use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class DeepARModelMapper method predictMultiVar.
protected Tuple2<Vector[], String> predictMultiVar(Timestamp[] historyTimes, Vector[] historyVals, int predictNum) {
Timestamp[] predictTimes = TimeSeriesMapper.getPredictTimes(historyTimes, predictNum);
int window = historyVals.length;
int series = 0;
DenseVector[] vectors = new DenseVector[historyVals.length];
for (int i = 0; i < window; ++i) {
vectors[i] = VectorUtil.getDenseVector(historyVals[i]);
if (vectors[i] == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("history values should not be null.");
series = vectors[i].size();
FloatTensor[][] tensors = new FloatTensor[series][window];
for (int i = 0; i < series; ++i) {
tensors[i][0] = FloatTensor[] { new FloatTensor(new float[] { 0.0f }), DeepARFeaturesGenerator.generateFromFrequency(calendar.get(), unit, historyTimes[0]) }, -1, null);
for (int j = 1; j < window; ++j) {
tensors[i][j] = FloatTensor[] { new FloatTensor(new float[] { (float) vectors[j - 1].get(i) }), DeepARFeaturesGenerator.generateFromFrequency(calendar.get(), unit, historyTimes[j]) }, -1, null);
FloatTensor[] batch = new FloatTensor[series];
for (int i = 0; i < series; ++i) {
batch[i] = Tensor.stack(tensors[i], 0, null);
Vector[] result = new Vector[predictNum];
Row[] sigmas = new Row[predictNum];
for (int i = 0; i < predictNum; ++i) {
result[i] = new DenseVector(series);
sigmas[i] = Row.of(new DenseVector(series));
for (int i = 0; i < series; ++i) {
float mu = (float) historyVals[window - 1].get(i);
FloatTensor v = new FloatTensor(new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f });
int nonZero = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < window; ++j) {
float cell = batch[i].getFloat(j, 0);
if (cell != 0) {
nonZero += 1;
v.setFloat(v.getFloat(0) + cell, 0);
if (mu != 0) {
nonZero += 1;
v.setFloat(v.getFloat(0) + mu, 0);
if (nonZero == 0) {
v.setFloat(v.getFloat(0) / nonZero + 1.0f, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < window; ++j) {
batch[i].setFloat(batch[i].getFloat(j, 0) / v.getFloat(0), j, 0);
mu = mu / v.getFloat(0);
for (int j = 0; j < predictNum; ++j) {
batch[i] = FloatTensor[] { batch[i], Tensor.stack(new FloatTensor[] { FloatTensor[] { new FloatTensor(new float[] { mu }), DeepARFeaturesGenerator.generateFromFrequency(calendar.get(), unit, predictTimes[j]) }, -1, null) }, 0, null) }, 0, null);
FloatTensor pred;
try {
pred = (FloatTensor)[i])).getField(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return Tuple2.of(null, null);
mu = pred.getFloat(window + j, 0);
float sigma = pred.getFloat(window + j, 1);
result[j].set(i, mu * v.getFloat(0) + v.getFloat(1));
((Vector) (sigmas[j].getField(0))).set(i, sigma * v.getFloat(0));
return Tuple2.of(result, new MTable(Arrays.asList(sigmas), new String[] { "sigma" }, new TypeInformation<?>[] { VectorTypes.DENSE_VECTOR }).toString());
use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class DeepARModelMapper method predictSingleVar.
protected Tuple2<double[], String> predictSingleVar(Timestamp[] historyTimes, double[] historyVals, int predictNum) {
Timestamp[] predictTimes = TimeSeriesMapper.getPredictTimes(historyTimes, predictNum);
int window = historyVals.length;
FloatTensor[] tensors = new FloatTensor[window];
// fill the first z with zero
tensors[0] = FloatTensor[] { new FloatTensor(new float[] { 0.0f }), DeepARFeaturesGenerator.generateFromFrequency(calendar.get(), unit, historyTimes[0]) }, -1, null);
// others
for (int i = 1; i < window; ++i) {
tensors[i] = FloatTensor[] { new FloatTensor(new float[] { (float) historyVals[i - 1] }), DeepARFeaturesGenerator.generateFromFrequency(calendar.get(), unit, historyTimes[i]) }, -1, null);
FloatTensor batch = Tensor.stack(tensors, 0, null);
// initialize mu
float mu = (float) historyVals[window - 1];
// calculate v
FloatTensor v = new FloatTensor(new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f });
int nonZero = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < window; ++i) {
float cell = batch.getFloat(i, 0);
if (cell != 0) {
nonZero += 1;
v.setFloat(v.getFloat(0) + cell, 0);
if (mu != 0) {
nonZero += 1;
v.setFloat(v.getFloat(0) + mu, 0);
if (nonZero == 0) {
double[] result = new double[predictNum];
Row[] sigmas = new Row[predictNum];
Arrays.fill(result, 0.0);
Arrays.fill(sigmas, Row.of(0));
return Tuple2.of(result, new MTable(Arrays.asList(sigmas), new String[] { "sigma" }, new TypeInformation<?>[] { Types.DOUBLE }).toString());
v.setFloat(v.getFloat(0) / nonZero + 1.0f, 0);
// normalize with v
for (int i = 0; i < window; ++i) {
batch.setFloat(batch.getFloat(i, 0) / v.getFloat(0), i, 0);
mu = mu / v.getFloat(0);
// result initialize.
double[] result = new double[predictNum];
Row[] sigmas = new Row[predictNum];
Arrays.fill(result, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < predictNum; ++i) {
sigmas[i] = Row.of(0.0);
// prediction
for (int j = 0; j < predictNum; ++j) {
batch = FloatTensor[] { batch, Tensor.stack(new FloatTensor[] { FloatTensor[] { new FloatTensor(new float[] { mu }), DeepARFeaturesGenerator.generateFromFrequency(calendar.get(), unit, predictTimes[j]) }, -1, null) }, 0, null) }, 0, null);
FloatTensor pred;
try {
pred = (FloatTensor);
} catch (Exception e) {
return Tuple2.of(null, null);
mu = pred.getFloat(window + j, 0);
float sigma = pred.getFloat(window + j, 1);
result[j] = mu * v.getFloat(0) + v.getFloat(1);
sigmas[j].setField(0, sigma * v.getFloat(0));
return Tuple2.of(result, new MTable(Arrays.asList(sigmas), new String[] { "sigma" }, new TypeInformation<?>[] { Types.DOUBLE }).toString());
use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class LookupValueInTimeSeriesMapper method map.
protected void map(SlicedSelectedSample selection, SlicedResult result) throws Exception {
MTable mTable = null;
if (selection.get(1) == null) {
result.set(0, null);
if (selection.get(1) instanceof MTable) {
mTable = (MTable) selection.get(1);
} else {
mTable = new MTable((String) selection.get(1));
if (mTable.getNumRow() == 0) {
result.set(0, null);
Timestamp lookupTime = (Timestamp) selection.get(0);
TableSchema schema = mTable.getTableSchema();
String timeCol = null;
int timeIdx = -1;
TypeInformation<?>[] colTypes = schema.getFieldTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < colTypes.length; i++) {
if (colTypes[i] == Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP) {
timeCol = schema.getFieldNames()[i];
timeIdx = i;
if (timeIdx == -1) {
throw new RuntimeException("can not find time column, lookup failed");
String[] valueCols = TableUtil.getNumericCols(schema);
if (valueCols.length >= 1) {
List<Object> times = MTableUtils.getColumn(mTable, timeCol);
int idxRow = times.indexOf(lookupTime);
int idxCol = TableUtil.findColIndex(schema, valueCols[0]);
if (idxRow >= 0) {
result.set(0, ((Number) mTable.getEntry(idxRow, idxCol)).doubleValue());
} else {
Timestamp[] timesArr = MTableUtils.getColumn(mTable, timeCol).toArray(new Timestamp[] {});
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(timesArr, lookupTime);
if (pos == -1 || -1 - pos == timesArr.length) {
result.set(0, null);
// throw new RuntimeException("can not find value, value of time is not within expected");
} else {
int pos0 = -2 - pos;
int pos1 = -1 - pos;
long time0 = timesArr[pos0].getTime();
long time1 = timesArr[pos1].getTime();
double scale = (double) (lookupTime.getTime() - time0) / (double) (time1 - time0);
double inter = (1 - scale) * (double) mTable.getEntry(pos0, idxCol) + scale * (double) mTable.getEntry(pos1, idxCol);
result.set(0, inter);
result.set(0, null);
use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class LookupVectorInTimeSeriesMapper method map.
protected void map(SlicedSelectedSample selection, SlicedResult result) throws Exception {
MTable mTable = null;
if (selection.get(1) == null) {
result.set(0, null);
if (selection.get(1) instanceof MTable) {
mTable = (MTable) selection.get(1);
} else {
mTable = new MTable((String) selection.get(1));
if (mTable.getNumRow() == 0) {
result.set(0, null);
Timestamp lookupTime = (Timestamp) selection.get(0);
TableSchema schema = mTable.getTableSchema();
String timeCol = null;
String vectorCol = null;
int timeIdx = -1;
TypeInformation<?>[] colTypes = schema.getFieldTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < colTypes.length; i++) {
if (colTypes[i] == Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP) {
timeCol = schema.getFieldNames()[i];
timeIdx = i;
if (colTypes[i] == VectorTypes.VECTOR || colTypes[i] == VectorTypes.DENSE_VECTOR || colTypes[i] == VectorTypes.SPARSE_VECTOR) {
vectorCol = schema.getFieldNames()[i];
if (null != timeCol && null != vectorCol) {
List<Object> times = MTableUtils.getColumn(mTable, timeCol);
int idxRow = times.indexOf(lookupTime);
int idxCol = TableUtil.findColIndex(schema, vectorCol);
if (idxRow >= 0) {
result.set(0, mTable.getEntry(idxRow, idxCol));
} else {
Timestamp[] timesArr = MTableUtils.getColumn(mTable, timeCol).toArray(new Timestamp[] {});
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(timesArr, lookupTime);
if (pos == -1) {
result.set(0, mTable.getEntry(0, idxCol));
} else if (-pos == timesArr.length + 1) {
result.set(0, mTable.getEntry(timesArr.length - 1, idxCol));
} else {
int pos0 = -2 - pos;
int pos1 = -1 - pos;
long time0 = timesArr[pos0].getTime();
long time1 = timesArr[pos1].getTime();
double scale = (double) (lookupTime.getTime() - time0) / (double) (time1 - time0);
DenseVector inter = ((DenseVector) mTable.getEntry(pos0, idxCol)).scale(1 - scale);
inter.plusEqual(((DenseVector) mTable.getEntry(pos1, idxCol)).scale(scale));
result.set(0, inter);
result.set(0, null);
use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class FlattenMTableStreamTest method linkFrom.
public void linkFrom() throws Exception {
List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<>();
rows.add(Row.of(1, "2", 0, null, new SparseVector(3, new int[] { 1 }, new double[] { 2.0 }), new FloatTensor(new float[] { 3.0f })));
rows.add(Row.of(null, "2", 0, new DenseVector(new double[] { 0.0, 1.0 }), new SparseVector(4, new int[] { 2 }, new double[] { 3.0 }), new FloatTensor(new float[] { 3.0f })));
rows.add(Row.of(null, "2", 0, new DenseVector(new double[] { 0.1, 1.0 }), new SparseVector(4, new int[] { 2 }, new double[] { 3.0 }), new FloatTensor(new float[] { 3.0f })));
String schemaStr = "col0 int, col1 string, label int" + ", d_vec DENSE_VECTOR" + ", s_vec SPARSE_VECTOR" + ", tensor FLOAT_TENSOR";
MTable mTable = new MTable(rows, schemaStr);
List<Row> table = new ArrayList<>();
table.add(Row.of("id", mTable.toString()));
StreamOperator<?> op = new MemSourceStreamOp(table, new String[] { "id", "mTable" });
StreamOperator<?> res = FlattenMTableStreamOp().setSchemaStr(schemaStr).setSelectedCol("mTable").setReservedCols("id"));
CollectSinkStreamOp sop = CollectSinkStreamOp());
List<Row> list = sop.getAndRemoveValues();
for (Row row : list) {
Assert.assertEquals(row.getField(0), "id");