use of com.actelion.research.chem.StereoMolecule in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class ReactionEncoder method decode.
* Creates a Reaction object by interpreting a reaction code,
* mapping, coordinates and drawing objects that were earlier created
* by this class.
* If rxnCoords are relative or null, and if ensureCoordinates==true
* then all reactants and products are placed automatically along a
* horizontal line.
* @return Reaction
public static Reaction decode(String rxnCode, String rxnMapping, String rxnCoords, String rxnObjects, String rxnCatalysts, boolean ensureCoordinates) {
if (rxnCode == null || rxnCode.length() == 0) {
return null;
boolean isProduct = false;
int idcodeIndex = 0;
int mappingIndex = 0;
int coordsIndex = 0;
boolean reactionLayoutRequired = false;
int productIndex = rxnCode.indexOf(PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER);
if (productIndex == -1) {
return null;
Reaction rxn = new Reaction();
while (idcodeIndex != -1) {
if (idcodeIndex > productIndex) {
isProduct = true;
int delimiterIndex = rxnCode.indexOf(MOLECULE_DELIMITER, idcodeIndex);
if (!isProduct && (delimiterIndex > productIndex || delimiterIndex == -1)) {
delimiterIndex = productIndex;
String idcode = null;
if (delimiterIndex == -1) {
idcode = rxnCode.substring(idcodeIndex);
idcodeIndex = -1;
} else {
idcode = rxnCode.substring(idcodeIndex, delimiterIndex);
idcodeIndex = delimiterIndex + 1;
String mapping = null;
if (rxnMapping != null && rxnMapping.length() != 0) {
delimiterIndex = rxnMapping.indexOf(MOLECULE_DELIMITER, mappingIndex);
if (delimiterIndex == -1) {
mapping = rxnMapping.substring(mappingIndex);
} else {
mapping = rxnMapping.substring(mappingIndex, delimiterIndex);
mappingIndex = delimiterIndex + 1;
String coords = null;
if (rxnCoords != null && rxnCoords.length() != 0) {
delimiterIndex = rxnCoords.indexOf(MOLECULE_DELIMITER, coordsIndex);
if (delimiterIndex == -1) {
coords = rxnCoords.substring(coordsIndex);
} else {
coords = rxnCoords.substring(coordsIndex, delimiterIndex);
coordsIndex = delimiterIndex + 1;
IDCodeParser parser = new IDCodeParser(ensureCoordinates);
StereoMolecule mol = parser.getCompactMolecule(idcode, coords);
if (!reactionLayoutRequired && (coords == null || !parser.coordinatesAreAbsolute(coords)))
reactionLayoutRequired = true;
if (mapping != null) {
if (isProduct) {
} else {
if (rxnObjects != null && rxnObjects.length() != 0) {
rxn.setDrawingObjects(new DrawingObjectList(rxnObjects));
if (rxnCatalysts != null && rxnCatalysts.length() != 0) {
IDCodeParser parser = new IDCodeParser(ensureCoordinates);
int index1 = 0;
int index2 = rxnCatalysts.indexOf(CATALYST_DELIMITER);
while (index2 != -1) {
rxn.addCatalyst(parser.getCompactMolecule(rxnCatalysts.substring(index1, index2)));
index1 = index2 + 1;
index2 = rxnCatalysts.indexOf(CATALYST_DELIMITER, index1);
return rxn;
use of com.actelion.research.chem.StereoMolecule in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class HoseCodeCreator method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
StereoMolecule molecule = new IDCodeParser(false).getCompactMolecule("deT@@DjU_k``b`@@");
StereoMolecule otherMolecule = new StereoMolecule(molecule.getAtoms(), molecule.getBonds());
boolean[] atomMask = new boolean[molecule.getAtoms()];
Arrays.fill(atomMask, true);
molecule.copyMoleculeByAtoms(otherMolecule, atomMask, true, null);
System.out.println(new Canonizer(otherMolecule, Canonizer.ENCODE_ATOM_CUSTOM_LABELS).getIDCode());
// String id="deT@`@f\bbbRK]@PT@@";
String id = "fi{qa@DyZkQPSI`cHhhdhdhddhekF\\\\fNXBBjfjjjaXTh@RB@QJh";
String[] hoses = HoseCodeCreator.getHoseCodesFromDiaID(id, 20, FULL_HOSE_CODE);
for (int i = 0; i < hoses.length; i++) {
hoses = HoseCodeCreator.getHoseCodesFromDiaID(id, 8, HOSE_CODE_CUT_C_SP3_SP3);
for (int i = 0; i < hoses.length; i++) {
use of com.actelion.research.chem.StereoMolecule in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class HoseCodeCreator method getHoseCodesForAtom.
private static String[] getHoseCodesForAtom(StereoMolecule mol, int rootAtom, int maxSphereSize, int type) {
StereoMolecule fragment = new StereoMolecule(mol.getAtoms(), mol.getBonds());
Vector<String> ids = new Vector();
int min = 0;
int max = 0;
boolean[] atomMask = new boolean[mol.getAtoms()];
int[] atomList = new int[mol.getAtoms()];
for (int sphere = 0; sphere < maxSphereSize && max < mol.getAtoms(); sphere++) {
if (max == 0) {
atomList[0] = rootAtom;
atomMask[rootAtom] = true;
max = 1;
} else {
int newMax = max;
for (int i = min; i < max; i++) {
int atom = atomList[i];
for (int j = 0; j < mol.getConnAtoms(atom); j++) {
int connAtom = mol.getConnAtom(atom, j);
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("---> " + atom + " to " + connAtom);
if (!atomMask[connAtom]) {
switch(type) {
atomMask[connAtom] = true;
atomList[newMax++] = connAtom;
if (!(isCsp3(mol, atom) && isCsp3(mol, connAtom))) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("NO SKIP");
atomMask[connAtom] = true;
atomList[newMax++] = connAtom;
} else {
if (DEBUG)
min = max;
max = newMax;
mol.copyMoleculeByAtoms(fragment, atomMask, true, null);
for (int atom=0; atom<fragment.getAllAtoms(); atom++) {
fragment.setAtomicNo(atom, 6);
ids.add(new Canonizer(fragment, Canonizer.ENCODE_ATOM_CUSTOM_LABELS).getIDCode());
return ids.toArray(new String[ids.size()]);
use of com.actelion.research.chem.StereoMolecule in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class DescriptorHandlerSkeletonSpheres method createDescriptor.
* This descriptor requires proper up/down bonds, because it encodes stereo parities.
* If a passed molecule is generated from idcode parsing, make sure that coordinates
* and up/down/bonds are available, i.e. that the IDCodeParser was instantiated with
* the respective option.
public byte[] createDescriptor(StereoMolecule mol) {
if (mol == null)
return null;
StereoMolecule fragment = new StereoMolecule(mol.getAtoms(), mol.getBonds());
byte[] descriptor = new byte[DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];
// System.out.println("descriptor skeleton spheres:");
int[] atomList = new int[mol.getAtoms()];
boolean[] atomMask = new boolean[mol.getAtoms()];
for (int rootAtom = 0; rootAtom < mol.getAtoms(); rootAtom++) {
if (rootAtom != 0)
Arrays.fill(atomMask, false);
int min = 0;
int max = 0;
for (int sphere = 0; sphere < MAX_SPHERE_COUNT && max < mol.getAtoms(); sphere++) {
if (max == 0) {
atomList[0] = rootAtom;
atomMask[rootAtom] = true;
max = 1;
} else {
int newMax = max;
for (int i = min; i < max; i++) {
int atom = atomList[i];
for (int j = 0; j < mol.getConnAtoms(atom); j++) {
int connAtom = mol.getConnAtom(atom, j);
if (!atomMask[connAtom]) {
atomMask[connAtom] = true;
atomList[newMax++] = connAtom;
min = max;
max = newMax;
mol.copyMoleculeByAtoms(fragment, atomMask, true, null);
// take fragment as it is
if (sphere < EXACT_SPHERE_COUNT) {
String idcode = new Canonizer(fragment).getIDCode();
int h = BurtleHasher.hashlittle(idcode, HASH_INIT);
h = (h & BurtleHasher.hashmask(HASH_BITS));
if (descriptor[h] < DescriptorEncoder.MAX_COUNT_VALUE)
// System.out.println("atom:"+rootAtom+"\tfragment\tradius:"+sphere+"\thash:"+h+"\t"+idcode);
// take atomic no reduced fragment skeleton also
for (int atom = 0; atom < fragment.getAllAtoms(); atom++) fragment.setAtomicNo(atom, 6);
String idcode = new Canonizer(fragment).getIDCode();
int h = BurtleHasher.hashlittle(idcode, HASH_INIT);
h = (h & BurtleHasher.hashmask(HASH_BITS));
if (descriptor[h] < DescriptorEncoder.MAX_COUNT_VALUE)
// System.out.println("atom:"+rootAtom+"\tskeleton\tradius:"+sphere+"\thash:"+h+"\t"+idcode);
return descriptor;
use of com.actelion.research.chem.StereoMolecule in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class AtomHighlightAction method trackHighLight.
boolean trackHighLight(java.awt.geom.Point2D pt) {
StereoMolecule mol = model.getMolecule();
int currentAtom = model.getSelectedAtom();
int atom = findAtom(mol, pt);
// Update at least when current selected atom and new selected atom differ
boolean ok = atom != -1;
lastHightlightPoint = pt;
String keyStrokes = model.getKeyStrokeBuffer().toString();
if (currentAtom != -1 && atom != currentAtom) {
if (keyStrokes.length() > 0) {
StereoMolecule currentMol = model.getMolecule();
expandAtomKeyStrokes(currentMol, currentAtom, keyStrokes);
if (mol != null) {
setHighlightAtom(mol, atom);
} else {
if (model.getSelectedAtom() != -1) {
ok = true;
atom = model.getSelectedAtom();
ok = ok | atom != -1;
return ok;