use of in project Almura by AlmuraDev.
the class DeathHandler method onPlayerDeath.
@Listener(order = Order.LAST)
public void onPlayerDeath(final DestructEntityEvent.Death event, @Root final DamageSource damageSource, @Getter("getTargetEntity") final Player player) {
final EconomyService service = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(EconomyService.class).orElse(null);
if (service != null) {
final Server server = Sponge.getServer();
final double deathTax = RANGE.random(RANDOM);
final Account account = service.getOrCreateAccount(player.getUniqueId()).orElse(null);
BigDecimal balance;
if (account != null && this.areCoinsLoaded()) {
final Currency currency = service.getDefaultCurrency();
double deathTaxAmount = 0;
double droppedAmount = 0;
boolean displayDrops = false;
final DecimalFormat dFormat = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,###.##");
balance = account.getBalance(currency);
if (balance.doubleValue() > 0 && !player.hasPermission(Almura.ID + ".death.exempt")) {
double dropAmount = balance.doubleValue() - (balance.doubleValue() * (deathTax / 100));
if (dropAmount > balance.doubleValue()) {
dropAmount = balance.doubleValue();
BigDecimal deduct = new BigDecimal(dropAmount);
account.withdraw(currency, deduct, Sponge.getCauseStackManager().getCurrentCause());
deathTaxAmount = this.dropAmountReturnChange(player, dropAmount);
droppedAmount = (dropAmount - deathTaxAmount);
displayDrops = true;
final double finalDroppedAmount = droppedAmount;
final double finalDeathTaxAmount = deathTaxAmount;
final boolean finalDisplayDrops = displayDrops;
if (event.getMessage().toPlain().isEmpty()) {
// Note: noticed that sometimes, for what ever reason the message is empty... Mojang bug?
UchatUtil.relayMessageToDiscord(":skull:", Text.of(player.getName() + " has died, dropped: $" + dFormat.format(finalDroppedAmount) + " and lost: $" + dFormat.format(finalDeathTaxAmount) + " to death taxes.").toPlain(), true);
} else {
UchatUtil.relayMessageToDiscord(":skull:", Text.of(event.getMessage().toPlain() + ", dropped: $" + dFormat.format(finalDroppedAmount) + " and lost: $" + dFormat.format(finalDeathTaxAmount) + " to death taxes.").toPlain(), true);
server.getOnlinePlayers().forEach(onlinePlayer -> {
if (onlinePlayer.getUniqueId().equals(player.getUniqueId())) {, new ClientboundPlayerDiedPacket(finalDroppedAmount, finalDeathTaxAmount, finalDisplayDrops, player.hasPermission(Almura.ID + ".death.revive")));
} else {
serverNotificationManager.sendPopupNotification(onlinePlayer, Text.of(player.getName() + " has died!"), Text.of("Dropped: " + TextFormatting.GOLD + "$" + dFormat.format(finalDroppedAmount) + TextFormatting.RESET + " and " + "lost: " + TextFormatting.RED + "$" + dFormat.format(finalDeathTaxAmount) + TextFormatting.RESET + " to death taxes."), 5);
// Service or Account was null, fallback., new ClientboundPlayerDiedPacket(0.00, 0.00, false, player.hasPermission(Almura.ID + "death.revive")));