use of com.aliyun.openservices.ots.model.PrimaryKeyValue in project DataX by alibaba.
the class ParamChecker method checkInputSplitPoints.
* 1.检测用户的输入类型是否和PartitionKey一致
* 2.顺序是否和Range一致
* 3.是否有重复列
* 4.检查points的范围是否在range内
* @param meta
* @param points
public static void checkInputSplitPoints(TableMeta meta, OTSRange range, Direction direction, List<PrimaryKeyValue> points) {
if (null == points || points.isEmpty()) {
OTSPrimaryKeyColumn part = Common.getPartitionKey(meta);
// 处理第一个
PrimaryKeyValue item = points.get(0);
if (item.getType() != part.getType()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input type of 'range-split' not match partition key. " + "Item of 'range-split' type:" + item.getType() + ", Partition type:" + part.getType());
for (int i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; i++) {
PrimaryKeyValue before = points.get(i);
PrimaryKeyValue after = points.get(i + 1);
checkDirection(direction, before, after);
PrimaryKeyValue begin = range.getBegin().getPrimaryKey().get(part.getName());
PrimaryKeyValue end = range.getEnd().getPrimaryKey().get(part.getName());
checkPointsRange(direction, begin, end, points);
use of com.aliyun.openservices.ots.model.PrimaryKeyValue in project DataX by alibaba.
the class ParamChecker method checkInputPrimaryKeyAndGet.
public static RowPrimaryKey checkInputPrimaryKeyAndGet(TableMeta meta, List<PrimaryKeyValue> range) {
if (meta.getPrimaryKey().size() != range.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Input size of values not equal size of primary key. input size:%d, primary key size:%d .", range.size(), meta.getPrimaryKey().size()));
RowPrimaryKey pk = new RowPrimaryKey();
int i = 0;
for (Entry<String, PrimaryKeyType> e : meta.getPrimaryKey().entrySet()) {
PrimaryKeyValue value = range.get(i);
if (e.getValue() != value.getType() && value != PrimaryKeyValue.INF_MIN && value != PrimaryKeyValue.INF_MAX) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input range type not match primary key. Input type:" + value.getType() + ", Primary Key Type:" + e.getValue() + ", Index:" + i);
} else {
pk.addPrimaryKeyColumn(e.getKey(), value);
return pk;
use of com.aliyun.openservices.ots.model.PrimaryKeyValue in project DataX by alibaba.
the class RangeSplit method rangeSplitByCount.
public static List<OTSRange> rangeSplitByCount(TableMeta meta, RowPrimaryKey begin, RowPrimaryKey end, int count) {
List<OTSRange> results = new ArrayList<OTSRange>();
OTSPrimaryKeyColumn partitionKey = Common.getPartitionKey(meta);
PrimaryKeyValue beginPartitionKey = begin.getPrimaryKey().get(partitionKey.getName());
PrimaryKeyValue endPartitionKey = end.getPrimaryKey().get(partitionKey.getName());
// 第一,先对PartitionKey列进行拆分
List<PrimaryKeyValue> ranges = RangeSplit.splitRangeByPrimaryKeyType(partitionKey.getType(), beginPartitionKey, endPartitionKey, count);
if (ranges.isEmpty()) {
return results;
int size = ranges.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
RowPrimaryKey bPk = new RowPrimaryKey();
RowPrimaryKey ePk = new RowPrimaryKey();
bPk.addPrimaryKeyColumn(partitionKey.getName(), ranges.get(i));
ePk.addPrimaryKeyColumn(partitionKey.getName(), ranges.get(i + 1));
results.add(new OTSRange(bPk, ePk));
// 第二,填充非PartitionKey的ParimaryKey列
// 注意:在填充过程中,需要使用用户给定的Begin和End来替换切分出来的第一个Range
// 的Begin和最后一个Range的End
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(meta.getPrimaryKey().size());
for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < keys.size(); j++) {
OTSRange c = results.get(i);
RowPrimaryKey beginPK = c.getBegin();
RowPrimaryKey endPK = c.getEnd();
String key = keys.get(j);
if (i == 0) {
// 第一行
beginPK.addPrimaryKeyColumn(key, begin.getPrimaryKey().get(key));
endPK.addPrimaryKeyColumn(key, PrimaryKeyValue.INF_MIN);
} else if (i == results.size() - 1) {
// 最后一行
beginPK.addPrimaryKeyColumn(key, PrimaryKeyValue.INF_MIN);
endPK.addPrimaryKeyColumn(key, end.getPrimaryKey().get(key));
} else {
beginPK.addPrimaryKeyColumn(key, PrimaryKeyValue.INF_MIN);
endPK.addPrimaryKeyColumn(key, PrimaryKeyValue.INF_MIN);
return results;
use of com.aliyun.openservices.ots.model.PrimaryKeyValue in project DataX by alibaba.
the class PrimaryKeyValueAdaptor method deserialize.
public PrimaryKeyValue deserialize(JsonElement ele, Type t, JsonDeserializationContext c) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject obj = ele.getAsJsonObject();
String strType = obj.getAsJsonPrimitive(TYPE).getAsString();
JsonPrimitive jsonValue = obj.getAsJsonPrimitive(VALUE);
if (strType.equals(INF_MIN)) {
return PrimaryKeyValue.INF_MIN;
if (strType.equals(INF_MAX)) {
return PrimaryKeyValue.INF_MAX;
PrimaryKeyValue value = null;
PrimaryKeyType type = PrimaryKeyType.valueOf(strType);
switch(type) {
case STRING:
value = PrimaryKeyValue.fromString(jsonValue.getAsString());
value = PrimaryKeyValue.fromLong(jsonValue.getAsLong());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupport deserialize the type : " + type + "");
return value;
use of com.aliyun.openservices.ots.model.PrimaryKeyValue in project DataX by alibaba.
the class Common method getPKFromRecord.
public static RowPrimaryKey getPKFromRecord(List<OTSPKColumn> pkColumns, Record r) {
RowPrimaryKey primaryKey = new RowPrimaryKey();
int pkCount = pkColumns.size();
for (int i = 0; i < pkCount; i++) {
Column col = r.getColumn(i);
OTSPKColumn expect = pkColumns.get(i);
if (col.getRawData() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(OTSErrorMessage.PK_COLUMN_VALUE_IS_NULL_ERROR, expect.getName()));
PrimaryKeyValue pk = ColumnConversion.columnToPrimaryKeyValue(col, expect);
primaryKey.addPrimaryKeyColumn(expect.getName(), pk);
return primaryKey;