use of com.actelion.research.chem.coords.CoordinateInventor in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class MarkushStructure method createCurrentEnumeration.
private StereoMolecule createCurrentEnumeration() {
StereoMolecule mol = new StereoMolecule();
for (int atom = 0; atom < mol.getAllAtoms(); atom++) {
int rGroup = getRGroupIndex(mol.getAtomicNo(atom));
if (rGroup != -1)
mol.addSubstituent(mSubstituent[rGroup][mSubstituentIndex[rGroup]], getAttachmentAtom(mol, atom));
for (int atom = 0; atom < mol.getAllAtoms(); atom++) mol.setAtomSelection(atom, getRGroupIndex(mol.getAtomicNo(atom)) != -1);
int coreAtoms = mCoreList.get(mCoreIndex).getAllAtoms() - mCoreRGroup[mCoreIndex].length;
for (int atom = 0; atom < coreAtoms; atom++) mol.setAtomMarker(atom, true);
new CoordinateInventor(CoordinateInventor.MODE_REMOVE_HYDROGEN | CoordinateInventor.MODE_PREFER_MARKED_ATOM_COORDS).invent(mol);
return mol;
use of com.actelion.research.chem.coords.CoordinateInventor in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class JDrawArea method cleanupMultiFragmentCoordinates.
private void cleanupMultiFragmentCoordinates(Graphics g, ExtendedDepictor depictor, boolean selectedOnly) {
if (selectedOnly && mUpdateMode == UPDATE_INVENT_COORDS) {
int[] fragmentAtom = new int[mFragment.length];
for (int atom = 0; atom < mMol.getAllAtoms(); atom++) {
int fragment = mFragmentNo[atom];
mFragment[fragment].setAtomMarker(fragmentAtom[fragment], !mMol.isSelectedAtom(atom));
Rectangle2D.Double[] boundingRect = new Rectangle2D.Double[mFragment.length];
// float fragmentWidth = 0.0f;
for (int fragment = 0; fragment < mFragment.length; fragment++) {
if (mUpdateMode == UPDATE_INVENT_COORDS) {
new CoordinateInventor(selectedOnly ? CoordinateInventor.MODE_KEEP_MARKED_ATOM_COORDS : 0).invent(mFragment[fragment]);
Depictor d = new Depictor(mFragment[fragment]);
d.updateCoords(g, null, AbstractDepictor.cModeInflateToMaxAVBL);
boundingRect[fragment] = d.getBoundingRect();
// fragmentWidth += boundingRect[fragment].width;
double spacing = FRAGMENT_CLEANUP_DISTANCE * AbstractDepictor.cOptAvBondLen;
double avbl = mMol.getAverageBondLength();
double arrowWidth = ((mMode & MODE_REACTION) == 0) ? 0f : (mUpdateMode == UPDATE_SCALE_COORDS_USE_FRAGMENTS) ? DEFAULT_ARROW_LENGTH * getWidth() : ((ReactionArrow) mDrawingObjectList.get(0)).getLength() * AbstractDepictor.cOptAvBondLen / avbl;
double rawX = 0.5 * spacing;
for (int fragment = 0; fragment <= mFragment.length; fragment++) {
if ((mMode & MODE_REACTION) != 0 && fragment == mReactantCount) {
((ReactionArrow) mDrawingObjectList.get(0)).setCoordinates(rawX - spacing / 2, getHeight() / 2, rawX - spacing / 2 + arrowWidth, getHeight() / 2);
rawX += arrowWidth;
if (fragment == mFragment.length) {
double dx = rawX - boundingRect[fragment].x;
double dy = 0.5 * (getHeight() - boundingRect[fragment].height) - boundingRect[fragment].y;
mFragment[fragment].translateCoords(dx, dy);
rawX += spacing + boundingRect[fragment].width;
depictor.updateCoords(g, new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()), maxUpdateMode());
int[] fragmentAtom = new int[mFragment.length];
for (int atom = 0; atom < mMol.getAllAtoms(); atom++) {
int fragment = mFragmentNo[atom];
mMol.setAtomX(atom, mFragment[fragment].getAtomX(fragmentAtom[fragment]));
mMol.setAtomY(atom, mFragment[fragment].getAtomY(fragmentAtom[fragment]));
use of com.actelion.research.chem.coords.CoordinateInventor in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class JDrawArea method expandAtomKeyStrokes.
private void expandAtomKeyStrokes(String keyStrokes) {
int atomicNo = Molecule.getAtomicNoFromLabel(keyStrokes);
if (atomicNo != 0) {
if (mMol.changeAtom(mCurrentHiliteAtom, atomicNo, 0, -1, 0)) {
StereoMolecule substituent = NamedSubstituents.getSubstituent(keyStrokes);
if (substituent != null) {
// Copy the the fragment containing the attachment point into a new molecule.
// Then attach the substituent, create new atom coordinates for the substituent,
// while retaining coordinates of the fragment.
StereoMolecule fragment = new StereoMolecule();
fragment.addFragment(mMol, mCurrentHiliteAtom, null);
double sourceAVBL = fragment.getAverageBondLength();
int firstAtomInFragment = fragment.getAllAtoms();
for (int atom = 0; atom < fragment.getAllAtoms(); atom++) fragment.setAtomMarker(atom, true);
fragment.addSubstituent(substituent, 0);
new CoordinateInventor(CoordinateInventor.MODE_KEEP_MARKED_ATOM_COORDS).invent(fragment);
double dx = mMol.getAtomX(mCurrentHiliteAtom) - sourceAVBL * fragment.getAtomX(0);
double dy = mMol.getAtomY(mCurrentHiliteAtom) - sourceAVBL * fragment.getAtomY(0);
// Attach the substituent to the complete molecule and take coodinates from the
// previously created fragment-substituent species.
int firstAtomInMol = mMol.getAllAtoms();
mMol.addSubstituent(substituent, mCurrentHiliteAtom);
int substituentAtoms = mMol.getAllAtoms() - firstAtomInMol;
for (int i = 0; i < substituentAtoms; i++) {
mMol.setAtomX(firstAtomInMol + i, sourceAVBL * fragment.getAtomX(firstAtomInFragment + i) + dx);
mMol.setAtomY(firstAtomInMol + i, sourceAVBL * fragment.getAtomY(firstAtomInFragment + i) + dy);
use of com.actelion.research.chem.coords.CoordinateInventor in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class Model method cleanupMultiFragmentCoordinates.
private void cleanupMultiFragmentCoordinates(AbstractExtendedDepictor depictor, boolean selectedOnly, boolean invent) {
if (selectedOnly && invent) {
int[] fragmentAtom = new int[mFragment.length];
for (int atom = 0; atom < mMol.getAllAtoms(); atom++) {
int fragment = mFragmentNo[atom];
mFragment[fragment].setAtomMarker(fragmentAtom[fragment], !mMol.isSelectedAtom(atom));
Rectangle2D.Double[] boundingRect = new Rectangle2D.Double[mFragment.length];
// float fragmentWidth = 0.0f;
for (int fragment = 0; fragment < mFragment.length; fragment++) {
if (invent) {
new CoordinateInventor(selectedOnly ? CoordinateInventor.MODE_KEEP_MARKED_ATOM_COORDS : 0).invent(mFragment[fragment]);
AbstractDepictor d = createDepictor(mFragment[fragment]);
d.updateCoords(null, null, AbstractDepictor.cModeInflateToMaxAVBL);
boundingRect[fragment] = d.getBoundingRect();
double spacing = FRAGMENT_CLEANUP_DISTANCE * AbstractDepictor.cOptAvBondLen;
double avbl = mMol.getAverageBondLength();
double arrowWidth = isReaction() ? DEFAULT_ARROW_LENGTH * getWidth() : 0;
// 0f : true ?
// : mDrawingObjectList.get(0).getBoundingRect().getWidth() * AbstractDepictor.cOptAvBondLen / avbl;
double rawX = 0.5 * spacing;
for (int fragment = 0; fragment <= mFragment.length; fragment++) {
if (isReaction() && fragment == mReactantCount) {
mDrawingObjectList.get(0).setRect((float) (rawX - spacing / 20), getHeight() / 2, (float) (/*rawX - spacing / 2 + */
arrowWidth), getHeight() / 2);
rawX += arrowWidth;
if (fragment == mFragment.length) {
double dx = rawX - boundingRect[fragment].x;
double dy = 0.5 * (getHeight() - boundingRect[fragment].height) - boundingRect[fragment].y;
mFragment[fragment].translateCoords(dx, dy);
rawX += spacing + boundingRect[fragment].width;
depictor.updateCoords(null, new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()), maxUpdateMode());
int[] fragmentAtom = new int[mFragment.length];
for (int atom = 0; atom < mMol.getAllAtoms(); atom++) {
int fragment = mFragmentNo[atom];
mMol.setAtomX(atom, mFragment[fragment].getAtomX(fragmentAtom[fragment]));
mMol.setAtomY(atom, mFragment[fragment].getAtomY(fragmentAtom[fragment]));
use of com.actelion.research.chem.coords.CoordinateInventor in project openchemlib by Actelion.
the class IDCodeParser method inventCoordinates.
protected void inventCoordinates(StereoMolecule mol) {
CoordinateInventor inventor = new CoordinateInventor();
// create reproducible coordinates