use of com.RuleApi.entity.TypechoApiconfig in project RuleApi by buxia97.
the class UploadController method ftpUpload.
* 上传到远程ftp
@RequestMapping(value = "ftpUpload", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String ftpUpload(@RequestParam(value = "file") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "token", required = false) String token) {
Integer uStatus = UStatus.getStatus(token, this.dataprefix, redisTemplate);
if (uStatus == 0) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "用户未登录或Token验证失败", null);
String oldFileName = file.getOriginalFilename();
// 检查是否是图片
BufferedImage bi = null;
try {
bi =;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (bi == null) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "请上传图片文件", null);
FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();
// 检查是否是图片
try {
// 指定存放上传文件的目录
ApplicationHome h = new ApplicationHome(getClass());
File jarF = h.getSource();
/* 配置文件路径 */
String classespath = jarF.getParentFile().toString() + "/files";
String decodeClassespath = URLDecoder.decode(classespath, "utf-8");
String fileDir = decodeClassespath + "/temp";
File dir = new File(fileDir);
// 判断目录是否存在,不存在则创建目录
if (!dir.exists()) {
// 生成新文件名,防止文件名重复而导致文件覆盖
// 1、获取原文件后缀名 .img .jpg ....
String originalFileName = file.getOriginalFilename();
// String suffix = originalFileName.substring(originalFileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
// 应对图片剪裁后的无后缀图片
String suffix = "";
try {
suffix = originalFileName.substring(originalFileName.lastIndexOf("."));
} catch (Exception e) {
originalFileName = originalFileName + ".png";
suffix = originalFileName.substring(originalFileName.lastIndexOf("."));
// 2、使用UUID生成新文件名
String newFileName = UUID.randomUUID() + suffix;
// 生成文件
File file1 = new File(dir, newFileName);
// 传输内容
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
TypechoApiconfig apiconfig = apiconfigService.selectByKey(1);
// 在服务器上生成新的目录
String key = apiconfig.getFtpBasePath() + "/" + file1.getName();
// 设置连接超时时间
ftpClient.setConnectTimeout(1000 * 30);
// 设置ftp字符集
// 连接ftp服务器 参数填服务器的ip
ftpClient.connect(apiconfig.getFtpHost(), apiconfig.getFtpPort());
// 进行登录 参数分别为账号 密码
ftpClient.login(apiconfig.getFtpUsername(), apiconfig.getFtpPassword());
// 开启被动模式(按自己如何配置的ftp服务器来决定是否开启)
// 只能选择local_root下已存在的目录
// ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(this.ftpBasePath);
// 文件夹不存在时新建
String remotePath = apiconfig.getFtpBasePath();
if (!ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(remotePath)) {
// 设置文件类型为二进制文件
// inputStream = file.getInputStream();
// 上传文件 参数:上传后的文件名,输入流
ftpClient.storeFile(key, new FileInputStream(file1));
Map<String, String> info = new HashMap<String, String>();
info.put("url", apiconfig.getWebinfoUploadUrl() + key);
return Result.getResultJson(1, "上传成功", info);
} catch (Exception e) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "上传失败", null);
use of com.RuleApi.entity.TypechoApiconfig in project RuleApi by buxia97.
the class UploadController method cosUpload.
* 上传cos
* @return
@RequestMapping(value = "/cosUpload", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Object cosUpload(@RequestParam(value = "file") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "token", required = false) String token) throws IOException {
Integer uStatus = UStatus.getStatus(token, this.dataprefix, redisTemplate);
if (uStatus == 0) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "用户未登录或Token验证失败", null);
if (file == null) {
return new UploadMsg(0, "文件为空", null);
TypechoApiconfig apiconfig = apiconfigService.selectByKey(1);
String oldFileName = file.getOriginalFilename();
// String eName = oldFileName.substring(oldFileName.lastIndexOf("."));
String eName = "";
try {
eName = oldFileName.substring(oldFileName.lastIndexOf("."));
} catch (Exception e) {
oldFileName = oldFileName + ".png";
eName = oldFileName.substring(oldFileName.lastIndexOf("."));
// 检查是否是图片
BufferedImage bi =;
if (bi == null) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "请上传图片文件", null);
String newFileName = UUID.randomUUID() + eName;
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int day = cal.get(Calendar.DATE);
// 1 初始化用户身份信息(secretId, secretKey)
COSCredentials cred = new BasicCOSCredentials(apiconfig.getCosAccessKey(), apiconfig.getCosSecretKey());
// 2 设置bucket的区域, COS地域的简称请参照
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(new Region(apiconfig.getCosBucket()));
// 3 生成cos客户端
COSClient cosclient = new COSClient(cred, clientConfig);
// bucket的命名规则为{name}-{appid} ,此处填写的存储桶名称必须为此格式
String bucketName = apiconfig.getCosBucketName();
// 简单文件上传, 最大支持 5 GB, 适用于小文件上传, 建议 20 M 以下的文件使用该接口
// 大文件上传请参照 API 文档高级 API 上传
File localFile = null;
try {
localFile = File.createTempFile("temp", null);
// 指定要上传到 COS 上的路径
String key = "/" + apiconfig.getCosPrefix() + "/" + year + "/" + month + "/" + day + "/" + newFileName;
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, localFile);
PutObjectResult putObjectResult = cosclient.putObject(putObjectRequest);
// return new UploadMsg(1,"上传成功",this.path + putObjectRequest.getKey());
Map<String, String> info = new HashMap<String, String>();
info.put("url", apiconfig.getCosPath() + putObjectRequest.getKey());
return Result.getResultJson(1, "上传成功", info);
} catch (IOException e) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "上传失败", null);
} finally {
// 关闭客户端(关闭后台线程)
use of com.RuleApi.entity.TypechoApiconfig in project RuleApi by buxia97.
the class SystemController method apiConfigUpdate.
* 配置修改
@RequestMapping(value = "/apiConfigUpdate")
public String apiConfigUpdate(@RequestParam(value = "params", required = false) String params, @RequestParam(value = "webkey", required = false) String webkey) {
TypechoApiconfig update = null;
if (!webkey.equals(this.key)) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "请输入正确的访问key", null);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(params)) {
JSONObject object = JSON.parseObject(params);
update = object.toJavaObject(TypechoApiconfig.class);
int rows = apiconfigService.update(update);
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
response.put("code", rows);
response.put("msg", rows > 0 ? "修改成功,当前配置已生效!" : "修改失败");
return response.toString();
use of com.RuleApi.entity.TypechoApiconfig in project RuleApi by buxia97.
the class SystemController method getApiConfig.
* 获取数据库中的配置
@RequestMapping(value = "/getApiConfig")
public String getApiConfig(@RequestParam(value = "webkey", required = false) String webkey) {
if (!webkey.equals(this.key)) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "请输入正确的访问key", null);
TypechoApiconfig typechoApiconfig = apiconfigService.selectByKey(1);
Map json = JSONObject.parseObject(JSONObject.toJSONString(typechoApiconfig), Map.class);
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
response.put("code", 1);
response.put("msg", "");
response.put("data", json);
return response.toString();
use of com.RuleApi.entity.TypechoApiconfig in project RuleApi by buxia97.
the class UploadController method localUpload.
* 上传到本地
@RequestMapping(value = "/localUpload", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String localUpload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "token", required = false) String token) throws IOException {
Integer uStatus = UStatus.getStatus(token, this.dataprefix, redisTemplate);
if (uStatus == 0) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "用户未登录或Token验证失败", null);
TypechoApiconfig apiconfig = apiconfigService.selectByKey(1);
String filename = file.getOriginalFilename();
// String filetype = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("."));
// 下面代码是解决app上传剪裁后图片无后缀问题。
String filetype = "";
try {
filetype = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("."));
} catch (Exception e) {
filename = filename + ".png";
filetype = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("."));
String newfile = UUID.randomUUID() + filetype;
// 检查是否是图片
BufferedImage bi =;
if (bi == null) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "请上传图片文件", null);
ApplicationHome h = new ApplicationHome(getClass());
File jarF = h.getSource();
/* 配置文件路径 */
String classespath = jarF.getParentFile().toString() + "/files";
String decodeClassespath = URLDecoder.decode(classespath, "utf-8");
// System.out.println(decodeClassespath);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int day = cal.get(Calendar.DATE);
File file1 = new File(decodeClassespath + "/static/upload/" + "/" + year + "/" + month + "/" + day + "/" + newfile);
if (!file1.exists()) {
try {
Map<String, String> info = new HashMap<String, String>();
info.put("url", apiconfig.getWebinfoUploadUrl() + "upload" + "/" + year + "/" + month + "/" + day + "/" + newfile);
return Result.getResultJson(1, "上传成功", info);
} catch (IOException e) {
return Result.getResultJson(0, "上传失败", null);