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Example 1 with ServiceException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class SimpleAdminConnector method doServerAdmin.

// ==================== helper method ====================
private String doServerAdmin(String action) {
    try {
        Packet p = Packet.parseFrom(readNextPacket());
        Ack ack = Ack.parseFrom(p.getBody());
        if (ack.getCode() > 0) {
            throw new ServiceException("failed to subscribe with reason: " + ack.getMessage());
        return ack.getMessage();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ServiceException(e);
Also used : Packet( ServiceException( Ack( IOException(

Example 2 with ServiceException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class SimpleAdminConnector method connect.

public void connect() throws ServiceException {
    try {
        if (connected) {
        channel =;
        readableChannel = Channels.newChannel(channel.socket().getInputStream());
        writableChannel = Channels.newChannel(channel.socket().getOutputStream());
        Packet p = Packet.parseFrom(readNextPacket());
        if (p.getVersion() != 1) {
            throw new CanalClientException("unsupported version at this client.");
        if (p.getType() != PacketType.HANDSHAKE) {
            throw new CanalClientException("expect handshake but found other type.");
        Handshake handshake = Handshake.parseFrom(p.getBody());
        // seed for auth
        ByteString seed = handshake.getSeeds();
        String newPasswd = passwd;
        if (passwd != null) {
            // encode passwd
            newPasswd = SecurityUtil.byte2HexStr(SecurityUtil.scramble411(passwd.getBytes(), seed.toByteArray()));
        ClientAuth ca = ClientAuth.newBuilder().setUsername(user != null ? user : "").setPassword(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(newPasswd != null ? newPasswd : "")).setNetReadTimeout(idleTimeout).setNetWriteTimeout(idleTimeout).build();
        Packet ack = Packet.parseFrom(readNextPacket());
        if (ack.getType() != PacketType.ACK) {
            throw new CanalClientException("unexpected packet type when ack is expected");
        Ack ackBody = Ack.parseFrom(ack.getBody());
        if (ackBody.getCode() > 0) {
            throw new ServiceException("something goes wrong when doing authentication: " + ackBody.getMessage());
        connected = true;
    } catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new ServiceException(e);
Also used : Packet( ServiceException( CanalClientException( ByteString( Ack( ByteString( IOException( NoSuchAlgorithmException( ClientAuth( Handshake(

Example 3 with ServiceException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class SimpleAdminConnector method doLogAdmin.

private String doLogAdmin(String type, String action, String destination, String file, int count) {
    try {
        writeWithHeader(Packet.newBuilder().setType(PacketType.LOG).setBody(LogAdmin.newBuilder().setType(type).setAction(action).setDestination(destination == null ? "" : destination).setFile(file == null ? "" : file).setCount(count).build().toByteString()).build().toByteArray());
        Packet p = Packet.parseFrom(readNextPacket());
        Ack ack = Ack.parseFrom(p.getBody());
        if (ack.getCode() > 0) {
            throw new ServiceException("failed to subscribe with reason: " + ack.getMessage());
        return ack.getMessage();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ServiceException(e);
Also used : Packet( ServiceException( Ack( IOException(

Example 4 with ServiceException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class NodeServerServiceImpl method delete.

public void delete(Long id) {
    NodeServer nodeServer = NodeServer.find.byId(id);
    if (nodeServer != null) {
        // 判断是否存在实例
        int cnt = CanalInstanceConfig.find.query().where().eq("serverId", nodeServer.getId()).findCount();
        if (cnt > 0) {
            throw new ServiceException("当前Server下存在Instance配置, 无法删除");
        // 同时删除配置
        CanalConfig canalConfig = CanalConfig.find.query().where().eq("serverId", id).findOne();
        if (canalConfig != null) {
Also used : CanalConfig( ServiceException( NodeServer(

Example 5 with ServiceException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class UserServiceImpl method find4Login.

public User find4Login(String username, String password) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(username) || StringUtils.isEmpty(password)) {
        return null;
    User user = User.find.query().where().eq("username", username).findOne();
    if (user == null) {
        throw new ServiceException("user:" + username + " auth failed!");
    try {
        byte[] pass = SecurityUtil.scramble411(password.getBytes(), seeds);
        if (!SecurityUtil.scrambleServerAuth(pass, SecurityUtil.hexStr2Bytes(user.getPassword()), seeds)) {
            throw new ServiceException("user:" + user.getName() + " passwd incorrect!");
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new ServiceException("user:" + user.getName() + " auth failed!");
    return user;
Also used : User( ServiceException( NoSuchAlgorithmException(


ServiceException ( NodeServer ( CanalConfig ( Ack ( Packet ( IOException ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( CanalCluster ( User ( BaseModel ( CanalInstanceConfig ( ClientAuth ( Handshake ( CanalClientException ( ByteString ( ExceptionHandler (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler)1 ResponseBody (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody)1 ResponseStatus (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseStatus)1