use of in project ShootAndRun by IonAgorria.
the class GameView method createBatch.
* Creates batch for current drawables in queue, this clears queue.
* @param slot to set batch
* @param mode to use
* @param drawables to draw in the batch
* @param camera location when drawing
* @param rotation of camera when drawing
* @param color to set when drawing
* @return batch created
public DrawableBatch createBatch(DrawableBatch.SLOT slot, DrawableBatch.MODE mode, List<Drawable> drawables, Vector3f camera, Vector3f rotation, Color color) {
// Vertices calculation
int vertexCount = 0;
for (Drawable drawable : drawables) {
vertexCount += drawable.getVertexCount();
// Create buffers
FloatBuffer positionBuffer = Utilities.getDirectByteBuffer(vertexCount * Constants.STRIDE_POSITION).asFloatBuffer();
FloatBuffer texCoordBuffer = Utilities.getDirectByteBuffer(vertexCount * Constants.STRIDE_TEXCOORD).asFloatBuffer();
// Fill buffers with each drawable
TextureAtlas.Atlas atlas = null;
int i = 0;
int indicesCount = 0;
List<short[]> indicesList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Drawable drawable : drawables) {
float[] positions = drawable.getVertexPositions();
short[] indices = drawable.getVertexIndices(i);
indicesCount += indices.length;
// Increment indices index
i += positions.length / Constants.FLOATS_PER_POSITION;
// Check atlas is the same
TextureAtlas.Atlas drawableAtlas = drawable.getAtlas();
if (atlas == null) {
atlas = drawableAtlas;
} else if (atlas != drawableAtlas) {
throw new RuntimeException("This batch uses " + atlas + " but drawable has " + drawableAtlas);
// Create indices buffer
ShortBuffer indicesBuffer = Utilities.getDirectByteBuffer(indicesCount * 2).asShortBuffer();
for (short[] indices : indicesList) {
// Reset positions for reading
// Create and return batch
return new DrawableBatch(slot, mode, camera, rotation, new Color(color), atlas, positionBuffer, texCoordBuffer, indicesBuffer, indicesCount);
use of in project ShootAndRun by IonAgorria.
the class GameUI method draw.
* Draws the UI if required
* @param view of game
* @param player instance
void draw(GameView view, Player player) {
if (player != null) {
requireDraw |= player.hasChanged();
if (requireDraw) {
requireDraw = false;
List<Drawable> drawables = new ArrayList<>();
// Draw death overlay
if (player != null) {
int health = player.getCurrentHealth();
if (health <= 50)
if (health <= 25)
// Draw UI per state
Color color = null;
String text = null;
if (currentGameState == GameState.Menu) {
// Draw current menu
color = Color.WHITE;
Menu menu = menuMap.get(currentMenu);
if (menu != null) {
menu.draw(view, drawables);
} else if (currentGameState == GameState.Active) {
color = Color.GRAY_LIGHT_50;
// Movement mode
if (movementDrawables != null) {
drawables.add(movementDrawables[movementMode ? 1 : 0]);
// Add player stuff
if (player != null) {
Weapon weapon = player.getWeapon();
Drawable weaponDrawable = weapon.getDrawable();
float playerPadding = (1 - PLAYER_PADDING) - PLAYER_SIZE;
float middle = aspect / 2f;
// Draw player health
int health = player.getCurrentHealth();
view.drawText(drawables, middle, playerPadding, 0, PLAYER_SIZE, false, false, String.valueOf(health));
// Draw weapon
weaponDrawable.getPosition().set(middle - PLAYER_SIZE - PLAYER_SPACE, playerPadding - PLAYER_SIZE - PLAYER_SPACE, 0);
weaponDrawable.getSize().set(PLAYER_SIZE, PLAYER_SIZE, 0);
// Draw weapon ammo
view.drawText(drawables, middle, playerPadding - PLAYER_SIZE - PLAYER_SPACE, 0, PLAYER_SIZE, false, false, String.valueOf(weapon.getShots()));
} else if (currentGameState == GameState.Lost) {
color = Color.RED;
text = view.getText(R.string.lost);
} else if (currentGameState == GameState.Pause) {
color = Color.GRAY_LIGHT_50;
text = view.getText(R.string.paused);
// Add text
if (text != null) {
String[] lines = Utilities.getTextLines(text);
int textWidth = Utilities.getTextWidth(lines) + 2;
float charWidth = aspect / textWidth;
view.drawText(drawables, aspect / 2f, 0.5f, charWidth, 0, true, true, lines);
// Draw slow text if any
if (slowTextElement != null) {
slowTextElement.onDraw(view, drawables);
// Send drawables to batch if any
if (drawables.isEmpty()) {
} else {
DrawableBatch batch = view.createBatchOrthographic(DrawableBatch.SLOT.UI, drawables, color);
if (vibrate) {
vibrate = false;