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Example 6 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class CoordinatorRpcServer method resendRequest.

void resendRequest(HeartbeartRequest request) {
    NodeInfo nodeInfo = request.getNodeInfo();
    RoleType role = nodeInfo.getNodeId().getRole();
    int serverID = nodeInfo.getServerId();
    serverDataManager.instanceInfo.onSimpleHeartBeat(role, serverID, new Endpoint(nodeInfo.getHost(), nodeInfo.getPort()), request.getLogDir());
Also used : Endpoint( Endpoint(

Example 7 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class WorkerManagerApiServerTest method testReadRuntimeEnvsFromBinary.

public void testReadRuntimeEnvsFromBinary() throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
    String logDir = "";
    InstanceInfo instanceInfo = new InstanceInfo();
    instanceInfo.setWorkerInfo(RoleType.EXECUTOR, 0, new Endpoint("", 1, 2), logDir);
    instanceInfo.setWorkerInfo(RoleType.EXECUTOR, 1, new Endpoint("", 1, 2), logDir);
    instanceInfo.setWorkerInfo(RoleType.EXECUTOR, 2, new Endpoint("", 1, 2), logDir);
    instanceInfo.setWorkerInfo(RoleType.EXECUTOR, 3, new Endpoint("", 1, 2), logDir);
    instanceInfo.updateExecutorRuntimeEnv(0, "", 3);
    instanceInfo.updateExecutorRuntimeEnv(1, "", 4);
    instanceInfo.updateExecutorRuntimeEnv(2, "", 5);
    List<String> envs = instanceInfo.updateExecutorRuntimeEnv(3, "", 6);
    RuntimeEnvList.Builder builder = RuntimeEnvList.newBuilder();
    byte[] binary =;
    RuntimeEnvList envList = RuntimeEnvList.parseFrom(binary);
    List<String> envs2 = Lists.newArrayList(envList.getEnvsList().iterator());
    Assert.assertEquals(envs2, Lists.newArrayList("", "", "", ""));
Also used : RuntimeEnvList( Endpoint( InstanceInfo( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class RpcConnector method query.

public void query(QueryFlowOuterClass.QueryFlow.Builder queryFlow, TimelyResultProcessor resultProcessor, GraphSchema schema, Graph graph, long timeout, boolean isAsync) throws Exception {
    ExceptionHolder exceptionHolder = new ExceptionHolder();
    List<Endpoint> executorAddrList = getTargetExecutorAddrs();
    int executorCount = executorAddrList.size();
    CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(executorCount);
    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();"Query plan=>" + TextFormat.printToString(queryFlow));
    List<StreamObserver> streamObserverList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < executorAddrList.size(); i++) {
        streamObserverList.add(new QueryStreamObserver(resultProcessor, schema, graph, exceptionHolder, latch, queryFlow.getQueryId()));
    long currentTimeOut = queryFlow.getTimeoutMs();
    if (currentTimeOut == 0) {
        currentTimeOut = timeout;
    QueryFlowOuterClass.QueryFlow queryFlowPlan =;
    if (isAsync) {
        for (int i = 0; i < executorAddrList.size(); i++) {
            IpPort address = IpPort.fromCtrlAndAsyncEndpoint(executorAddrList.get(i));
            ManagedChannel randomChannel = channels.get(address).get(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, channelCount)).getRight();
            ConnectivityState connectivityState = randomChannel.getState(true);
            if (connectivityState != ConnectivityState.IDLE && connectivityState != ConnectivityState.READY) {
                LOG.warn("refresh connection for " + address + " with connectivity state " + connectivityState);
                randomChannel = channels.get(address).get(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, channelCount)).getRight();
            connectivityState = randomChannel.getState(true);
  "Connectivity state from " + address + " " + connectivityState);
            AsyncMaxGraphServiceGrpc.newStub(randomChannel).asyncExecute(queryFlowPlan, streamObserverList.get(i));
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < executorAddrList.size(); i++) {
            IpPort address = IpPort.fromGremlinEndpoint(executorAddrList.get(i));
            MaxGraphServiceStub gremlinServiceStub = channels.get(address).get(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, channelCount)).getLeft();
            gremlinServiceStub.execute(queryFlowPlan, streamObserverList.get(i));
    long sendTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    long awaitStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long waitTimeOut = currentTimeOut;
    while (true) {
        try {
            if (!latch.await(waitTimeOut, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
                // try to check if executor is exit
                if (exceptionHolder.getException() != null) {
                    LOG.error("query from timely fail", exceptionHolder.getException());
                    throw new RuntimeException(exceptionHolder.getException());
                throw new RuntimeException("Wait query complete time out for " + (currentTimeOut / 1000.0) + " secs");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            if (exceptionHolder.getException() != null) {
                LOG.error("query from timely fail", exceptionHolder.getException());
                throw new RuntimeException(exceptionHolder.getException());
            long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            waitTimeOut = currentTimeOut - (currentTime - awaitStart);
            if (waitTimeOut <= 0) {
            LOG.error("thread interrupted, continue to wait " + waitTimeOut + "ms");
    if (exceptionHolder.getException() != null) {
        LOG.error("query from timely fail", exceptionHolder.getException());
        throw new RuntimeException(exceptionHolder.getException());
    processEmptyResult(resultProcessor, queryFlowPlan);
    long queryTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    long finishTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);"finish query " + queryFlow.getQueryId() + " send cost=>" + sendTime + ", query cost=>" + (queryTime - sendTime) + "ms, finish cost=>" + (finishTime - queryTime) + "ms, total cost=>" + finishTime + "ms, query count=> " +;
Also used : StreamObserver(io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) ExceptionHolder( Stopwatch( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) QueryFlowOuterClass( Endpoint( ConnectivityState(io.grpc.ConnectivityState) Endpoint( MaxGraphServiceStub( ManagedChannel(io.grpc.ManagedChannel)

Example 9 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class RpcConnector method cancelDataflowByFront.

public void cancelDataflowByFront(int frontId, List<Endpoint> serverList) throws Exception {
    for (Endpoint entry : serverList) {
        IpPort address = IpPort.fromCtrlAndAsyncEndpoint(entry);
        ManagedChannel randomChannel = channels.get(address).get(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, channelCount)).getRight();
        MaxGraphCtrlServiceBlockingStub stub = MaxGraphCtrlServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(randomChannel);
        CancelDataflowResponse resp = stub.cancelDataflowByFront(GremlinService.CancelDataflowByFrontRequest.newBuilder().setFrontId(frontId).build());
        if (!resp.getSuccess()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("request cancelDataflowByFront to server " + address + " by frontend " + frontId + " fail: " + resp.getMessage());
Also used : Endpoint( MaxGraphCtrlServiceBlockingStub( ManagedChannel(io.grpc.ManagedChannel)

Example 10 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class ClientManager method updateExecutorMap.

public void updateExecutorMap(int workerId, Endpoint endpoint) {
    Endpoint existEndpoint = executorEndpointMap.get(workerId);
    if (!endpoint.equals(existEndpoint)) {
        executorEndpointMap.put(workerId, endpoint);
Also used : Endpoint(


Endpoint ( WorkerInfo ( MaxGraphCtrlServiceBlockingStub ( ManagedChannel (io.grpc.ManagedChannel)3 InstanceInfo ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 QueryFlowOuterClass ( InstanceStatus ( ServerAssignment ( InstanceConfig ( LockWrapper ( RpcAddress ( GraphSchema ( SchemaFetcher ( ServerDataApiClient ( IteratorList ( RoleType ( RoutingServerInfoResp ( RuntimeEnvList ( PropertyValueResult (