use of in project random-cut-forest-by-aws by aws.
the class PointStoreMapperTest method testRoundTrip.
public void testRoundTrip() {
int dimensions = 2;
int capacity = 4;
PointStore store = new PointStoreSmall(dimensions, capacity);
float[] point1 = { 1.1f, -22.2f };
int index1 = store.add(point1, 1);
float[] point2 = { 3.3f, -4.4f };
int index2 = store.add(point2, 2);
float[] point3 = { 10.1f, 100.1f };
int index3 = store.add(point3, 3);
PointStore store2 = mapper.toModel(mapper.toState(store));
assertEquals(capacity, store2.getCapacity());
assertEquals(3, store2.size());
assertEquals(dimensions, store2.getDimensions());
assertArrayEquals(store.getStore(), store2.getStore());