use of com.agiletec.plugins.jacms.aps.tags.util.SearcherTagHelper in project entando-core by entando.
the class SearcherTag method doStartTag.
public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
ServletRequest request = this.pageContext.getRequest();
RequestContext reqCtx = (RequestContext) request.getAttribute(RequestContext.REQCTX);
try {
String word = request.getParameter("search");
SearcherTagHelper helper = new SearcherTagHelper();
List<String> result = helper.executeSearch(word, reqCtx);
this.pageContext.setAttribute(this.getListName(), result);
request.setAttribute("search", word);
} catch (Throwable t) {
_logger.error("error in do start tag", t);
// ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(e, this, "doStartTag");
throw new JspException("Error detected while initialising the tag", t);
return SKIP_BODY;