use of in project Alink by alibaba.
the class KeywordsExtractionBatchOp method linkFrom.
public KeywordsExtractionBatchOp linkFrom(BatchOperator<?>... inputs) {
BatchOperator<?> in = checkAndGetFirst(inputs);
final String docId = "doc_alink_id";
String selectedColName = this.getSelectedCol();
TableUtil.assertSelectedColExist(in.getColNames(), selectedColName);
String outputColName = this.getOutputCol();
if (null == outputColName) {
outputColName = selectedColName;
OutputColsHelper outputColsHelper = new OutputColsHelper(in.getSchema(), outputColName, Types.STRING);
final Integer topN = this.getTopN();
Method method = this.getMethod();
BatchOperator inWithId = new TableSourceBatchOp(AppendIdBatchOp.appendId(in.getDataSet(), in.getSchema(), getMLEnvironmentId())).setMLEnvironmentId(getMLEnvironmentId());
DataSet<Row> weights;
StopWordsRemoverBatchOp filterOp = new StopWordsRemoverBatchOp().setMLEnvironmentId(getMLEnvironmentId()).setSelectedCol(selectedColName).setOutputCol("selectedColName");
BatchOperator filtered = filterOp.linkFrom(inWithId);
switch(method) {
case TF_IDF:
DocWordCountBatchOp wordCount = new DocWordCountBatchOp().setMLEnvironmentId(getMLEnvironmentId()).setDocIdCol(AppendIdBatchOp.appendIdColName).setContentCol("selectedColName");
TfidfBatchOp tfIdf = new TfidfBatchOp().setMLEnvironmentId(getMLEnvironmentId()).setDocIdCol(AppendIdBatchOp.appendIdColName).setWordCol("word").setCountCol("cnt");
BatchOperator op =;
weights = + ", " + "word, tfidf").getDataSet();
DataSet<Row> data = + ", selectedColName").getDataSet();
// Initialize the TextRank class, which runs the text rank algorithm.
final Params params = getParams();
weights = data.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<Row, Row>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4083643981693873537L;
public void flatMap(Row row, Collector<Row> collector) throws Exception {
// For each row, apply the text rank algorithm to get the key words.
Row[] out = TextRank.getKeyWords(row, params.get(KeywordsExtractionParams.DAMPING_FACTOR), params.get(KeywordsExtractionParams.WINDOW_SIZE), params.get(KeywordsExtractionParams.MAX_ITER), params.get(KeywordsExtractionParams.EPSILON));
for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not support this type!");
DataSet<Row> res = weights.groupBy(new KeySelector<Row, String>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 801794449492798203L;
public String getKey(Row row) {
Object obj = row.getField(0);
if (obj == null) {
return "NULL";
return row.getField(0).toString();
}).reduceGroup(new GroupReduceFunction<Row, Row>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4051509261188494119L;
public void reduce(Iterable<Row> rows, Collector<Row> collector) {
List<Row> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Row row : rows) {
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Row>() {
public int compare(Row row1, Row row2) {
Double v1 = (double) row1.getField(2);
Double v2 = (double) row2.getField(2);
return v2.compareTo(v1);
int len = Math.min(list.size(), topN);
Row out = new Row(2);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i != len - 1) {
builder.append(" ");
out.setField(0, list.get(0).getField(0));
out.setField(1, builder.toString());
// Set the output into table.
Table tmpTable = DataSetConversionUtil.toTable(getMLEnvironmentId(), res, new String[] { docId, outputColName }, new TypeInformation[] { Types.LONG, Types.STRING });
StringBuilder selectClause = new StringBuilder("a." + outputColName);
String[] keepColNames = outputColsHelper.getReservedColumns();
for (int i = 0; i < keepColNames.length; i++) {
selectClause.append("," + keepColNames[i]);
JoinBatchOp join = new JoinBatchOp().setMLEnvironmentId(getMLEnvironmentId()).setType("join").setSelectClause(selectClause.toString()).setJoinPredicate(docId + "=" + AppendIdBatchOp.appendIdColName);
this.setOutputTable(join.linkFrom(new TableSourceBatchOp(tmpTable).setMLEnvironmentId(getMLEnvironmentId()), inWithId).getOutputTable());
return this;