use of co.rsk.peg.ReleaseRequestQueue in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class UpdateCollectionsTest method updateCollections_buildReleaseTxs.
private void updateCollections_buildReleaseTxs(ExecutionStats stats, int numCases) throws IOException {
final int minUTXOs = 1;
final int maxUTXOs = 1000;
final int minMilliBtc = 1;
final int maxMilliBtc = 1000;
final int minReleaseRequests = 1;
final int maxReleaseRequests = 100;
final int minMilliReleaseBtc = 10;
final int maxMilliReleaseBtc = 2000;
final NetworkParameters parameters = NetworkParameters.fromID(NetworkParameters.ID_REGTEST);
BridgeStorageProviderInitializer storageInitializer = (BridgeStorageProvider provider, Repository repository, int executionIndex) -> {
Random rnd = new Random();
List<UTXO> utxos;
ReleaseRequestQueue queue;
try {
utxos = provider.getNewFederationBtcUTXOs();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to gather active federation btc utxos");
try {
queue = provider.getReleaseRequestQueue();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to gather release request queue");
// Generate some utxos
int numUTXOs = Helper.randomInRange(minUTXOs, maxUTXOs);
Script federationScript = BridgeRegTestConstants.getInstance().getGenesisFederation().getP2SHScript();
for (int i = 0; i < numUTXOs; i++) {
Sha256Hash hash = Sha256Hash.wrap(HashUtil.sha256(BigInteger.valueOf(rnd.nextLong()).toByteArray()));
Coin value = Coin.MILLICOIN.multiply(Helper.randomInRange(minMilliBtc, maxMilliBtc));
utxos.add(new UTXO(hash, 0, value, 1, false, federationScript));
// Generate some release requests to process
for (int i = 0; i < Helper.randomInRange(minReleaseRequests, maxReleaseRequests); i++) {
Coin value = Coin.MILLICOIN.multiply(Helper.randomInRange(minMilliReleaseBtc, maxMilliReleaseBtc));
queue.add(new BtcECKey().toAddress(parameters), value);
final byte[] updateCollectionsEncoded = Bridge.UPDATE_COLLECTIONS.encode();
ABIEncoder abiEncoder = (int executionIndex) -> updateCollectionsEncoded;
executeAndAverage("updateCollections-releaseRequests", numCases, abiEncoder, storageInitializer, Helper.getZeroValueRandomSenderTxBuilder(), Helper.getRandomHeightProvider(10), stats);
use of co.rsk.peg.ReleaseRequestQueue in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class ReleaseBtcTest method releaseBtc.
public void releaseBtc() throws IOException {
int minCentsBtc = 5;
int maxCentsBtc = 100;
final NetworkParameters parameters = NetworkParameters.fromID(NetworkParameters.ID_REGTEST);
BridgeStorageProviderInitializer storageInitializer = (BridgeStorageProvider provider, Repository repository, int executionIndex) -> {
ReleaseRequestQueue queue;
try {
queue = provider.getReleaseRequestQueue();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to gather release request queue");
for (int i = 0; i < Helper.randomInRange(10, 100); i++) {
Coin value = Coin.CENT.multiply(Helper.randomInRange(minCentsBtc, maxCentsBtc));
queue.add(new BtcECKey().toAddress(parameters), value);
final byte[] releaseBtcEncoded = Bridge.RELEASE_BTC.encode();
ABIEncoder abiEncoder = (int executionIndex) -> releaseBtcEncoded;
TxBuilder txBuilder = (int executionIndex) -> {
long satoshis = Coin.CENT.multiply(Helper.randomInRange(minCentsBtc, maxCentsBtc)).getValue();
BigInteger weis = Denomination.satoshisToWeis(BigInteger.valueOf(satoshis));
ECKey sender = new ECKey();
return Helper.buildSendValueTx(sender, weis);
ExecutionStats stats = new ExecutionStats("releaseBtc");
executeAndAverage("releaseBtc", 1000, abiEncoder, storageInitializer, txBuilder, Helper.getRandomHeightProvider(10), stats);