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Example 1 with Rectangle

use of com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Rectangle in project ShootAndRun by IonAgorria.

the class GameUI method sizeChanged.

 * Called when size of view is changed
 * @param width in pixes
 * @param height in pixels
public void sizeChanged(GameView view, int width, int height) {
    Log.d(TAG, "sizeChanged " + width + "x" + height);
    this.viewWidth = width == 0 ? 1 : width;
    this.viewHeight = height == 0 ? 1 : height;
    this.aspect = viewWidth / viewHeight;
    // Create non scaled background and submit
    TextureAtlas sprite128 = view.getTextureAtlas(TextureAtlas.Atlas.Sprite128);
    List<Drawable> backgrounds = new ArrayList<>();
    backgrounds.add(new DrawableRectangle(aspect / 2f - 1f, 0, 1f, 1f, sprite128.getRegion(0, 0).copy().flip(false, true)));
    backgrounds.add(new DrawableRectangle(aspect / 2f, 0, 1f, 1f, sprite128.getRegion(0, 0)));
    DrawableBatch batch = view.createBatchOrthographic(DrawableBatch.SLOT.Background, backgrounds, Color.WHITE);
    // Generate menus
    menuMap.put(MenuMain.class, new MenuMain(this, view));
    menuMap.put(MenuHelp.class, new MenuHelp(this, view));
    menuMap.put(MenuPlay.class, new MenuPlay(this, view));
    menuMap.put(MenuIntro.class, new MenuIntro(this, view));
    menuMap.put(MenuEnding.class, new MenuEnding(this, view));
    menuMap.put(MenuCredits.class, new MenuCredits(this, view));
    menuMap.put(MenuOptions.class, new MenuOptions(this, view));
    // Generate control drawables
    TextureAtlas atlas = view.getTextureAtlas(TextureAtlas.Atlas.Sprite32);
    float controlSize = CONTROLS_SIZE / 2;
    // Joystick
    joystickRectangle = new Rectangle(CONTROLS_PADDING, CONTROLS_PADDING, controlSize * 2, controlSize * 2);
    gameDrawables.add(new DrawableRectangle(joystickRectangle, atlas.getRegion(14, 0)));
    // Shoot
    gameDrawables.add(new DrawableRectangle(aspect - controlSize - CONTROLS_PADDING, CONTROLS_PADDING + controlSize, controlSize, controlSize, atlas.getRegion(14, 1)));
    // Prev
    gameDrawables.add(new DrawableRectangle(aspect - controlSize * 2 - CONTROLS_PADDING, CONTROLS_PADDING, controlSize, controlSize, atlas.getRegion(15, 0)));
    // Next
    gameDrawables.add(new DrawableRectangle(aspect - controlSize - CONTROLS_PADDING, CONTROLS_PADDING, controlSize, controlSize, // Flip side
    atlas.getRegion(15, 0).copy().flip(true, false)));
    // Cross
    gameDrawables.add(new DrawableRectangle(aspect / 2f - CROSS_SIZE / 2f, 0.5f - CROSS_SIZE / 2f, CROSS_SIZE, CROSS_SIZE, atlas.getRegion(8, 1)));
    // Health
    float playerSpace = aspect * PLAYER_SPACE;
    float playerPadding = (1f - PLAYER_PADDING) - PLAYER_SIZE;
    gameDrawables.add(new DrawableRectangle(aspect / 2 - playerSpace - PLAYER_SIZE, playerPadding, PLAYER_SIZE, PLAYER_SIZE, atlas.getRegion(4, 2).copy().setSizeCentered(20, 20)));
    // Movement
    movementDrawables = new Drawable[] { new DrawableRectangle(aspect - controlSize * 2 - CONTROLS_PADDING, CONTROLS_PADDING + controlSize, controlSize, controlSize, atlas.getRegion(15, 1)), new DrawableRectangle(aspect - controlSize * 2 - CONTROLS_PADDING, CONTROLS_PADDING + controlSize, controlSize, controlSize, atlas.getRegion(15, 2)) };
    // Death drawables
    deathDrawables = new Drawable[] { new DrawableRectangle(0, 0, aspect, 1f, atlas.getRegion(14, 2)), new DrawableRectangle(0, 0, aspect, 1f, atlas.getRegion(13, 2)), new DrawableRectangle(0, 0, aspect, 1f, atlas.getRegion(12, 2)) };
    // Set flag
    requireDraw = true;
Also used : DrawableRectangle( MenuMain( MenuCredits( Drawable( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MenuPlay( DrawableRectangle( Rectangle(com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Rectangle) MenuEnding( MenuOptions( MenuIntro( TextureAtlas( MenuHelp( DrawableBatch(

Example 2 with Rectangle

use of com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Rectangle in project ShootAndRun by IonAgorria.

the class GameUI method showText.

 * Shows text in UI
void showText(String text) {
    if (text != null) {
        List<String> lines = Arrays.asList(Utilities.getTextLines(text));
        if (slowTextElement == null) {
            slowTextElement = new SlowTextElement(new Rectangle(aspect * 0.3f, 0.0f, aspect * 0.4f, 0.5f), lines, () -> showText(null), true, false);
        } else if (!text.equals(lastText)) {
    } else {
        slowTextElement = null;
    lastText = text;
Also used : DrawableRectangle( Rectangle(com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Rectangle) SlowTextElement(

Example 3 with Rectangle

use of com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Rectangle in project ShootAndRun by IonAgorria.

the class World method update.

 * Updates the world
 * @param delta time since last update
void update(float delta) {
    // Update entities except player
    List<Entity> entitiesCollision = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Entity entity : entities) {
        // This removes entity as is not added to next list
        if (entity.isDestroyed()) {
        // Update entity
        // Add to next
        if (entity.getCollision() != null) {
    // Check if collides with world
    for (Entity entity : entitiesCollision) {
        for (Rectangle collision : collisions) {
            if (!entity.ignoreCollisionWorld(collision) && entity.checkCollision(collision)) {
                boolean unhandled = entity.handleCollisionWorld(collision);
                if (unhandled) {
                    Vector2f vector = entity.resolveCollision(collision);
                    if (vector != null) {
                        entity.getPosition().add(vector.x, 0, vector.y);
    // Check if entities collide
    for (Iterator<Entity> iterator = entitiesCollision.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        Entity entity =;
        // Check other entities
        for (Entity other : entitiesCollision) {
            CollisionInterface otherCollision = other.getCollision();
            if (entity != other && !(entity.ignoreCollisionEntity(other) || other.ignoreCollisionEntity(entity)) && entity.checkCollision(otherCollision)) {
                boolean entityUnhandled = entity.handleCollisionEntity(other) && !other.ignoreCollisionResolution(entity);
                boolean otherUnhandled = other.handleCollisionEntity(entity) && !entity.ignoreCollisionResolution(other);
                if (entityUnhandled) {
                    Vector2f vector = entity.resolveCollision(otherCollision);
                    if (vector != null) {
                        if (otherUnhandled) {
                            // Handle both by distributing equally at opposing direction
                            other.getPosition().add(-vector.x, 0, -vector.y);
                        // Handle entity
                        entity.getPosition().add(vector.x, 0, vector.y);
                } else if (otherUnhandled) {
                    // Only handle other
                    Vector2f vector = other.resolveCollision(entity.getCollision());
                    if (vector != null) {
                        other.getPosition().add(vector.x, 0, vector.y);
        // Remove entity as we have checked it
    // Remove entities that are destroyed and get drawables
    List<Drawable> entitiesDrawable = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Iterator<Entity> iterator = entitiesNext.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        Entity entity =;
        if (entity.isDestroyed()) {
            // Remove entity
        } else {
            // Add to draw
            Drawable drawable = entity.getDrawable();
            if (drawable != null) {
    // Set the current entities from next
    entities = entitiesNext;
    entitiesNext = new ArrayList<>();
    // Update camera
    if (player != null && !player.isDestroyed()) {
    // Submit batch to draw entities
    DrawableBatch batch = view.createBatch(DrawableBatch.SLOT.Entities, DrawableBatch.MODE.PerspectiveDepthBlend, entitiesDrawable, cameraPosition, cameraRotation, Color.WHITE);
Also used : Entity(com.agorria.shootandmove.entities.Entity) Vector2f(com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Vector2f) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Rectangle(com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Rectangle) CollisionInterface(com.agorria.shootandmove.math.CollisionInterface) Drawable( DrawableBatch(

Example 4 with Rectangle

use of com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Rectangle in project ShootAndRun by IonAgorria.

the class WorldLoader method parseTileLayers.

 * Parses map tile layers
 * @param map to use
private void parseTileLayers(Element map, GameView view) {
    // Iterate layers
    Map<LayerType, String> layersMap = new HashMap<>();
    NodeList layers = map.getElementsByTagName("layer");
    for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layers.getLength(); layerIndex++) {
        Element layer = (Element) layers.item(layerIndex);
        // Check attributes of layer
        if (Integer.parseInt(layer.getAttribute("width")) != width) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layer width doesn't match with map width");
        if (Integer.parseInt(layer.getAttribute("height")) != height) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layer width doesn't match with map width");
        String layerName = layer.getAttribute("name");
        LayerType layerType;
        try {
            layerType = LayerType.valueOf(layerName);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown tile layer: " + layerName);
        // Parse layer data
        NodeList layerDatas = layer.getElementsByTagName("data");
        // Check if exact one layer data
        if (layerDatas.getLength() != 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only one layer data is supported, found: " + layerDatas.getLength());
        Element layerData = (Element) layerDatas.item(0);
        String layerEncoding = layerData.getAttribute("encoding");
        if (!layerEncoding.equals("csv")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layer '" + layerName + "' not supported encoding " + layerEncoding);
        layersMap.put(layerType, layerData.getTextContent());
    // Create masks
    groundMask = new boolean[width * height];
    wallMask = new boolean[width * height];
    // Parse the layers
    parseTileLayer(LayerType.Ground, layersMap, view);
    parseTileLayer(LayerType.Walls, layersMap, view);
    parseTileLayer(LayerType.Ceil, layersMap, view);
    // Generate collisions from wall mask in X axis
    int i = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        Integer start = null;
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            boolean wall = wallMask[i];
            boolean last = x + 1 == width;
            // Mark start of wall
            if (wall) {
                if (start == null) {
                    start = x;
            // Make rectangle if ends wall or the next position is on next line
            if (!wall || last) {
                if (start != null) {
                    int width = (last ? x + 1 : x) - start;
                    Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(start, y, width, 1);
                    start = null;
    // Merge rectangles in Y axis
    boolean changes = true;
    while (changes) {
        changes = false;
        for (Iterator<Rectangle> iterator = collisions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Rectangle current =;
            boolean merged = false;
            for (Rectangle collision : collisions) {
                if (current.x == collision.x && current.width == collision.width && // Check if current is under collision
                current.y > collision.y && // Check if collision end match current start
                collision.y + collision.height == current.y) {
                    collision.height += current.height;
                    merged = true;
            if (merged) {
                changes = true;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Rectangle(com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Rectangle)


Rectangle (com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Rectangle)4 Drawable ( DrawableBatch ( DrawableRectangle ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Entity (com.agorria.shootandmove.entities.Entity)1 TextureAtlas ( CollisionInterface (com.agorria.shootandmove.math.CollisionInterface)1 Vector2f (com.agorria.shootandmove.math.Vector2f)1 MenuCredits ( MenuEnding ( MenuHelp ( MenuIntro ( MenuMain ( MenuOptions ( MenuPlay ( SlowTextElement ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)1 NodeList (org.w3c.dom.NodeList)1