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class BridgeSupportTestPowerMock method getBtcTransactionConfirmationsGetCost_getBestChainHeightError.

public void getBtcTransactionConfirmationsGetCost_getBestChainHeightError() throws BlockStoreException {
    ActivationConfig.ForBlock activations = mock(ActivationConfig.ForBlock.class);
    Repository repository = createRepository();
    Repository track = repository.startTracking();
    Sha256Hash blockHash = Sha256Hash.of(Hex.decode("aabbcc"));
    StoredBlock block = new StoredBlock(null, new BigInteger("0"), 50);
    BtcBlockStoreWithCache btcBlockStore = mock(BtcBlockStoreWithCache.class);
    BridgeStorageProvider provider = new BridgeStorageProvider(track, PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR, bridgeConstants, activationsBeforeForks);
    BtcBlockStoreWithCache.Factory mockFactory = mock(BtcBlockStoreWithCache.Factory.class);
    when(mockFactory.newInstance(track, bridgeConstants, provider, activations)).thenReturn(btcBlockStore);
    when(btcBlockStore.getChainHead()).thenThrow(new BlockStoreException(""));
    BridgeSupport bridgeSupport = getBridgeSupport(provider, track, mockFactory, activations);
    Object[] args = new Object[4];
    args[1] = blockHash.getBytes();
    long cost = bridgeSupport.getBtcTransactionConfirmationsGetCost(args);
    Assert.assertEquals(27_000, cost);
Also used : BlockStoreException( ActivationConfig(org.ethereum.config.blockchain.upgrades.ActivationConfig) MutableRepository(org.ethereum.db.MutableRepository) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) ActivationConfigsForTest(org.ethereum.config.blockchain.upgrades.ActivationConfigsForTest) PrepareForTest(org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with BlockStoreException

use of in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class BridgeSupport method registerBtcTransaction.

 * In case of a lock tx: Transfers some SBTCs to the sender of the btc tx and keeps track of the new UTXOs available for spending.
 * In case of a release tx: Keeps track of the change UTXOs, now available for spending.
 * @param btcTx The bitcoin transaction
 * @param height The height of the bitcoin block that contains the tx
 * @param pmt Partial Merklee Tree that proves the tx is included in the btc block
 * @throws BlockStoreException
 * @throws IOException
public void registerBtcTransaction(Transaction rskTx, BtcTransaction btcTx, int height, PartialMerkleTree pmt) throws BlockStoreException, IOException {
    Federation federation = getActiveFederation();
    // Check the tx was not already processed
    if (provider.getBtcTxHashesAlreadyProcessed().keySet().contains(btcTx.getHash())) {
        logger.warn("Supplied tx was already processed");
    // Check the tx is in the partial merkle tree
    List<Sha256Hash> hashesInPmt = new ArrayList<>();
    Sha256Hash merkleRoot = pmt.getTxnHashAndMerkleRoot(hashesInPmt);
    if (!hashesInPmt.contains(btcTx.getHash())) {
        logger.warn("Supplied tx is not in the supplied partial merkle tree");
        panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "Supplied tx is not in the supplied partial merkle tree");
    if (height < 0) {
        logger.warn("Height is " + height + " but should be greater than 0");
        panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "Height is " + height + " but should be greater than 0");
    // Check there are at least N blocks on top of the supplied height
    int headHeight = btcBlockChain.getBestChainHeight();
    if ((headHeight - height + 1) < bridgeConstants.getBtc2RskMinimumAcceptableConfirmations()) {
        logger.warn("At least " + bridgeConstants.getBtc2RskMinimumAcceptableConfirmations() + " confirmations are required, but there are only " + (headHeight - height) + " confirmations");
    // Check the the merkle root equals merkle root of btc block at specified height in the btc best chain
    BtcBlock blockHeader = BridgeUtils.getStoredBlockAtHeight(btcBlockStore, height).getHeader();
    if (!blockHeader.getMerkleRoot().equals(merkleRoot)) {
        logger.warn("Supplied merkle root " + merkleRoot + "does not match block's merkle root " + blockHeader.getMerkleRoot());
        panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "Supplied merkle root " + merkleRoot + "does not match block's merkle root " + blockHeader.getMerkleRoot());
    // Checks the transaction contents for sanity
    if (btcTx.getInputs().isEmpty()) {
        logger.warn("Tx has no inputs " + btcTx);
        panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "Tx has no inputs " + btcTx);
    boolean locked = true;
    // Specific code for lock/release/none txs
    if (BridgeUtils.isLockTx(btcTx, getLiveFederations(), btcContext, bridgeConstants)) {
        logger.debug("This is a lock tx {}", btcTx);
        Script scriptSig = btcTx.getInput(0).getScriptSig();
        if (scriptSig.getChunks().size() != 2) {
            logger.warn("First input does not spend a Pay-to-PubkeyHash " + btcTx.getInput(0));
            panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "First input does not spend a Pay-to-PubkeyHash " + btcTx.getInput(0));
        // Compute the total amount sent. Value could have been sent both to the
        // currently active federation as well as to the currently retiring federation.
        // Add both amounts up in that case.
        Coin amountToActive = btcTx.getValueSentToMe(getActiveFederationWallet());
        Coin amountToRetiring = Coin.ZERO;
        Wallet retiringFederationWallet = getRetiringFederationWallet();
        if (retiringFederationWallet != null) {
            amountToRetiring = btcTx.getValueSentToMe(retiringFederationWallet);
        Coin totalAmount = amountToActive.add(amountToRetiring);
        // Get the sender public key
        byte[] data = scriptSig.getChunks().get(1).data;
        // Tx is a lock tx, check whether the sender is whitelisted
        BtcECKey senderBtcKey = BtcECKey.fromPublicOnly(data);
        Address senderBtcAddress = new Address(btcContext.getParams(), senderBtcKey.getPubKeyHash());
        // If the address is not whitelisted, then return the funds
        // using the exact same utxos sent to us.
        // That is, build a release transaction and get it in the release transaction set.
        // Otherwise, transfer SBTC to the sender of the BTC
        // The RSK account to update is the one that matches the pubkey "spent" on the first bitcoin tx input
        LockWhitelist lockWhitelist = provider.getLockWhitelist();
        if (!lockWhitelist.isWhitelistedFor(senderBtcAddress, totalAmount, height)) {
            locked = false;
            // Build the list of UTXOs in the BTC transaction sent to either the active
            // or retiring federation
            List<UTXO> utxosToUs = btcTx.getWalletOutputs(getNoSpendWalletForLiveFederations()).stream().map(output -> new UTXO(btcTx.getHash(), output.getIndex(), output.getValue(), 0, btcTx.isCoinBase(), output.getScriptPubKey())).collect(Collectors.toList());
            // Use the list of UTXOs to build a transaction builder
            // for the return btc transaction generation
            ReleaseTransactionBuilder txBuilder = new ReleaseTransactionBuilder(btcContext.getParams(), getUTXOBasedWalletForLiveFederations(utxosToUs), senderBtcAddress, getFeePerKb());
            Optional<ReleaseTransactionBuilder.BuildResult> buildReturnResult = txBuilder.buildEmptyWalletTo(senderBtcAddress);
            if (buildReturnResult.isPresent()) {
                provider.getReleaseTransactionSet().add(buildReturnResult.get().getBtcTx(), rskExecutionBlock.getNumber());
      "whitelist money return tx build successful to {}. Tx {}. Value {}.", senderBtcAddress, rskTx, totalAmount);
            } else {
                logger.warn("whitelist money return tx build for btc tx {} error. Return was to {}. Tx {}. Value {}", btcTx.getHash(), senderBtcAddress, rskTx, totalAmount);
                panicProcessor.panic("whitelist-return-funds", String.format("whitelist money return tx build for btc tx {} error. Return was to {}. Tx {}. Value {}", btcTx.getHash(), senderBtcAddress, rskTx, totalAmount));
        } else {
            org.ethereum.crypto.ECKey key = org.ethereum.crypto.ECKey.fromPublicOnly(data);
            RskAddress sender = new RskAddress(key.getAddress());
            rskRepository.transfer(PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR, sender, co.rsk.core.Coin.fromBitcoin(totalAmount));
    } else if (BridgeUtils.isReleaseTx(btcTx, federation, bridgeConstants)) {
        logger.debug("This is a release tx {}", btcTx);
    // do-nothing
    // We could call removeUsedUTXOs(btcTx) here, but we decided to not do that.
    // Used utxos should had been removed when we created the release tx.
    // Invoking removeUsedUTXOs() here would make "some" sense in theses scenarios:
    // a) In testnet, devnet or local: we restart the RSK blockchain whithout changing the federation address. We don't want to have utxos that were already spent.
    // Open problem: TxA spends TxB. registerBtcTransaction() for TxB is called, it spends a utxo the bridge is not yet aware of,
    // so nothing is removed. Then registerBtcTransaction() for TxA and the "already spent" utxo is added as it was not spent.
    // When is not guaranteed to be called in the chronological order, so a Federator can inform
    // b) In prod: Federator created a tx manually or the federation was compromised and some utxos were spent. Better not try to spend them.
    // Open problem: For performance removeUsedUTXOs() just removes 1 utxo
    } else if (BridgeUtils.isMigrationTx(btcTx, getActiveFederation(), getRetiringFederation(), btcContext, bridgeConstants)) {
        logger.debug("This is a migration tx {}", btcTx);
    } else {
        logger.warn("This is not a lock, a release nor a migration tx {}", btcTx);
        panicProcessor.panic("btclock", "This is not a lock, a release nor a migration tx " + btcTx);
    Sha256Hash btcTxHash = btcTx.getHash();
    // Mark tx as processed on this block
    provider.getBtcTxHashesAlreadyProcessed().put(btcTxHash, rskExecutionBlock.getNumber());
    // locked the funds.
    if (locked) {
    }"BTC Tx {} processed in RSK", btcTxHash);
Also used : java.util(java.util) Hex(org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) RskAddress(co.rsk.core.RskAddress) Keccak256(co.rsk.crypto.Keccak256) Block(org.ethereum.core.Block) TransactionSignature(co.rsk.bitcoinj.crypto.TransactionSignature) Pair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair) BridgeConstants(co.rsk.config.BridgeConstants) co.rsk.bitcoinj.core(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core) PrecompiledContracts(org.ethereum.vm.PrecompiledContracts) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) Wallet(co.rsk.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet) BtcBlockStore( PanicProcessor(co.rsk.panic.PanicProcessor) ScriptChunk(co.rsk.bitcoinj.script.ScriptChunk) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) IOException( Instant(java.time.Instant) Repository(org.ethereum.core.Repository) Collectors( SendRequest(co.rsk.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest) Program(org.ethereum.vm.program.Program) ScriptBuilder(co.rsk.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder) Script(co.rsk.bitcoinj.script.Script) BlockStoreException( VisibleForTesting( RskSystemProperties(co.rsk.config.RskSystemProperties) BridgeEventLogger(co.rsk.peg.utils.BridgeEventLogger) Transaction(org.ethereum.core.Transaction) InputStream( Script(co.rsk.bitcoinj.script.Script) RskAddress(co.rsk.core.RskAddress) Wallet(co.rsk.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet) RskAddress(co.rsk.core.RskAddress)

Example 9 with BlockStoreException

use of in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class BtcBlockchainTest method buildInitializer.

private BridgeStorageProviderInitializer buildInitializer() {
    final int minBtcBlocks = 1000;
    final int maxBtcBlocks = 2000;
    return (BridgeStorageProvider provider, Repository repository, int executionIndex) -> {
        BtcBlockStore btcBlockStore = new RepositoryBlockStore(new RskSystemProperties(), repository, PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR);
        Context btcContext = new Context(networkParameters);
        BtcBlockChain btcBlockChain;
        try {
            btcBlockChain = new BtcBlockChain(btcContext, btcBlockStore);
        } catch (BlockStoreException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing btc blockchain for tests");
        int blocksToGenerate = Helper.randomInRange(minBtcBlocks, maxBtcBlocks);
        Helper.generateAndAddBlocks(btcBlockChain, blocksToGenerate);
Also used : Context(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.Context) Repository(org.ethereum.core.Repository) BlockStoreException( BridgeStorageProvider(co.rsk.peg.BridgeStorageProvider) RepositoryBlockStore(co.rsk.peg.RepositoryBlockStore) BtcBlockStore( BtcBlockChain(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcBlockChain) RskSystemProperties(co.rsk.config.RskSystemProperties)

Example 10 with BlockStoreException

use of in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class ReceiveHeadersTest method receiveHeaders.

public void receiveHeaders() throws IOException {
    final int minBtcBlocks = 1000;
    final int maxBtcBlocks = 2000;
    BridgeStorageProviderInitializer storageInitializer = (BridgeStorageProvider provider, Repository repository, int executionIndex) -> {
        BtcBlockStore btcBlockStore = new RepositoryBlockStore(new RskSystemProperties(), repository, PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR);
        Context btcContext = new Context(networkParameters);
        BtcBlockChain btcBlockChain;
        try {
            btcBlockChain = new BtcBlockChain(btcContext, btcBlockStore);
        } catch (BlockStoreException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing btc blockchain for tests");
        int blocksToGenerate = Helper.randomInRange(minBtcBlocks, maxBtcBlocks);
        BtcBlock lastBlock = Helper.generateAndAddBlocks(btcBlockChain, blocksToGenerate);
        blockToTry = Helper.generateBtcBlock(lastBlock);
    ABIEncoder abiEncoder = (int executionIndex) -> {
        List<BtcBlock> headersToSendToBridge = new ArrayList<>();
        // Send just one header (that's the only case we're interested in measuring atm
        Object[] headersEncoded = -> h.bitcoinSerialize()).toArray();
        return Bridge.RECEIVE_HEADERS.encode(new Object[] { headersEncoded });
    ExecutionStats stats = new ExecutionStats("receiveHeaders");
    executeAndAverage("receiveHeaders", 200, abiEncoder, storageInitializer, Helper.getZeroValueRandomSenderTxBuilder(), Helper.getRandomHeightProvider(10), stats);
Also used : Context(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.Context) BlockStoreException( BridgeStorageProvider(co.rsk.peg.BridgeStorageProvider) BtcBlockStore( BtcBlockChain(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcBlockChain) Repository(org.ethereum.core.Repository) RepositoryBlockStore(co.rsk.peg.RepositoryBlockStore) BtcBlock(co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcBlock) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) RskSystemProperties(co.rsk.config.RskSystemProperties) Test(org.junit.Test)


BlockStoreException ( StoredBlock (co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.StoredBlock)9 Sha256Hash (co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash)7 IOException ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)6 BtcBlockStore ( BridgeStorageProvider (co.rsk.peg.BridgeStorageProvider)5 Repository (org.ethereum.core.Repository)5 VMException (org.ethereum.vm.exception.VMException)5 BtcBlock (co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcBlock)4 VerificationException (co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.VerificationException)4 RskSystemProperties (co.rsk.config.RskSystemProperties)4 Test (org.junit.Test)4 AddressFormatException (co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException)3 InsufficientMoneyException (co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.InsufficientMoneyException)3 UTXOProviderException (co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.UTXOProviderException)3 RepositoryBlockStore (co.rsk.peg.RepositoryBlockStore)3 PeginInstructionsException (co.rsk.peg.pegininstructions.PeginInstructionsException)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 BtcBlockChain (co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcBlockChain)2