Search in sources :

Example 1 with AkSinkBatchOp

use of in project Alink by alibaba.

the class Chap01 method c_5_2.

static void c_5_2() throws Exception {
    BatchOperator<?> train_set = new MemSourceBatchOp(new Row[] { Row.of(2009, 0.5), Row.of(2010, 9.36), Row.of(2011, 52.0), Row.of(2012, 191.0), Row.of(2013, 350.0), Row.of(2014, 571.0), Row.of(2015, 912.0), Row.of(2016, 1207.0), Row.of(2017, 1682.0) }, new String[] { "x", "gmv" });
    BatchOperator<?> pred_set = new MemSourceBatchOp(new Integer[] { 2018, 2019 }, "x");
    train_set ="x, x*x AS x2, gmv");
    LinearRegTrainBatchOp trainer = new LinearRegTrainBatchOp().setFeatureCols("x", "x2").setLabelCol("gmv");; AkSinkBatchOp().setFilePath(DATA_DIR + "gmv_reg.model").setOverwriteSink(true));
    BatchOperator<?> lr_model = new AkSourceBatchOp().setFilePath(DATA_DIR + "gmv_reg.model");
    pred_set ="x, x*x AS x2");
    LinearRegPredictBatchOp predictor = new LinearRegPredictBatchOp().setPredictionCol("pred");
    predictor.linkFrom(lr_model, pred_set).print();
Also used : MemSourceBatchOp( AkSourceBatchOp( LinearRegTrainBatchOp( AkSinkBatchOp( LinearRegPredictBatchOp(

Example 2 with AkSinkBatchOp

use of in project Alink by alibaba.

the class Chap03 method c_2_3_1.

static void c_2_3_1() throws Exception {
    HadoopFileSystem hdfs = new HadoopFileSystem(HADOOP_VERSION, HDFS_URI);
    FilePath[] filePaths = new FilePath[] { new FilePath(LOCAL_DIR + "iris.ak"), new FilePath(HDFS_URI + "user/yangxu/alink/data/temp/iris.ak", hdfs), new FilePath(OSS_PREFIX_URI + "alink/data/temp/iris.ak", oss) };
    for (FilePath filePath : filePaths) {
        new CsvSourceBatchOp().setFilePath(IRIS_HTTP_URL).setSchemaStr(IRIS_SCHEMA_STR).link(new AkSinkBatchOp().setFilePath(filePath).setOverwriteSink(true));
        System.out.println(new AkSourceBatchOp().setFilePath(filePath).count());
    for (FilePath filePath : filePaths) {
        new CsvSourceStreamOp().setFilePath(IRIS_HTTP_URL).setSchemaStr(IRIS_SCHEMA_STR).link(new AkSinkStreamOp().setFilePath(filePath).setOverwriteSink(true));
        new AkSourceStreamOp().setFilePath(filePath).filter("sepal_length < 4.5").print();
Also used : FilePath( AkSinkStreamOp( AkSourceBatchOp( AkSourceStreamOp( AkSinkBatchOp( HadoopFileSystem( CsvSourceStreamOp( OssFileSystem( CsvSourceBatchOp(

Example 3 with AkSinkBatchOp

use of in project Alink by alibaba.

the class Chap08 method c_5.

static void c_5() throws Exception {
    AkSourceBatchOp train_data = new AkSourceBatchOp().setFilePath(DATA_DIR + TRAIN_FILE);
    AkSourceBatchOp test_data = new AkSourceBatchOp().setFilePath(DATA_DIR + TEST_FILE);
    LogisticRegressionTrainBatchOp lrTrainer = new LogisticRegressionTrainBatchOp().setFeatureCols(FEATURE_COL_NAMES).setLabelCol(LABEL_COL_NAME);
    LogisticRegressionPredictBatchOp lrPredictor = new LogisticRegressionPredictBatchOp().setPredictionCol(PREDICTION_COL_NAME).setPredictionDetailCol(PRED_DETAIL_COL_NAME);;
    lrPredictor.linkFrom(lrTrainer, test_data);
    lrPredictor.lazyPrint(5, "< Prediction >").link(new AkSinkBatchOp().setFilePath(DATA_DIR + LR_PRED_FILE).setOverwriteSink(true));
Also used : LogisticRegressionPredictBatchOp( LogisticRegressionTrainBatchOp( AkSourceBatchOp( AkSinkBatchOp(

Example 4 with AkSinkBatchOp

use of in project Alink by alibaba.

the class Chap08 method c_6.

static void c_6() throws Exception {
    AkSourceBatchOp train_data = new AkSourceBatchOp().setFilePath(DATA_DIR + TRAIN_FILE);
    AkSourceBatchOp test_data = new AkSourceBatchOp().setFilePath(DATA_DIR + TEST_FILE);
    LinearSvmTrainBatchOp svmTrainer = new LinearSvmTrainBatchOp().setFeatureCols(FEATURE_COL_NAMES).setLabelCol(LABEL_COL_NAME);
    LinearSvmPredictBatchOp svmPredictor = new LinearSvmPredictBatchOp().setPredictionCol(PREDICTION_COL_NAME).setPredictionDetailCol(PRED_DETAIL_COL_NAME);;
    svmPredictor.linkFrom(svmTrainer, test_data);
    svmPredictor.lazyPrint(5, "< Prediction >").link(new AkSinkBatchOp().setFilePath(DATA_DIR + SVM_PRED_FILE).setOverwriteSink(true));
Also used : AkSourceBatchOp( LinearSvmTrainBatchOp( LinearSvmPredictBatchOp( AkSinkBatchOp(

Example 5 with AkSinkBatchOp

use of in project Alink by alibaba.

the class Chap11 method c_3.

static void c_3() throws Exception {
    BatchOperator<?> source = getSource();
    BatchOperator t1 = source.filter("ts < CAST('2014-07-16 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP)");
    BatchOperator t2 = source.filter("ts >= CAST('2014-07-16 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP)");
    t1.lazyPrint(3, "[ ts < '2014-07-16 00:00:00' ]").lazyPrintStatistics();
    t2.lazyPrint(3, "[ ts >= '2014-07-16 00:00:00' ]").lazyPrintStatistics();
    String clausePreProc = "user_id, brand_id, type, ts, past_days," + "case when type=0 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click," + "case when type=1 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy," + "case when type=2 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect," + "case when type=3 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart," + "case when type=0 and past_days<=30 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_1m," + "case when type=1 and past_days<=30 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_1m," + "case when type=2 and past_days<=30 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_1m," + "case when type=3 and past_days<=30 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_1m," + "case when type=0 and past_days<=60 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_2m," + "case when type=1 and past_days<=60 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_2m," + "case when type=2 and past_days<=60 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_2m," + "case when type=3 and past_days<=60 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_2m," + "case when type=0 and past_days<=90 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_3m," + "case when type=1 and past_days<=90 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_3m," + "case when type=2 and past_days<=90 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_3m," + "case when type=3 and past_days<=90 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_3m," + "case when type=0 and past_days>30 and past_days<=60 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_m2nd," + "case when type=1 and past_days>30 and past_days<=60 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_m2nd," + "case when type=2 and past_days>30 and past_days<=60 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_m2nd," + "case when type=3 and past_days>30 and past_days<=60 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_m2nd," + "case when type=0 and past_days>60 and past_days<=90 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_m3th," + "case when type=1 and past_days>60 and past_days<=90 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_m3th," + "case when type=2 and past_days>60 and past_days<=90 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_m3th," + "case when type=3 and past_days>60 and past_days<=90 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_m3th," + "case when type=0 and past_days<=3 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_3d," + "case when type=1 and past_days<=3 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_3d," + "case when type=2 and past_days<=3 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_3d," + "case when type=3 and past_days<=3 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_3d," + "case when type=0 and past_days>3 and past_days<=6 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_3d2nd," + "case when type=1 and past_days>3 and past_days<=6 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_3d2nd," + "case when type=2 and past_days>3 and past_days<=6 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_3d2nd," + "case when type=3 and past_days>3 and past_days<=6 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_3d2nd," + "case when type=0 and past_days>6 and past_days<=9 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_3d3th," + "case when type=1 and past_days>6 and past_days<=9 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_3d3th," + "case when type=2 and past_days>6 and past_days<=9 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_3d3th," + "case when type=3 and past_days>6 and past_days<=9 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_3d3th," + "case when type=0 and past_days<=7 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_1w," + "case when type=1 and past_days<=7 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_1w," + "case when type=2 and past_days<=7 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_1w," + "case when type=3 and past_days<=7 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_1w," + "case when type=0 and past_days>7 and past_days<=14 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_w2nd," + "case when type=1 and past_days>7 and past_days<=14 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_w2nd," + "case when type=2 and past_days>7 and past_days<=14 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_w2nd," + "case when type=3 and past_days>7 and past_days<=14 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_w2nd," + "case when type=0 and past_days>14 and past_days<=21 then 1 else 0 end AS is_click_w3th," + "case when type=1 and past_days>14 and past_days<=21 then 1 else 0 end AS is_buy_w3th," + "case when type=2 and past_days>14 and past_days<=21 then 1 else 0 end AS is_collect_w3th," + "case when type=3 and past_days>14 and past_days<=21 then 1 else 0 end AS is_cart_w3th";
    BatchOperator t1_preproc ="user_id, brand_id, type, ts, " + "TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, ts, TIMESTAMP '2014-07-16 00:00:00') AS past_days").select(clausePreProc);
    String clauseUserBrand = "user_id, brand_id, SUM(is_click) as cnt_click, SUM(is_buy) as cnt_buy, " + "SUM(is_collect) as cnt_collect, SUM(is_cart) as cnt_cart, " + "SUM(is_click_1m) as cnt_click_1m, SUM(is_buy_1m) as cnt_buy_1m, " + "SUM(is_collect_1m) as cnt_collect_1m, SUM(is_cart_1m) as cnt_cart_1m, " + "SUM(is_click_2m) as cnt_click_2m, SUM(is_buy_2m) as cnt_buy_2m, " + "SUM(is_collect_2m) as cnt_collect_2m, SUM(is_cart_2m) as cnt_cart_2m, " + "SUM(is_click_3m) as cnt_click_3m, SUM(is_buy_3m) as cnt_buy_3m, " + "SUM(is_collect_3m) as cnt_collect_3m, SUM(is_cart_3m) as cnt_cart_3m, " + "SUM(is_click_m2nd) as cnt_click_m2nd, SUM(is_buy_m2nd) as cnt_buy_m2nd, " + "SUM(is_collect_m2nd) as cnt_collect_m2nd, SUM(is_cart_m2nd) as cnt_cart_m2nd, " + "SUM(is_click_m3th) as cnt_click_m3th, SUM(is_buy_m3th) as cnt_buy_m3th, " + "SUM(is_collect_m3th) as cnt_collect_m3th, SUM(is_cart_m3th) as cnt_cart_m3th, " + "SUM(is_click_3d) as cnt_click_3d, SUM(is_buy_3d) as cnt_buy_3d, " + "SUM(is_collect_3d) as cnt_collect_3d, SUM(is_cart_3d) as cnt_cart_3d, " + "SUM(is_click_3d2nd) as cnt_click_3d2nd, SUM(is_buy_3d2nd) as cnt_buy_3d2nd, " + "SUM(is_collect_3d2nd) as cnt_collect_3d2nd, SUM(is_cart_3d2nd) as cnt_cart_3d2nd, " + "SUM(is_click_3d3th) as cnt_click_3d3th, SUM(is_buy_3d3th) as cnt_buy_3d3th, " + "SUM(is_collect_3d3th) as cnt_collect_3d3th, SUM(is_cart_3d3th) as cnt_cart_3d3th, " + "SUM(is_click_1w) as cnt_click_1w, SUM(is_buy_1w) as cnt_buy_1w, " + "SUM(is_collect_1w) as cnt_collect_1w, SUM(is_cart_1w) as cnt_cart_1w, " + "SUM(is_click_w2nd) as cnt_click_w2nd, SUM(is_buy_w2nd) as cnt_buy_w2nd, " + "SUM(is_collect_w2nd) as cnt_collect_w2nd, SUM(is_cart_w2nd) as cnt_cart_w2nd, " + "SUM(is_click_w3th) as cnt_click_w3th, SUM(is_buy_w3th) as cnt_buy_w3th, " + "SUM(is_collect_w3th) as cnt_collect_w3th, SUM(is_cart_w3th) as cnt_cart_w3th";
    BatchOperator t1_userbrand = t1_preproc.groupBy("user_id, brand_id", clauseUserBrand);
    String clauseUserBrand_Rate = "user_id,brand_id," + "cnt_click,cnt_buy,cnt_collect,cnt_cart," + "cnt_click_1m,cnt_buy_1m,cnt_collect_1m,cnt_cart_1m," + "cnt_click_2m,cnt_buy_2m,cnt_collect_2m,cnt_cart_2m," + "cnt_click_3m,cnt_buy_3m,cnt_collect_3m,cnt_cart_3m," + "cnt_click_m2nd,cnt_buy_m2nd,cnt_collect_m2nd,cnt_cart_m2nd," + "cnt_click_m3th,cnt_buy_m3th,cnt_collect_m3th,cnt_cart_m3th," + "cnt_click_3d,cnt_buy_3d,cnt_collect_3d,cnt_cart_3d," + "cnt_click_3d2nd,cnt_buy_3d2nd,cnt_collect_3d2nd,cnt_cart_3d2nd," + "cnt_click_3d3th,cnt_buy_3d3th,cnt_collect_3d3th,cnt_cart_3d3th," + "cnt_click_1w,cnt_buy_1w,cnt_collect_1w,cnt_cart_1w," + "cnt_click_w2nd,cnt_buy_w2nd,cnt_collect_w2nd,cnt_cart_w2nd," + "cnt_click_w3th,cnt_buy_w3th,cnt_collect_w3th,cnt_cart_w3th," + "case when cnt_buy>cnt_click then 1.0 when cnt_buy=0 then 0.0 else cnt_buy*1.0/cnt_click end AS " + "rt_click2buy," + "case when cnt_buy>cnt_collect then 1.0 when cnt_buy=0 then 0.0 else cnt_buy*1.0/cnt_collect end AS " + "rt_collect2buy," + "case when cnt_buy>cnt_cart then 1.0 when cnt_buy=0 then 0.0 else cnt_buy*1.0/cnt_cart end AS " + "rt_cart2buy," + "case when cnt_buy_3d>cnt_click_3d then 1.0 when cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 else cnt_buy_3d*1.0/cnt_click_3d" + " end AS rt_click2buy_3d," + "case when cnt_buy_3d>cnt_collect_3d then 1.0 when cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 else " + "cnt_buy_3d*1.0/cnt_collect_3d end AS rt_collect2buy_3d," + "case when cnt_buy_3d>cnt_cart_3d then 1.0 when cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 else cnt_buy_3d*1.0/cnt_cart_3d " + "end AS rt_cart2buy_3d," + "case when cnt_buy_1w>cnt_click_1w then 1.0 when cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 else cnt_buy_1w*1.0/cnt_click_1w" + " end AS rt_click2buy_1w," + "case when cnt_buy_1w>cnt_collect_1w then 1.0 when cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 else " + "cnt_buy_1w*1.0/cnt_collect_1w end AS rt_collect2buy_1w," + "case when cnt_buy_1w>cnt_cart_1w then 1.0 when cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 else cnt_buy_1w*1.0/cnt_cart_1w " + "end AS rt_cart2buy_1w," + "case when cnt_buy_1m>cnt_click_1m then 1.0 when cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 else cnt_buy_1m*1.0/cnt_click_1m" + " end AS rt_click2buy_1m," + "case when cnt_buy_1m>cnt_collect_1m then 1.0 when cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 else " + "cnt_buy_1m*1.0/cnt_collect_1m end AS rt_collect2buy_1m," + "case when cnt_buy_1m>cnt_cart_1m then 1.0 when cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 else cnt_buy_1m*1.0/cnt_cart_1m " + "end AS rt_cart2buy_1m," + "case when cnt_click_3d=0 then 0.0 when cnt_click_3d>=120.0*cnt_click_3d2nd then 120.0 else " + "cnt_click_3d*1.0/cnt_click_3d2nd end AS rt_click_3d," + "case when cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 when cnt_buy_3d>=10.0*cnt_buy_3d2nd then 10.0 else " + "cnt_buy_3d*1.0/cnt_buy_3d2nd end AS rt_buy_3d," + "case when cnt_collect_3d=0 then 0.0 when cnt_collect_3d>=10.0*cnt_collect_3d2nd then 10.0 else " + "cnt_collect_3d*1.0/cnt_collect_3d2nd end AS rt_collect_3d," + "case when cnt_cart_3d=0 then 0.0 when cnt_cart_3d>=20.0*cnt_cart_3d2nd then 20.0 else " + "cnt_cart_3d*1.0/cnt_cart_3d2nd end AS rt_cart_3d," + "case when cnt_click_1w=0 then 0.0 when cnt_click_1w>=300.0*cnt_click_w2nd then 300.0 else " + "cnt_click_1w*1.0/cnt_click_w2nd end AS rt_click_1w," + "case when cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 when cnt_buy_1w>=15.0*cnt_buy_w2nd then 15.0 else " + "cnt_buy_1w*1.0/cnt_buy_w2nd end AS rt_buy_1w," + "case when cnt_collect_1w=0 then 0.0 when cnt_collect_1w>=15.0*cnt_collect_w2nd then 15.0 else " + "cnt_collect_1w*1.0/cnt_collect_w2nd end AS rt_collect_1w," + "case when cnt_cart_1w=0 then 0.0 when cnt_cart_1w>=40.0*cnt_cart_w2nd then 40.0 else " + "cnt_cart_1w*1.0/cnt_cart_w2nd end AS rt_cart_1w," + "case when cnt_click_1m=0 then 0.0 when cnt_click_1m>=500.0*cnt_click_m2nd then 500.0 else " + "cnt_click_1m*1.0/cnt_click_m2nd end AS rt_click_1m," + "case when cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 when cnt_buy_1m>=30.0*cnt_buy_m2nd then 30.0 else " + "cnt_buy_1m*1.0/cnt_buy_m2nd end AS rt_buy_1m," + "case when cnt_collect_1m=0 then 0.0 when cnt_collect_1m>=30.0*cnt_collect_m2nd then 30.0 else " + "cnt_collect_1m*1.0/cnt_collect_m2nd end AS rt_collect_1m," + "case when cnt_cart_1m=0 then 0.0 when cnt_cart_1m>=50.0*cnt_cart_m2nd then 50.0 else " + "cnt_cart_1m*1.0/cnt_cart_m2nd end AS rt_cart_1m";
    t1_userbrand =;
    String clauseUser = "user_id, " + "SUM(is_click) as user_cnt_click, SUM(is_buy) as user_cnt_buy, " + "SUM(is_collect) as user_cnt_collect, SUM(is_cart) as user_cnt_cart, " + "SUM(is_click_1m) as user_cnt_click_1m, SUM(is_buy_1m) as user_cnt_buy_1m, " + "SUM(is_collect_1m) as user_cnt_collect_1m, SUM(is_cart_1m) as user_cnt_cart_1m, " + "SUM(is_click_2m) as user_cnt_click_2m, SUM(is_buy_2m) as user_cnt_buy_2m, " + "SUM(is_collect_2m) as user_cnt_collect_2m, SUM(is_cart_2m) as user_cnt_cart_2m, " + "SUM(is_click_3m) as user_cnt_click_3m, SUM(is_buy_3m) as user_cnt_buy_3m, " + "SUM(is_collect_3m) as user_cnt_collect_3m, SUM(is_cart_3m) as user_cnt_cart_3m, " + "SUM(is_click_m2nd) as user_cnt_click_m2nd, SUM(is_buy_m2nd) as user_cnt_buy_m2nd, " + "SUM(is_collect_m2nd) as user_cnt_collect_m2nd, SUM(is_cart_m2nd) as user_cnt_cart_m2nd, " + "SUM(is_click_m3th) as user_cnt_click_m3th, SUM(is_buy_m3th) as user_cnt_buy_m3th, " + "SUM(is_collect_m3th) as user_cnt_collect_m3th, SUM(is_cart_m3th) as user_cnt_cart_m3th, " + "SUM(is_click_3d) as user_cnt_click_3d, SUM(is_buy_3d) as user_cnt_buy_3d, " + "SUM(is_collect_3d) as user_cnt_collect_3d, SUM(is_cart_3d) as user_cnt_cart_3d, " + "SUM(is_click_3d2nd) as user_cnt_click_3d2nd, SUM(is_buy_3d2nd) as user_cnt_buy_3d2nd, " + "SUM(is_collect_3d2nd) as user_cnt_collect_3d2nd, SUM(is_cart_3d2nd) as user_cnt_cart_3d2nd, " + "SUM(is_click_3d3th) as user_cnt_click_3d3th, SUM(is_buy_3d3th) as user_cnt_buy_3d3th, " + "SUM(is_collect_3d3th) as user_cnt_collect_3d3th, SUM(is_cart_3d3th) as user_cnt_cart_3d3th, " + "SUM(is_click_1w) as user_cnt_click_1w, SUM(is_buy_1w) as user_cnt_buy_1w, " + "SUM(is_collect_1w) as user_cnt_collect_1w, SUM(is_cart_1w) as user_cnt_cart_1w, " + "SUM(is_click_w2nd) as user_cnt_click_w2nd, SUM(is_buy_w2nd) as user_cnt_buy_w2nd, " + "SUM(is_collect_w2nd) as user_cnt_collect_w2nd, SUM(is_cart_w2nd) as user_cnt_cart_w2nd, " + "SUM(is_click_w3th) as user_cnt_click_w3th, SUM(is_buy_w3th) as user_cnt_buy_w3th, " + "SUM(is_collect_w3th) as user_cnt_collect_w3th, SUM(is_cart_w3th) as user_cnt_cart_w3th";
    BatchOperator t1_user = t1_preproc.groupBy("user_id", clauseUser);
    String clauseUser_Rate = "user_id AS user_id4join," + "user_cnt_click,user_cnt_buy,user_cnt_collect,user_cnt_cart," + "user_cnt_click_1m,user_cnt_buy_1m,user_cnt_collect_1m,user_cnt_cart_1m," + "user_cnt_click_2m,user_cnt_buy_2m,user_cnt_collect_2m,user_cnt_cart_2m," + "user_cnt_click_3m,user_cnt_buy_3m,user_cnt_collect_3m,user_cnt_cart_3m," + "user_cnt_click_m2nd,user_cnt_buy_m2nd,user_cnt_collect_m2nd,user_cnt_cart_m2nd," + "user_cnt_click_m3th,user_cnt_buy_m3th,user_cnt_collect_m3th,user_cnt_cart_m3th," + "user_cnt_click_3d,user_cnt_buy_3d,user_cnt_collect_3d,user_cnt_cart_3d," + "user_cnt_click_3d2nd,user_cnt_buy_3d2nd,user_cnt_collect_3d2nd,user_cnt_cart_3d2nd," + "user_cnt_click_3d3th,user_cnt_buy_3d3th,user_cnt_collect_3d3th,user_cnt_cart_3d3th," + "user_cnt_click_1w,user_cnt_buy_1w,user_cnt_collect_1w,user_cnt_cart_1w," + "user_cnt_click_w2nd,user_cnt_buy_w2nd,user_cnt_collect_w2nd,user_cnt_cart_w2nd," + "user_cnt_click_w3th,user_cnt_buy_w3th,user_cnt_collect_w3th,user_cnt_cart_w3th," + "case when user_cnt_buy>user_cnt_click then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy*1.0/user_cnt_click end AS user_rt_click2buy," + "case when user_cnt_buy>user_cnt_collect then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy*1.0/user_cnt_collect end AS user_rt_collect2buy," + "case when user_cnt_buy>user_cnt_cart then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy*1.0/user_cnt_cart end AS user_rt_cart2buy," + "case when user_cnt_buy_3d>user_cnt_click_3d then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy_3d*1.0/user_cnt_click_3d end AS user_rt_click2buy_3d," + "case when user_cnt_buy_3d>user_cnt_collect_3d then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy_3d*1.0/user_cnt_collect_3d end AS user_rt_collect2buy_3d," + "case when user_cnt_buy_3d>user_cnt_cart_3d then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy_3d*1.0/user_cnt_cart_3d end AS user_rt_cart2buy_3d," + "case when user_cnt_buy_1w>user_cnt_click_1w then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy_1w*1.0/user_cnt_click_1w end AS user_rt_click2buy_1w," + "case when user_cnt_buy_1w>user_cnt_collect_1w then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy_1w*1.0/user_cnt_collect_1w end AS user_rt_collect2buy_1w," + "case when user_cnt_buy_1w>user_cnt_cart_1w then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy_1w*1.0/user_cnt_cart_1w end AS user_rt_cart2buy_1w," + "case when user_cnt_buy_1m>user_cnt_click_1m then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy_1m*1.0/user_cnt_click_1m end AS user_rt_click2buy_1m," + "case when user_cnt_buy_1m>user_cnt_collect_1m then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy_1m*1.0/user_cnt_collect_1m end AS user_rt_collect2buy_1m," + "case when user_cnt_buy_1m>user_cnt_cart_1m then 1.0 when user_cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 else " + "user_cnt_buy_1m*1.0/user_cnt_cart_1m end AS user_rt_cart2buy_1m";
    t1_user =;
    String clauseBrand = "brand_id, " + "SUM(is_click) as brand_cnt_click, SUM(is_buy) as brand_cnt_buy, " + "SUM(is_collect) as brand_cnt_collect, SUM(is_cart) as brand_cnt_cart, " + "SUM(is_click_1m) as brand_cnt_click_1m, SUM(is_buy_1m) as brand_cnt_buy_1m, " + "SUM(is_collect_1m) as brand_cnt_collect_1m, SUM(is_cart_1m) as brand_cnt_cart_1m, " + "SUM(is_click_2m) as brand_cnt_click_2m, SUM(is_buy_2m) as brand_cnt_buy_2m, " + "SUM(is_collect_2m) as brand_cnt_collect_2m, SUM(is_cart_2m) as brand_cnt_cart_2m, " + "SUM(is_click_3m) as brand_cnt_click_3m, SUM(is_buy_3m) as brand_cnt_buy_3m, " + "SUM(is_collect_3m) as brand_cnt_collect_3m, SUM(is_cart_3m) as brand_cnt_cart_3m, " + "SUM(is_click_m2nd) as brand_cnt_click_m2nd, SUM(is_buy_m2nd) as brand_cnt_buy_m2nd, " + "SUM(is_collect_m2nd) as brand_cnt_collect_m2nd, SUM(is_cart_m2nd) as brand_cnt_cart_m2nd, " + "SUM(is_click_m3th) as brand_cnt_click_m3th, SUM(is_buy_m3th) as brand_cnt_buy_m3th, " + "SUM(is_collect_m3th) as brand_cnt_collect_m3th, SUM(is_cart_m3th) as brand_cnt_cart_m3th, " + "SUM(is_click_3d) as brand_cnt_click_3d, SUM(is_buy_3d) as brand_cnt_buy_3d, " + "SUM(is_collect_3d) as brand_cnt_collect_3d, SUM(is_cart_3d) as brand_cnt_cart_3d, " + "SUM(is_click_3d2nd) as brand_cnt_click_3d2nd, SUM(is_buy_3d2nd) as brand_cnt_buy_3d2nd, " + "SUM(is_collect_3d2nd) as brand_cnt_collect_3d2nd, SUM(is_cart_3d2nd) as brand_cnt_cart_3d2nd, " + "SUM(is_click_3d3th) as brand_cnt_click_3d3th, SUM(is_buy_3d3th) as brand_cnt_buy_3d3th, " + "SUM(is_collect_3d3th) as brand_cnt_collect_3d3th, SUM(is_cart_3d3th) as brand_cnt_cart_3d3th, " + "SUM(is_click_1w) as brand_cnt_click_1w, SUM(is_buy_1w) as brand_cnt_buy_1w, " + "SUM(is_collect_1w) as brand_cnt_collect_1w, SUM(is_cart_1w) as brand_cnt_cart_1w, " + "SUM(is_click_w2nd) as brand_cnt_click_w2nd, SUM(is_buy_w2nd) as brand_cnt_buy_w2nd, " + "SUM(is_collect_w2nd) as brand_cnt_collect_w2nd, SUM(is_cart_w2nd) as brand_cnt_cart_w2nd, " + "SUM(is_click_w3th) as brand_cnt_click_w3th, SUM(is_buy_w3th) as brand_cnt_buy_w3th, " + "SUM(is_collect_w3th) as brand_cnt_collect_w3th, SUM(is_cart_w3th) as brand_cnt_cart_w3th";
    BatchOperator t1_brand = t1_preproc.groupBy("brand_id", clauseBrand);
    String clauseBrand_Rate = "brand_id AS brand_id4join," + "brand_cnt_click,brand_cnt_buy,brand_cnt_collect,brand_cnt_cart," + "brand_cnt_click_1m,brand_cnt_buy_1m,brand_cnt_collect_1m,brand_cnt_cart_1m," + "brand_cnt_click_2m,brand_cnt_buy_2m,brand_cnt_collect_2m,brand_cnt_cart_2m," + "brand_cnt_click_3m,brand_cnt_buy_3m,brand_cnt_collect_3m,brand_cnt_cart_3m," + "brand_cnt_click_m2nd,brand_cnt_buy_m2nd,brand_cnt_collect_m2nd,brand_cnt_cart_m2nd," + "brand_cnt_click_m3th,brand_cnt_buy_m3th,brand_cnt_collect_m3th,brand_cnt_cart_m3th," + "brand_cnt_click_3d,brand_cnt_buy_3d,brand_cnt_collect_3d,brand_cnt_cart_3d," + "brand_cnt_click_3d2nd,brand_cnt_buy_3d2nd,brand_cnt_collect_3d2nd,brand_cnt_cart_3d2nd," + "brand_cnt_click_3d3th,brand_cnt_buy_3d3th,brand_cnt_collect_3d3th,brand_cnt_cart_3d3th," + "brand_cnt_click_1w,brand_cnt_buy_1w,brand_cnt_collect_1w,brand_cnt_cart_1w," + "brand_cnt_click_w2nd,brand_cnt_buy_w2nd,brand_cnt_collect_w2nd,brand_cnt_cart_w2nd," + "brand_cnt_click_w3th,brand_cnt_buy_w3th,brand_cnt_collect_w3th,brand_cnt_cart_w3th," + "case when brand_cnt_buy>brand_cnt_click then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy*1.0/brand_cnt_click end AS brand_rt_click2buy," + "case when brand_cnt_buy>brand_cnt_collect then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy*1.0/brand_cnt_collect end AS brand_rt_collect2buy," + "case when brand_cnt_buy>brand_cnt_cart then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy*1.0/brand_cnt_cart end AS brand_rt_cart2buy," + "case when brand_cnt_buy_3d>brand_cnt_click_3d then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy_3d*1.0/brand_cnt_click_3d end AS brand_rt_click2buy_3d," + "case when brand_cnt_buy_3d>brand_cnt_collect_3d then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy_3d*1.0/brand_cnt_collect_3d end AS brand_rt_collect2buy_3d," + "case when brand_cnt_buy_3d>brand_cnt_cart_3d then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy_3d=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy_3d*1.0/brand_cnt_cart_3d end AS brand_rt_cart2buy_3d," + "case when brand_cnt_buy_1w>brand_cnt_click_1w then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy_1w*1.0/brand_cnt_click_1w end AS brand_rt_click2buy_1w," + "case when brand_cnt_buy_1w>brand_cnt_collect_1w then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy_1w*1.0/brand_cnt_collect_1w end AS brand_rt_collect2buy_1w," + "case when brand_cnt_buy_1w>brand_cnt_cart_1w then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy_1w=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy_1w*1.0/brand_cnt_cart_1w end AS brand_cart2buy_1w," + "case when brand_cnt_buy_1m>brand_cnt_click_1m then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy_1m*1.0/brand_cnt_click_1m end AS brand_rt_click2buy_1m," + "case when brand_cnt_buy_1m>brand_cnt_collect_1m then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy_1m*1.0/brand_cnt_collect_1m end AS brand_rt_collect2buy_1m," + "case when brand_cnt_buy_1m>brand_cnt_cart_1m then 1.0 when brand_cnt_buy_1m=0 then 0.0 else " + "brand_cnt_buy_1m*1.0/brand_cnt_cart_1m end AS brand_rt_cart2buy_1m";
    t1_brand =;
    BatchOperator t1_join = new JoinBatchOp().setSelectClause("*").setJoinPredicate("user_id=user_id4join").linkFrom(t1_userbrand, t1_user);
    t1_join = new JoinBatchOp().setSelectClause("*").setJoinPredicate("brand_id=brand_id4join").linkFrom(t1_join, t1_brand);
    BatchOperator t2_label = t2.filter("type=1").select("user_id AS user_id4label, brand_id AS brand_id4label, 1 as label").distinct();
    BatchOperator feature_label = new LeftOuterJoinBatchOp().setSelectClause("*").setJoinPredicate("user_id = user_id4label AND brand_id = brand_id4label").linkFrom(t1_join, t2_label);
    Imputer imputer = new Imputer().setStrategy("value").setFillValue("0").setSelectedCols("label");
    feature_label =;
    String[] featureColNames = ArrayUtils.removeElements(feature_label.getColNames(), new String[] { "user_id", "brand_id", "user_id4join", "brand_id4join", "user_id4label", "brand_id4label", LABEL_COL_NAME });
    StringBuilder sbd = new StringBuilder();
    for (String name : featureColNames) {
        sbd.append("CAST(").append(name).append(" AS DOUBLE) AS ").append(name).append(", ");
    sbd.append(LABEL_COL_NAME); AkSinkBatchOp().setFilePath(DATA_DIR + FEATURE_LABEL_FILE).setOverwriteSink(true));
Also used : LeftOuterJoinBatchOp( Imputer( LeftOuterJoinBatchOp( JoinBatchOp( AkSinkBatchOp( BatchOperator(


AkSinkBatchOp ( AkSourceBatchOp ( File ( CsvSourceBatchOp ( MemSourceBatchOp ( BatchOperator ( EvalClusterBatchOp ( PipelineModel ( LogisticRegression ( FilePath ( HadoopFileSystem ( OssFileSystem ( Stopwatch ( LogisticRegressionTrainBatchOp ( KMeansPredictBatchOp ( KMeansTrainBatchOp ( SplitBatchOp ( EvalBinaryClassBatchOp ( SegmentBatchOp ( StopWordsRemoverBatchOp (