use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class VectorMaxAbsScalerMapperTest method testSparse.
public void testSparse() throws Exception {
Row[] rows = new Row[] { Row.of(0L, "{}", null), Row.of(1048576L, "[4.0,0.0,3.0]", null) };
List<Row> model = Arrays.asList(rows);
TableSchema dataSchema = new TableSchema(new String[] { "vec" }, new TypeInformation<?>[] { Types.STRING });
Params params = new Params();
VectorMaxAbsScalerModelMapper mapper = new VectorMaxAbsScalerModelMapper(modelSchema, dataSchema, params);
assertEquals( SparseVector(3, new int[] { 0, 2 }, new double[] { 1.0, 2.0 }))).getField(0), new SparseVector(3, new int[] { 0, 2 }, new double[] { 0.25, 0.6666666666666666 }));
use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class KMeansUtilTest method updateSumMatrixSparseTest.
public void updateSumMatrixSparseTest() {
int sampleWeight = 1;
KMeansPredictModelData predictModelData = new KMeansModelDataConverter().load(modelRows);
int vectorSize = predictModelData.params.vectorSize;
List<FastDistanceVectorData> samples = new ArrayList<>();
List<Vector> vectorList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
vectorList.add(new SparseVector(vectorSize, new int[] { i % vectorSize }, new double[] { i * i }));
vectorList.forEach(vec -> samples.add((predictModelData.params.distanceType.getFastDistance()).prepareVectorData(Tuple2.of(vec, null))));
DenseMatrix distanceMatrix = new DenseMatrix(predictModelData.params.k, 1);
double[] sumMatrix = new double[predictModelData.params.k * (vectorSize + 1)];
for (FastDistanceVectorData sample : samples) {
KMeansUtil.updateSumMatrix(sample, sampleWeight, predictModelData.centroids, predictModelData.params.vectorSize, sumMatrix, predictModelData.params.k, predictModelData.params.distanceType.getFastDistance(), distanceMatrix);
Arrays.equals(sumMatrix, new double[] { 117.0, 65.0, 89.0, 6.0, 9.0, 1.0, 4.0, 4.0 });
use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class LocalKmeansFuncTest method kmeansSparseTest.
public void kmeansSparseTest() {
int len = 10;
int k = 2;
int size = 20;
EuclideanDistance distance = new EuclideanDistance();
long[] sampleWeights = new long[len];
FastDistanceVectorData[] samples = new FastDistanceVectorData[len];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
sampleWeights[i] = i;
samples[i] = distance.prepareVectorData(Tuple2.of(new SparseVector(size, new int[] { i, i + 1 }, new double[] { i, i }), null));
FastDistanceMatrixData initCentroid = kmeans(k, sampleWeights, samples, distance, size, 0);
DenseMatrix initCentroidData = initCentroid.getVectors();
Assert.assertEquals(initCentroidData.numCols(), k);
Assert.assertEquals(new DenseVector(initCentroidData.getColumn(0)).normL2(), 8.615, 0.001);
Assert.assertEquals(new DenseVector(initCentroidData.getColumn(1)).normL2(), 4.128, 0.001);
use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class LdaUtilTest method getTopicDistributionMethodTest.
public void getTopicDistributionMethodTest() {
int row = 11;
int col = 5;
double[] temp = new double[] { 0.8936825549031158, 0.9650683744577933, 1.1760851442955271, 0.889011463028263, 1.0355502890838704, 1.1720254142865503, 0.8496512959061578, 1.1564109073902848, 0.8528198328651976, 1.072261907065107, 1.0112487630821958, 1.0288027427394206, 1.1256918577237478, 1.0641131417250107, 0.9830788207753957, 0.9519235842178695, 1.0531103642783968, 1.0846663792488604, 0.9317316401779444, 0.9816247167440154, 0.953061129524052, 0.8836097897537777, 0.8539728772760822, 1.109432137460693, 0.9801693423689286, 0.9385725168762017, 1.009886079821316, 0.9741390218380398, 0.8734624459614093, 0.8548583255850564, 0.8934120594879987, 1.0200469492393616, 0.9461610896051537, 1.1912819895664948, 0.9650275833536232, 0.9312815665885328, 0.984681817963758, 1.1412711858668625, 1.1159082714127344, 1.0219124026668207, 1.1052645047308647, 1.1380919062139254, 0.9684793634316371, 1.023922805813918, 1.0777999541431174, 0.8730213177341947, 1.0353598060502658, 1.047104264664753, 1.1284793487722498, 0.8898021261569816, 1.1634869627283706, 0.817874601150865, 1.0424867867765728, 1.167773175905418, 0.915224402643435 };
DenseMatrix lambda = new DenseMatrix(row, col, temp, false);
DenseMatrix expElogbeta = LdaUtil.expDirichletExpectation(lambda);
DenseMatrix alpha = new DenseMatrix(5, 1, new double[] { 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 });
DenseMatrix gammad = new DenseMatrix(5, 1, new double[] { 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1 });
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
SparseVector sv = new SparseVector(11, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 }, new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 6.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0 });
Tuple2<DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix> re = LdaUtil.getTopicDistributionMethod(sv, expElogbeta, alpha, gammad, 5);
Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(re.f0.get(3, 0) - 1.6055989357674745) < 10e-4);
Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(re.f1.get(2, 2) - 0.39534340684397445) < 10e-4);
use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class LdaUtilTest method getTopicDistributionMethodTest2.
public void getTopicDistributionMethodTest2() {
int row = 11;
int col = 5;
double[] temp = new double[] { 0.8936825549031158, 0.9650683744577933, 1.1760851442955271, 0.889011463028263, 1.0355502890838704, 1.1720254142865503, 0.8496512959061578, 1.1564109073902848, 0.8528198328651976, 1.072261907065107, 1.0112487630821958, 1.0288027427394206, 1.1256918577237478, 1.0641131417250107, 0.9830788207753957, 0.9519235842178695, 1.0531103642783968, 1.0846663792488604, 0.9317316401779444, 0.9816247167440154, 0.953061129524052, 0.8836097897537777, 0.8539728772760822, 1.109432137460693, 0.9801693423689286, 0.9385725168762017, 1.009886079821316, 0.9741390218380398, 0.8734624459614093, 0.8548583255850564, 0.8934120594879987, 1.0200469492393616, 0.9461610896051537, 1.1912819895664948, 0.9650275833536232, 0.9312815665885328, 0.984681817963758, 1.1412711858668625, 1.1159082714127344, 1.0219124026668207, 1.1052645047308647, 1.1380919062139254, 0.9684793634316371, 1.023922805813918, 1.0777999541431174, 0.8730213177341947, 1.0353598060502658, 1.047104264664753, 1.1284793487722498, 0.8898021261569816, 1.1634869627283706, 0.817874601150865, 1.0424867867765728, 1.167773175905418, 0.915224402643435 };
DenseMatrix lambda = new DenseMatrix(row, col, temp, false).transpose();
DenseMatrix expElogbeta = LdaUtil.expDirichletExpectation(lambda).transpose();
DenseMatrix alpha = new DenseMatrix(5, 1, new double[] { 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 });
DenseMatrix gammad = new DenseMatrix(5, 1, new double[] { 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1 });
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// SparseVector sv = new SparseVector(11, new int[]{0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 10}, new double[]{1.0, 3.0, 1.0,
// 3.0, 2.0, 1.0});
// SparseVector sv = new SparseVector(11, new int[]{0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10}, new double[]{1.0, 2.0,
// 6.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0});
// SparseVector sv = new SparseVector(11, new int[]{0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 10}, new double[]{1.0, 3.0, 1.0,
// 3.0, 2.0, 1.0});
SparseVector sv = new SparseVector(11, new int[] { 0, 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10 }, new double[] { 2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 2.0, 2.0, 9.0 });
Tuple2<DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix> re = LdaUtil.getTopicDistributionMethod(sv, expElogbeta, alpha, gammad, 5);