use of in project zype-firebuilder by zype.
the class RecommendationSenderTest method testUpdateRecommendations.
* Test updating recommendations.
public void testUpdateRecommendations() throws Exception {
RecommendationDatabaseHelper databaseHelper = RecommendationDatabaseHelper.getInstance();
Context context = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext();
String type = RecommendationRecord.GLOBAL;
RecommendationRecord r1 = new RecommendationRecord("1", 1, RecommendationRecord.RELATED);
databaseHelper.addRecord(context, r1);
List<RecommendationRecord> list = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> idsForNewRecs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
List<String> contentIdsForNewRecs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"));
assertTrue("Recommendations should have been updated successfully", mSender.updateExistingRecommendations(type, list, contentIdsForNewRecs, idsForNewRecs));
assertFalse("Id should have been removed.", idsForNewRecs.contains(1));
assertFalse("Id should have been removed.", contentIdsForNewRecs.contains("1"));
RecommendationRecord updatedR1 = databaseHelper.getRecord(context, "1");
assertTrue("Record should have been updated", updatedR1.getType().equals(RecommendationRecord.GLOBAL));
assertFalse("Recommendations should not be updated with null input parameters", mSender.updateExistingRecommendations(type, null, null, null));
use of in project zype-firebuilder by zype.
the class RecommendationSenderTest method testGetRecordsToDelete.
* Tests getting the list of records to delete.
public void testGetRecordsToDelete() throws Exception {
RecommendationDatabaseHelper databaseHelper = RecommendationDatabaseHelper.getInstance();
Context context = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext();
String type = RecommendationRecord.GLOBAL;
// Case 1:
// Database empty; new 5; update 0; max 5
List<RecommendationRecord> toDelete = mSender.getRecordsToDelete(type, 5, new ArrayList<>(), 5);
assertTrue("No recommendations should be deleted", toDelete.isEmpty());
// Case 2:
// Database 3; new 4; update 0; max 5; expecting to deleteByContentId 2
RecommendationRecord r1 = new RecommendationRecord("1", 1, RecommendationRecord.GLOBAL);
RecommendationRecord r2 = new RecommendationRecord("2", 2, RecommendationRecord.GLOBAL);
RecommendationRecord r3 = new RecommendationRecord("3", 3, RecommendationRecord.GLOBAL);
databaseHelper.addRecord(context, r1);
databaseHelper.addRecord(context, r2);
databaseHelper.addRecord(context, r3);
toDelete = mSender.getRecordsToDelete(type, 4, new ArrayList<>(), 5);
assertEquals("3 recommendations should be deleted", 2, toDelete.size());
assertTrue("Rec with id 1 should be deleted", toDelete.contains(r1));
assertTrue("Rec with id 2 should be deleted", toDelete.contains(r2));
// Case 3:
// Database 3, new 5, update 3; max 5; expected to deleteByContentId 0
List<RecommendationRecord> toUpdate = new ArrayList<>();
toDelete = mSender.getRecordsToDelete(type, 5, toUpdate, 5);
assertTrue("No recommendations should be deleted", toDelete.isEmpty());
// Case 4
// Database 3, new 10, update 0; max 5
toDelete = mSender.getRecordsToDelete(type, 10, new ArrayList<>(), 5);
assertEquals("3 recommendations should be deleted", 3, toDelete.size());
// Case 5
// Database 3, new 1, update 0; max 5
toDelete = mSender.getRecordsToDelete(type, 1, new ArrayList<>(), 5);
assertTrue("No recommendations should be deleted", toDelete.isEmpty());
use of in project zype-firebuilder by zype.
the class RecommendationSender method buildRecommendationIdList.
* Generates of list of recommendation ids to use from 1 to the n, the max number of
* recommendations to send at one time.
* @param max The max number of recommendations to send at one time.
* @return List of recommendation ids.
private ArrayList<Integer> buildRecommendationIdList(int max) {
ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>();
RecommendationDatabaseHelper databaseHelper = RecommendationDatabaseHelper.getInstance();
List<Integer> usedIds = databaseHelper.getAllRecommendationsIds(mContext);
int i = 1;
while (ids.size() < max) {
if (!usedIds.contains(i)) {
return ids;
use of in project zype-firebuilder by zype.
the class RecommendationSender method updateExistingRecommendations.
* Updates the given recommendations records with a new type. Removes the updated
* recommendation id from the list of possible ids for new recommendations. Builds the new
* notification and sends it to notification manager if ({@link #mSendToNotificationManager}
* is true.
* If the app runs into an error during this process, it is possible that the app's
* database becomes out of sync with the device's database regarding notifications. However,
* this does not pose much of a threat to user experience.
* @param type The type of recommendation.
* @param recsToUpdate The recommendation records to update in the database.
* @param contentIdsOfNewRecs A list of content ids that need to be recommended.
* @param idsForNewRecs A list of ids to use for new recommendations.
* @return False if the parameters were bad; true otherwise.
boolean updateExistingRecommendations(String type, List<RecommendationRecord> recsToUpdate, List<String> contentIdsOfNewRecs, List<Integer> idsForNewRecs) {
RecommendationDatabaseHelper databaseHelper = RecommendationDatabaseHelper.getInstance();
if (recsToUpdate == null || databaseHelper == null || idsForNewRecs == null || contentIdsOfNewRecs == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Parameters should not be null when updating recommendations");
return false;
for (RecommendationRecord record : recsToUpdate) {
// Update the record data. We can use same rec id but should update the type.
databaseHelper.updateRecord(mContext, record);
// Remove the rec id so its not used later.
// Remove the content id so another recommendation isn't sent later.
// Build new notification
Notification notification = buildRecommendation(record.getContentId(), record.getRecommendationId(), type);
// Cancel old notification and send the new
if (mSendToNotificationManager) {
if (notification != null) {
mNotificationManager.notify(record.getRecommendationId(), notification);
return true;
use of in project zype-firebuilder by zype.
the class RecommendationSender method sendNewRecommendations.
* Creates recommendations, stores them to the database, and sends them to notification
* manager (if {@link #mSendToNotificationManager} is true. If the list of recommendation ids
* is smaller than the list of content ids, no recommendations are sent. We need an id for each
* new recommendation to send.
* If the app runs into an error during this process, it is possible that the app's
* database becomes out of sync with the device's database regarding notifications. However,
* this does not pose much of a threat to user experience.
* @param type The type of recommendation.
* @param idsForNewRecs A list of available content ids.
* @param contentIdsOfNewRecs Ids of the content to recommend.
* @return True if recommendations were sent; false otherwise.
boolean sendNewRecommendations(String type, List<Integer> idsForNewRecs, List<String> contentIdsOfNewRecs) {
RecommendationDatabaseHelper databaseHelper = RecommendationDatabaseHelper.getInstance();
if (contentIdsOfNewRecs == null || idsForNewRecs == null || databaseHelper == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Parameters should not be null");
return false;
if (contentIdsOfNewRecs.size() > idsForNewRecs.size()) {
Log.e(TAG, "Not enough recommendation ids sent to send all new recommendations. Not " + "sending any.");
return false;
for (String contentId : contentIdsOfNewRecs) {
Integer recommendationId = idsForNewRecs.remove(0);
Notification notification = buildRecommendation(contentId, recommendationId, type);
databaseHelper.addRecord(mContext, contentId, recommendationId, type);
if (mSendToNotificationManager) {
sendToNotificationManager(mContext, recommendationId, notification);
return true;