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Example 1 with SupervisorRefreshConfig

use of in project jstorm by alibaba.

the class Supervisor method mkSupervisor.

//volatile HealthStatus healthStatus = new HealthStatus();
     * create and start a supervisor
     * @param conf          : configuration (default.yaml & storm.yaml)
     * @param sharedContext : null (right now)
     * @return SupervisorManger: which is used to shutdown all workers and supervisor
public SupervisorManger mkSupervisor(Map conf, IContext sharedContext) throws Exception {"Starting Supervisor with conf " + conf);
         * Step 1: cleanup all files in /storm-local-dir/supervisor/tmp
    String path = StormConfig.supervisorTmpDir(conf);
    FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File(path));
         * Step 2: create ZK operation instance StormClusterState
    StormClusterState stormClusterState = Cluster.mk_storm_cluster_state(conf);
    String hostName = JStormServerUtils.getHostName(conf);
    WorkerReportError workerReportError = new WorkerReportError(stormClusterState, hostName);
         * Step 3, create LocalStat (a simple KV store)
         * 3.1 create LocalState instance;
         * 3.2 get supervisorId, if there's no supervisorId, create one
    LocalState localState = StormConfig.supervisorState(conf);
    String supervisorId = (String) localState.get(Common.LS_ID);
    if (supervisorId == null) {
        supervisorId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        localState.put(Common.LS_ID, supervisorId);
    //clean LocalStat's zk-assignment & versions
    Vector<AsyncLoopThread> threads = new Vector<>();
    // Step 4 create HeartBeat
    // every supervisor.heartbeat.frequency.secs, write SupervisorInfo to ZK
    // sync heartbeat to nimbus
    Heartbeat hb = new Heartbeat(conf, stormClusterState, supervisorId, localState, checkStatus);
    AsyncLoopThread heartbeat = new AsyncLoopThread(hb, false, null, Thread.MIN_PRIORITY, true);
    // Sync heartbeat to Apsara Container
    AsyncLoopThread syncContainerHbThread = SyncContainerHb.mkSupervisorInstance(conf);
    if (syncContainerHbThread != null) {
    // Step 5 create and start sync Supervisor thread
    // every supervisor.monitor.frequency.secs second run SyncSupervisor
    ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> workerThreadPids = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    SyncProcessEvent syncProcessEvent = new SyncProcessEvent(supervisorId, conf, localState, workerThreadPids, sharedContext, workerReportError);
    EventManagerImp syncSupEventManager = new EventManagerImp();
    AsyncLoopThread syncSupEventThread = new AsyncLoopThread(syncSupEventManager);
    SyncSupervisorEvent syncSupervisorEvent = new SyncSupervisorEvent(supervisorId, conf, syncSupEventManager, stormClusterState, localState, syncProcessEvent, hb);
    int syncFrequency = JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(Config.SUPERVISOR_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_SECS));
    EventManagerPusher syncSupervisorPusher = new EventManagerPusher(syncSupEventManager, syncSupervisorEvent, syncFrequency);
    AsyncLoopThread syncSupervisorThread = new AsyncLoopThread(syncSupervisorPusher);
    // Step 6 start httpserver
    Httpserver httpserver = null;
    if (!StormConfig.local_mode(conf)) {
        int port = ConfigExtension.getSupervisorDeamonHttpserverPort(conf);
        httpserver = new Httpserver(port, conf);
    //Step 7 check supervisor
    if (!StormConfig.local_mode(conf)) {
        if (ConfigExtension.isEnableCheckSupervisor(conf)) {
            SupervisorHealth supervisorHealth = new SupervisorHealth(conf, checkStatus, supervisorId);
            AsyncLoopThread healthThread = new AsyncLoopThread(supervisorHealth, false, null, Thread.MIN_PRIORITY, true);
        // init refresh config thread
        AsyncLoopThread refreshConfigThread = new AsyncLoopThread(new SupervisorRefreshConfig(conf));
    // create SupervisorManger which can shutdown all supervisor and workers
    return new SupervisorManger(conf, supervisorId, threads, syncSupEventManager, httpserver, stormClusterState, workerThreadPids);
Also used : WorkerReportError( EventManagerImp( EventManagerPusher( AsyncLoopThread( SupervisorRefreshConfig( StormClusterState( LocalState(backtype.storm.utils.LocalState) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) File( Vector(java.util.Vector)


LocalState (backtype.storm.utils.LocalState)1 AsyncLoopThread ( StormClusterState ( SupervisorRefreshConfig ( WorkerReportError ( EventManagerImp ( EventManagerPusher ( File ( Vector (java.util.Vector)1 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)1