use of in project cloudbreak by hortonworks.
the class AwsEfsResourceBuilder method delete.
public CloudResource delete(AwsContext context, AuthenticatedContext auth, CloudResource resource) throws InterruptedException {
// To delete an EFS instance, need the following steps
// 1. Terminate the EC2 instances that mount on this EFS. The caller of this function has to make sure it is done before calling this function
// 2. Delete the mount targets of this EFS.
// 3. (Optional) Delete the security group of each mount target. AWS does not charge for security groups
// 4. (Optional) Delete the security group of the EC2 instances at step 1. The mount target's security group has a rule that references
// the EC2 security group. Therefore, we cannot first delete the EC2 instance's security group.
// 5. Actually delete the EFS
AmazonEfsClient client = getAmazonEfsClient(auth);
CloudEfsAttributes efsAttributes = resource.getParameter(CloudResource.ATTRIBUTES, CloudEfsAttributes.class);
String efsId = efsAttributes.getFileSystemId();
DescribeFileSystemsRequest request = new DescribeFileSystemsRequest().withFileSystemId(efsId);
DescribeFileSystemsResult result = client.describeFileSystems(request);
List<FileSystemDescription> efsDescriptions = result.getFileSystems();
for (FileSystemDescription efsDescription : efsDescriptions) {
LifeCycleState efsLifeCycleState = LifeCycleState.fromValue(efsDescription.getLifeCycleState());
if (LifeCycleState.DELETED.equals(efsLifeCycleState) || LifeCycleState.DELETING.equals(efsLifeCycleState)) {
LOGGER.debug("The given AWS EFS's [name: {}] lifecycle state was [{}] hence we are going to skip any delete operation over this resource", efsDescription.getName(), efsLifeCycleState);
if (efsDescription.getNumberOfMountTargets() > 0) {
DescribeMountTargetsRequest mtRequest = new DescribeMountTargetsRequest().withFileSystemId(efsId);
DescribeMountTargetsResult mtResult = client.describeMountTargets(mtRequest);
List<MountTargetDescription> mountTargetDescriptionList = mtResult.getMountTargets();
// Only delete the mount targets.
for (MountTargetDescription mtDescription : mountTargetDescriptionList) {
DeleteMountTargetRequest mtDelRequest = new DeleteMountTargetRequest().withMountTargetId(mtDescription.getMountTargetId());
LOGGER.debug("About to delete AWS EFS mount target that has the following id: {}", mtDescription.getMountTargetId());
// TODO: delete the security groups in the future
DeleteFileSystemRequest efsDelRequest = new DeleteFileSystemRequest().withFileSystemId(efsId);
return null;