use of codec.asn1.DERDecoder in project core by jcryptool.
the class ImportManager method importPFX.
public PFX importPFX(IPath path) {
BufferedInputStream is;
try {
IFileStore fileStore = EFS.getStore(URIUtil.toURI(path));
is = new BufferedInputStream(fileStore.openInputStream(EFS.NONE, null));
PFX pfx = new PFX();
DERDecoder decoder = new DERDecoder(is);
return pfx;
} catch (CoreException e) {
LogUtil.logError(FlexiProviderKeystorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "CoreException while accessing a file store", e, true);
} catch (ASN1Exception e) {
LogUtil.logError(FlexiProviderKeystorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "ASN1Exception while decoding a pfx", e, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
LogUtil.logError(FlexiProviderKeystorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "IOException while decoding a pfx", e, false);
return null;