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Example 1 with AutoScalingGroup

use of in project incubator-gobblin by apache.

the class GobblinAWSClusterLauncher method getReconnectableClusterId.

Optional<String> getReconnectableClusterId() throws IOException {
    // List ASGs with Tag of cluster name
    final Tag clusterNameTag = new Tag().withKey(CLUSTER_NAME_ASG_TAG).withValue(this.clusterName);
    final List<AutoScalingGroup> autoScalingGroups = this.awsSdkClient.getAutoScalingGroupsWithTag(clusterNameTag);
    // If no auto scaling group is found, we don't have an existing cluster to connect to
    if (autoScalingGroups.size() == 0) {
        return Optional.absent();
    // If more than 0 auto scaling groups are found, validate the setup
    if (autoScalingGroups.size() != 2) {
        throw new IOException("Expected 2 auto scaling groups (1 each for master and workers) but found: " + autoScalingGroups.size());
    // Retrieve cluster information from ASGs
    Optional<String> clusterId = Optional.absent();
    Optional<AutoScalingGroup> masterAsg = Optional.absent();
    Optional<AutoScalingGroup> workersAsg = Optional.absent();
    for (TagDescription tagDescription : autoScalingGroups.get(0).getTags()) {"Found tag: " + tagDescription);
        if (tagDescription.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(CLUSTER_ID_ASG_TAG)) {
            clusterId = Optional.of(tagDescription.getValue());
        if (tagDescription.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(ASG_TYPE_ASG_TAG)) {
            if (tagDescription.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(ASG_TYPE_MASTER)) {
                masterAsg = Optional.of(autoScalingGroups.get(0));
                workersAsg = Optional.of(autoScalingGroups.get(1));
            } else {
                masterAsg = Optional.of(autoScalingGroups.get(1));
                workersAsg = Optional.of(autoScalingGroups.get(0));
    if (!clusterId.isPresent()) {
        throw new IOException("Found 2 auto scaling group names for: " + this.clusterName + " but tags seem to be corrupted, hence could not determine cluster id");
    if (!masterAsg.isPresent() || !workersAsg.isPresent()) {
        throw new IOException("Found 2 auto scaling group names for: " + this.clusterName + " but tags seem to be corrupted, hence could not determine master and workers ASG");
    // Get Master and Workers launch config name and auto scaling group name
    this.masterAutoScalingGroupName = masterAsg.get().getAutoScalingGroupName();
    this.masterLaunchConfigName = masterAsg.get().getLaunchConfigurationName();
    this.workerAutoScalingGroupName = workersAsg.get().getAutoScalingGroupName();
    this.workerLaunchConfigName = workersAsg.get().getLaunchConfigurationName();"Trying to find cluster master public ip");
    this.masterPublicIp = getMasterPublicIp();"Master public ip: " + this.masterPublicIp);
    return clusterId;
Also used : AutoScalingGroup( TagDescription( Tag( IOException( VisibleForTesting(

Example 2 with AutoScalingGroup

use of in project cloudbreak by hortonworks.

the class AwsResourceConnector method resumeAutoScalingPolicies.

private void resumeAutoScalingPolicies(AuthenticatedContext ac, CloudStack stack) {
    for (Group instanceGroup : stack.getGroups()) {
        try {
            String asGroupName = cfStackUtil.getAutoscalingGroupName(ac, instanceGroup.getName(), ac.getCloudContext().getLocation().getRegion().value());
            if (asGroupName != null) {
                AmazonAutoScalingClient amazonASClient = awsClient.createAutoScalingClient(new AwsCredentialView(ac.getCloudCredential()), ac.getCloudContext().getLocation().getRegion().value());
                List<AutoScalingGroup> asGroups = amazonASClient.describeAutoScalingGroups(new DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest().withAutoScalingGroupNames(asGroupName)).getAutoScalingGroups();
                if (!asGroups.isEmpty()) {
                    if (!asGroups.get(0).getSuspendedProcesses().isEmpty()) {
                        amazonASClient.updateAutoScalingGroup(new UpdateAutoScalingGroupRequest().withAutoScalingGroupName(asGroupName).withMinSize(0).withDesiredCapacity(0));
                        amazonASClient.resumeProcesses(new ResumeProcessesRequest().withAutoScalingGroupName(asGroupName));
            } else {
      "Autoscaling Group's physical id is null (the resource doesn't exist), it is not needed to resume scaling policies.");
        } catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
            if (e.getErrorMessage().matches("Resource.*does not exist for stack.*") || e.getErrorMessage().matches("Stack '.*' does not exist.*")) {
            } else {
                throw e;
Also used : AwsCredentialView( AutoScalingGroup( Group( AutoScalingGroup( DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest( AmazonAutoScalingClient( AmazonServiceException(com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException) UpdateAutoScalingGroupRequest( ResumeProcessesRequest(

Example 3 with AutoScalingGroup

use of in project eureka by Netflix.

the class AwsAsgUtil method retrieveAutoScalingGroup.

 * Queries AWS to get the autoscaling information given the asgName.
 * @param asgName
 *            - The name of the ASG.
 * @return - The auto scaling group information.
private AutoScalingGroup retrieveAutoScalingGroup(String asgName) {
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(asgName)) {
        logger.warn("null asgName specified, not attempting to retrieve AutoScalingGroup from AWS");
        return null;
    // You can pass one name or a list of names in the request
    DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest request = new DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest().withAutoScalingGroupNames(asgName);
    DescribeAutoScalingGroupsResult result = awsClient.describeAutoScalingGroups(request);
    List<AutoScalingGroup> asgs = result.getAutoScalingGroups();
    if (asgs.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    } else {
        return asgs.get(0);
Also used : DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest( AutoScalingGroup( DescribeAutoScalingGroupsResult(

Example 4 with AutoScalingGroup

use of in project SimianArmy by Netflix.

the class AWSClusterCrawler method clusters.

 * In this implementation, every auto scaling group is considered a cluster.
 * @param clusterNames
 *          the cluster names
 * @return the list of clusters matching the names, when names are empty, return all clusters
public List<Cluster> clusters(String... clusterNames) {
    List<Cluster> list = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Map.Entry<String, AWSClient> entry : regionToAwsClient.entrySet()) {
        String region = entry.getKey();
        AWSClient awsClient = entry.getValue();
        Set<String> asgInstances = Sets.newHashSet();"Crawling clusters in region %s", region));
        for (AutoScalingGroup asg : awsClient.describeAutoScalingGroups(clusterNames)) {
            List<String> instances = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (Instance instance : asg.getInstances()) {
   conformityAsg = new, instances.toArray(new String[instances.size()]));
            for (SuspendedProcess sp : asg.getSuspendedProcesses()) {
                if ("AddToLoadBalancer".equals(sp.getProcessName())) {
          "ASG %s is suspended: %s", asg.getAutoScalingGroupName(), asg.getSuspendedProcesses()));
            Cluster cluster = new Cluster(asg.getAutoScalingGroupName(), region, conformityAsg);
            List<TagDescription> tagDescriptions = asg.getTags();
            for (TagDescription tagDescription : tagDescriptions) {
                if (BasicSimianArmyContext.GLOBAL_OWNER_TAGKEY.equalsIgnoreCase(tagDescription.getKey())) {
                    String value = tagDescription.getValue();
                    if (value != null) {
        // Cluster containing all solo instances
        Set<String> instances = Sets.newHashSet();
        for ( awsInstance : awsClient.describeInstances()) {
            if (!asgInstances.contains(awsInstance.getInstanceId())) {
      "Adding instance %s to soloInstances cluster.", awsInstance.getInstanceId()));
        // Only create cluster if we have solo instances.
        if (!instances.isEmpty()) {
            Cluster cluster = new Cluster("SoloInstances", region, instances);
    return list;
Also used : AutoScalingGroup( Instance( TagDescription( Cluster( AWSClient( SuspendedProcess( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 5 with AutoScalingGroup

use of in project SimianArmy by Netflix.

the class ELBJanitorCrawler method buildELBtoASGMap.

private Map<String, List<String>> buildELBtoASGMap() {
    AWSClient awsClient = getAWSClient();"Getting all ELBs associated with ASGs in region %s", awsClient.region()));
    List<AutoScalingGroup> autoScalingGroupList = awsClient.describeAutoScalingGroups();
    HashMap<String, List<String>> asgMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (AutoScalingGroup asg : autoScalingGroupList) {
        String asgName = asg.getAutoScalingGroupName();
        if (asg.getLoadBalancerNames() != null) {
            for (String elbName : asg.getLoadBalancerNames()) {
                List<String> asgList = asgMap.get(elbName);
                if (asgList == null) {
                    asgList = new ArrayList<>();
                    asgMap.put(elbName, asgList);
                LOGGER.debug(String.format("Found ASG %s associated with ELB %s", asgName, elbName));
    return asgMap;
Also used : AutoScalingGroup( AWSClient(


AutoScalingGroup ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)16 AWSClient ( Instance ( TagDescription ( Resource ( DescribeAutoScalingGroupsRequest ( DescribeAutoScalingGroupsResult ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 SuspendedProcess ( LoadBalancerDescription ( BasicInstanceGroup ( TunableInstanceGroup ( AmazonAutoScaling ( AmazonAutoScalingClient ( LaunchConfiguration ( AWSResource ( InstanceGroup ( Cluster ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2