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Example 1 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class ZkNamingProxy method persistEndpointToZK.

private void persistEndpointToZK(String zkPath, String hostName, int port) throws Exception {
    Endpoint endpoint = new Endpoint(hostName, port);
    String serverInfo = JSON.toJson(endpoint);
    zkUtils.createOrUpdatePath(zkPath, serverInfo, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);"update coordinator endpoint in zk success:{}", endpoint);
Also used : Endpoint(

Example 2 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class DataStatus method fromProto.

public static DataStatus fromProto(ServerHBReq serverHBReq) {
    int serverId = serverHBReq.getId();
    Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.fromProto(serverHBReq.getEndpoint());
    RuntimeHBReq runtimeHBReq = serverHBReq.getRuntimeReq();
    StoreStatus storeStatus = serverHBReq.getStatus();
    return new DataStatus(serverId, endpoint, storeStatus, runtimeHBReq);
Also used : Endpoint( Endpoint(

Example 3 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class ClientManager method startCoordinatorNodeCache.

private void startCoordinatorNodeCache() throws Exception {
    ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
    final NodeCache nodeCache = new NodeCache(this.serverDataApiClient.getZkNamingProxy().getZkClient(), ZKPaths.getCoordinatorPath(instanceConfig.getGraphName()), false);
    nodeCache.getListenable().addListener(() -> {
        if (nodeCache.getCurrentData() == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(Arrays.toString(nodeCache.getCurrentData().getData()))) {
  "coordinator node not exist in zk");
        } else {
            try {
                Endpoint newEndpoint = JSON.fromJson(new String(nodeCache.getCurrentData().getData()), Endpoint.class);
      "current coordinator endpoint:{}", newEndpoint);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.warn("{}", e);
    }, pool);
Also used : NodeCache( Endpoint( ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)

Example 4 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class ClientManager method updateGroupExecutors.

public void updateGroupExecutors() {
    int replicaCount = this.instanceConfig.getReplicaCount();
    List<List<Endpoint>> endpointGroups = new ArrayList<>(replicaCount);
    int executorCnt = this.instanceConfig.getResourceExecutorCount() / replicaCount;
    for (int r = 0; r < replicaCount; r++) {
        List<Endpoint> endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < executorCnt; i++) {
            endpoints.add(executorEndpointMap.get(r * executorCnt + i + 1));
Also used : Endpoint( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Endpoint(

Example 5 with Endpoint

use of in project GraphScope by alibaba.

the class ExecutorAddressFetcher method getAddressList.

public List<RpcAddress> getAddressList() {
    List<RpcAddress> rpcAddressList = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (int i = 1; i <= clientManager.getExecutorCount(); i++) {
        Endpoint endpoint = clientManager.getExecutor(i);
        rpcAddressList.add(new RpcAddress(endpoint.getIp(), endpoint.getPort()));
    return rpcAddressList;
Also used : RpcAddress( Endpoint( Endpoint(


Endpoint ( WorkerInfo ( MaxGraphCtrlServiceBlockingStub ( ManagedChannel (io.grpc.ManagedChannel)3 InstanceInfo ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 QueryFlowOuterClass ( InstanceStatus ( ServerAssignment ( InstanceConfig ( LockWrapper ( RpcAddress ( GraphSchema ( SchemaFetcher ( ServerDataApiClient ( IteratorList ( RoleType ( RoutingServerInfoResp ( RuntimeEnvList ( PropertyValueResult (