use of co.rsk.peg.BridgeSupportFactory in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class EthModuleTest method callWithoutReturn.
public void callWithoutReturn() {
CallArguments args = new CallArguments();
BlockResult blockResult = mock(BlockResult.class);
Block block = mock(Block.class);
ExecutionBlockRetriever retriever = mock(ExecutionBlockRetriever.class);
byte[] hReturn = new byte[0];
ProgramResult executorResult = mock(ProgramResult.class);
ReversibleTransactionExecutor executor = mock(ReversibleTransactionExecutor.class);
when(executor.executeTransaction(eq(blockResult.getBlock()), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(executorResult);
EthModule eth = new EthModule(null, anyByte(), null, null, executor, retriever, null, null, null, new BridgeSupportFactory(null, null, null), config.getGasEstimationCap());
String expectedResult = TypeConverter.toUnformattedJsonHex(hReturn);
String actualResult =, "latest");
assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
use of co.rsk.peg.BridgeSupportFactory in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class RemascTestRunner method start.
public void start() {
this.blockchain =;
((BlockChainImpl) this.blockchain).setNoValidation(true);
this.addedSiblings = new ArrayList<>();
List<Block> mainChainBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
BlockFactory blockFactory = new BlockFactory(builder.getConfig().getActivationConfig());
final ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl programInvokeFactory = new ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl();
BlockTxSignatureCache blockTxSignatureCache = new BlockTxSignatureCache(new ReceivedTxSignatureCache());
BridgeSupportFactory bridgeSupportFactory = new BridgeSupportFactory(new RepositoryBtcBlockStoreWithCache.Factory(builder.getConfig().getNetworkConstants().getBridgeConstants().getBtcParams()), builder.getConfig().getNetworkConstants().getBridgeConstants(), builder.getConfig().getActivationConfig());
PrecompiledContracts precompiledContracts = new PrecompiledContracts(builder.getConfig(), bridgeSupportFactory);
BlockExecutor blockExecutor = new BlockExecutor(builder.getConfig().getActivationConfig(), builder.getRepositoryLocator(), new TransactionExecutorFactory(builder.getConfig(), builder.getBlockStore(), null, blockFactory, programInvokeFactory, precompiledContracts, blockTxSignatureCache));
for (int i = 0; i <= this.initialHeight; i++) {
int finalI = i;
List<SiblingElement> siblingsForCurrentHeight = -> siblingElement.getHeightToBeIncluded() == finalI).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<BlockHeader> blockSiblings = new ArrayList<>();
// Going to add siblings
BlockDifficulty cummDifficulty = BlockDifficulty.ZERO;
if (siblingsForCurrentHeight.size() > 0) {
cummDifficulty = blockchain.getTotalDifficulty();
for (SiblingElement sibling : siblingsForCurrentHeight) {
RskAddress siblingCoinbase = TestUtils.randomAddress();
Block mainchainSiblingParent = mainChainBlocks.get(sibling.getHeight() - 1);
Block siblingBlock = createBlock(this.genesis, mainchainSiblingParent, PegTestUtils.createHash3(), siblingCoinbase, Collections.emptyList(), minerFee, this.gasPrice, (long) i, this.txValue, this.txSigningKey, null);
builder.getBlockStore().saveBlock(siblingBlock, cummDifficulty.add(siblingBlock.getCumulativeDifficulty()), false);
long txNonce = i;
RskAddress coinbase = fixedCoinbase != null ? fixedCoinbase : TestUtils.randomAddress();
Block block = createBlock(this.genesis, this.blockchain.getBestBlock(), PegTestUtils.createHash3(), coinbase, blockSiblings, minerFee, this.gasPrice, txNonce, this.txValue, this.txSigningKey, null);
blockExecutor.executeAndFillAll(block, this.blockchain.getBestBlock().getHeader());
ImportResult result = this.blockchain.tryToConnect(block);
use of co.rsk.peg.BridgeSupportFactory in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class BlockExecutorTest method buildBlockExecutor.
private static BlockExecutor buildBlockExecutor(TrieStore store, RskSystemProperties config) {
StateRootHandler stateRootHandler = new StateRootHandler(config.getActivationConfig(), new StateRootsStoreImpl(new HashMapDB()));
Factory btcBlockStoreFactory = new RepositoryBtcBlockStoreWithCache.Factory(config.getNetworkConstants().getBridgeConstants().getBtcParams());
BridgeSupportFactory bridgeSupportFactory = new BridgeSupportFactory(btcBlockStoreFactory, config.getNetworkConstants().getBridgeConstants(), config.getActivationConfig());
return new BlockExecutor(config.getActivationConfig(), new RepositoryLocator(store, stateRootHandler), new TransactionExecutorFactory(config, null, null, BLOCK_FACTORY, new ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl(), new PrecompiledContracts(config, bridgeSupportFactory), new BlockTxSignatureCache(new ReceivedTxSignatureCache())));
use of co.rsk.peg.BridgeSupportFactory in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class TransactionTest method constantCallConflictTest.
public void constantCallConflictTest() throws Exception {
0x095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87 contract is the following Solidity code:
contract Test {
uint a = 256;
function set(uint s) {
a = s;
function get() returns (uint) {
return a;
String json = "{ " + " 'test1' : { " + " 'env' : { " + " 'currentCoinbase' : '2adc25665018aa1fe0e6bc666dac8fc2697ff9ba', " + " 'currentDifficulty' : '0x0100', " + " 'currentGasLimit' : '0x0f4240', " + " 'currentNumber' : '0x00', " + " 'currentTimestamp' : '0x01', " + " 'previousHash' : '5e20a0453cecd065ea59c37ac63e079ee08998b6045136a8ce6635c7912ec0b6' " + " }, " + " 'logs' : [ " + " ], " + " 'out' : '0x', " + " 'post' : { " + " '095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87' : { " + " 'balance' : '0x0de0b6b3a76586a0', " + " 'code' : '0x606060405260e060020a600035046360fe47b1811460245780636d4ce63c14602e575b005b6004356000556022565b6000546060908152602090f3', " + " 'nonce' : '0x00', " + " 'storage' : { " + " '0x00' : '0x0400' " + " } " + " }, " + " '" + PrecompiledContracts.REMASC_ADDR_STR + "' : { " + " 'balance' : '0x67EB', " + " 'code' : '0x', " + " 'nonce' : '0x00', " + " 'storage' : { " + " } " + " }, " + " 'a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b' : { " + " 'balance' : '0x0DE0B6B3A7621175', " + " 'code' : '0x', " + " 'nonce' : '0x01', " + " 'storage' : { " + " } " + " } " + " }, " + " 'postStateRoot' : '17454a767e5f04461256f3812ffca930443c04a47d05ce3f38940c4a14b8c479', " + " 'pre' : { " + " '095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87' : { " + " 'balance' : '0x0de0b6b3a7640000', " + " 'code' : '0x606060405260e060020a600035046360fe47b1811460245780636d4ce63c14602e575b005b6004356000556022565b6000546060908152602090f3', " + " 'nonce' : '0x00', " + " 'storage' : { " + " '0x00' : '0x02' " + " } " + " }, " + " 'a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b' : { " + " 'balance' : '0x0de0b6b3a7640000', " + " 'code' : '0x', " + " 'nonce' : '0x00', " + " 'storage' : { " + " } " + " } " + " }, " + " 'transaction' : { " + " 'data' : '0x60fe47b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000400', " + " 'gasLimit' : '0x061a80', " + " 'gasPrice' : '0x01', " + " 'nonce' : '0x00', " + " 'secretKey' : '45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8', " + " 'to' : '095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87', " + " 'value' : '0x0186a0' " + " } " + " } " + "}";
// The transaction calls the method set() (signature 0x60fe47b1)
// passing the argument 0x400 (1024 in decimal)
// So the contract storage cell at address 0x00 should contain 0x400.
StateTestSuite stateTestSuite = new StateTestSuite(json.replaceAll("'", "\""));
// Executes only the test1.
// Overrides the execution of the transaction to first execute a "get"
// and then proceed with the "set" specified in JSON.
// Why? I don't know. Maybe just to test if the returned value is the correct one.
List<String> res = new StateTestRunner(stateTestSuite.getTestCases().get("test1")) {
protected ProgramResult executeTransaction(Transaction tx) {
// first emulating the constant call (Ethereum.callConstantFunction)
// to ensure it doesn't affect the final state
Repository track = repository.startTracking();
Transaction txConst = CallTransaction.createCallTransaction(0, 0, 100000000000000L, new RskAddress("095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87"), 0, CallTransaction.Function.fromSignature("get"), chainId);
txConst.sign(new byte[] {});
Block bestBlock = block;
BridgeSupportFactory bridgeSupportFactory = new BridgeSupportFactory(new RepositoryBtcBlockStoreWithCache.Factory(config.getNetworkConstants().getBridgeConstants().getBtcParams()), config.getNetworkConstants().getBridgeConstants(), config.getActivationConfig());
precompiledContracts = new PrecompiledContracts(config, bridgeSupportFactory);
TransactionExecutorFactory transactionExecutorFactory = new TransactionExecutorFactory(config, new BlockStoreDummy(), null, blockFactory, invokeFactory, precompiledContracts, new BlockTxSignatureCache(new ReceivedTxSignatureCache()));
TransactionExecutor executor = transactionExecutorFactory.newInstance(txConst, 0, bestBlock.getCoinbase(), track, bestBlock, 0).setLocalCall(true);
System.out.println("Return value: " + new CallTransaction.IntType("uint").decode(executor.getResult().getHReturn()));
// now executing the JSON test transaction
return super.executeTransaction(tx);
if (!res.isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: " + res);
use of co.rsk.peg.BridgeSupportFactory in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class World method getBlockExecutor.
public BlockExecutor getBlockExecutor() {
final ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl programInvokeFactory = new ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl();
Factory btcBlockStoreFactory = new RepositoryBtcBlockStoreWithCache.Factory(config.getNetworkConstants().getBridgeConstants().getBtcParams());
BridgeSupportFactory bridgeSupportFactory = new BridgeSupportFactory(btcBlockStoreFactory, config.getNetworkConstants().getBridgeConstants(), config.getActivationConfig());
if (this.blockExecutor == null) {
this.blockExecutor = new BlockExecutor(config.getActivationConfig(), new RepositoryLocator(getTrieStore(), stateRootHandler), new TransactionExecutorFactory(config, blockStore, null, new BlockFactory(config.getActivationConfig()), programInvokeFactory, new PrecompiledContracts(config, bridgeSupportFactory), blockTxSignatureCache));
return this.blockExecutor;