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Example 1 with EventManagerZkPusher

use of in project jstorm by alibaba.

the class SyncSupervisorEvent method run.

public void run() {
    LOG.debug("Synchronizing supervisor, interval seconds:" + TimeUtils.time_delta(lastTime));
    lastTime = TimeUtils.current_time_secs();
    //In order to ensure that the status is the same for each execution of syncsupervisor
    MachineCheckStatus checkStatus = new MachineCheckStatus();
    try {
        RunnableCallback syncCallback = new EventManagerZkPusher(this, syncSupEventManager);
        Map<String, Integer> assignmentVersion = (Map<String, Integer>) localState.get(Common.LS_LOCAL_ZK_ASSIGNMENT_VERSION);
        if (assignmentVersion == null) {
            assignmentVersion = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        Map<String, Assignment> assignments = (Map<String, Assignment>) localState.get(Common.LS_LOCAl_ZK_ASSIGNMENTS);
        if (assignments == null) {
            assignments = new HashMap<String, Assignment>();
        LOG.debug("get local assignments  " + assignments);
        LOG.debug("get local assignments version " + assignmentVersion);
        if (checkStatus.getType().equals(MachineCheckStatus.StatusType.panic) || checkStatus.getType().equals(MachineCheckStatus.StatusType.error)) {
            // if statuts is pannic or error, it will clear all assignments and kill all workers;
            LOG.warn("Supervisor Machine Check Status :" + checkStatus.getType() + ", so kill all workers.");
        } else {
            getAllAssignments(assignmentVersion, assignments, syncCallback);
        LOG.debug("Get all assignments " + assignments);
             * Step 2: get topologyIds list from STORM-LOCAL-DIR/supervisor/stormdist/
        List<String> downloadedTopologyIds = StormConfig.get_supervisor_toplogy_list(conf);
        LOG.debug("Downloaded storm ids: " + downloadedTopologyIds);
             * Step 3: get <port,LocalAssignments> from ZK local node's assignment
        Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> zkAssignment;
        zkAssignment = getLocalAssign(stormClusterState, supervisorId, assignments);
        Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> localAssignment;
             * Step 4: writer local assignment to LocalState
        try {
            LOG.debug("Writing local assignment " + zkAssignment);
            localAssignment = (Map<Integer, LocalAssignment>) localState.get(Common.LS_LOCAL_ASSIGNMENTS);
            if (localAssignment == null) {
                localAssignment = new HashMap<Integer, LocalAssignment>();
            localState.put(Common.LS_LOCAL_ASSIGNMENTS, zkAssignment);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("put LS_LOCAL_ASSIGNMENTS " + zkAssignment + " of localState failed");
            throw e;
             * Step 5: get reloaded topologys
        Set<String> updateTopologys;
        updateTopologys = getUpdateTopologys(localAssignment, zkAssignment, assignments);
        Set<String> reDownloadTopologys = getNeedReDownloadTopologys(localAssignment);
        if (reDownloadTopologys != null) {
             * Step 6: download code from ZK
        Map<String, String> topologyCodes = getTopologyCodeLocations(assignments, supervisorId);
        // downloadFailedTopologyIds which can't finished download binary from nimbus
        Set<String> downloadFailedTopologyIds = new HashSet<String>();
        downloadTopology(topologyCodes, downloadedTopologyIds, updateTopologys, assignments, downloadFailedTopologyIds);
             * Step 7: remove any downloaded useless topology
        removeUselessTopology(topologyCodes, downloadedTopologyIds);
             * Step 7: push syncProcesses Event
        // processEventManager.add(syncProcesses);, downloadFailedTopologyIds);
        // If everything is OK, set the trigger to update heartbeat of
        // supervisor
        try {
            // update localState
            localState.put(Common.LS_LOCAL_ZK_ASSIGNMENT_VERSION, assignmentVersion);
            localState.put(Common.LS_LOCAl_ZK_ASSIGNMENTS, assignments);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to Sync Supervisor", e);
    // throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (checkStatus.getType().equals(MachineCheckStatus.StatusType.panic)) {
        // if statuts is pannic, it will kill supervisor;
        JStormUtils.halt_process(0, "Supervisor Machine Check Status : Panic , !!!!shutdown!!!!");
Also used : RunnableCallback( IOException( TException(org.apache.thrift.TException) IOException( FileExistsException( LocalAssignment( Assignment( LocalAssignment( EventManagerZkPusher(


RunnableCallback ( LocalAssignment ( EventManagerZkPusher ( Assignment ( IOException ( FileExistsException ( TException (org.apache.thrift.TException)1