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the class TestKinesisSystemConsumer method createAndInitProcessors.
private Map<String, KinesisRecordProcessor> createAndInitProcessors(IRecordProcessorFactory factory, int numShards) {
Map<String, KinesisRecordProcessor> processorMap = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, numShards).forEach(p -> {
String shardId = String.format("shard-%05d", p);
// Create Kinesis processor
KinesisRecordProcessor processor = (KinesisRecordProcessor) factory.createProcessor();
// Initialize the shard
ExtendedSequenceNumber seqNum = new ExtendedSequenceNumber("0000");
InitializationInput initializationInput = new InitializationInput().withShardId(shardId).withExtendedSequenceNumber(seqNum);
processorMap.put(shardId, processor);
return processorMap;
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the class TestKinesisRecordProcessor method testCheckpointAfterInit.
* Test the scenario where a processor instance is created for a shard and while it is processing records, it got
* re-assigned to the same consumer. This results in a new processor instance owning the shard and this instance
* could receive checkpoint calls for the records that are processed by the old processor instance. This test covers
* the scenario where the new instance receives the checkpoint call while it is done with the initialization phase and
* before it processed any records.
public void testCheckpointAfterInit() {
String system = "kinesis";
String stream = "stream";
final CountDownLatch receivedShutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
KinesisRecordProcessorListener listener = new KinesisRecordProcessorListener() {
public void onReceiveRecords(SystemStreamPartition ssp, List<Record> records, long millisBehindLatest) {
public void onShutdown(SystemStreamPartition ssp) {
KinesisRecordProcessor processor = new KinesisRecordProcessor(new SystemStreamPartition(system, stream, new Partition(0)), listener);
// Initialize the processor
ExtendedSequenceNumber seqNum = new ExtendedSequenceNumber("0000");
InitializationInput initializationInput = new InitializationInput().withShardId("shard-0000").withExtendedSequenceNumber(seqNum);
// Call checkpoint. This checkpoint could have originally headed to the processor instance for the same shard but
// due to reassignment a new processor instance is created.
// Call shutdown (with ZOMBIE reason) on processor and verify that the processor calls shutdown on the listener.
shutDownProcessor(processor, ShutdownReason.ZOMBIE);
// Verify that the processor is shutdown.
Assert.assertEquals("Unable to shutdown processor.", 0, receivedShutdownLatch.getCount());
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the class KinesisRecordProcessor method processRecords.
* Process data records. The Amazon Kinesis Client Library will invoke this method to deliver data records to the
* application. Upon fail over, the new instance will get records with sequence number greater than the checkpoint
* position for each partition key.
* @param processRecordsInput Provides the records to be processed as well as information and capabilities related
* to them (eg checkpointing).
public void processRecords(ProcessRecordsInput processRecordsInput) {
// KCL does not send any records to the processor that was shutdown.
Validate.isTrue(!shutdownRequested, String.format("KCL returned records after shutdown is called on the processor %s.", this));
// KCL aways gives reference to the same checkpointer instance for a given processor instance.
checkpointer = processRecordsInput.getCheckpointer();
List<Record> records = processRecordsInput.getRecords();
// Empty records are expected when KCL config has CallProcessRecordsEvenForEmptyRecordList set to true.
if (!records.isEmpty()) {
lastProcessedRecordSeqNumber = new ExtendedSequenceNumber(records.get(records.size() - 1).getSequenceNumber());
listener.onReceiveRecords(ssp, records, processRecordsInput.getMillisBehindLatest());
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the class KinesisRecordProcessor method checkpoint.
* Invoked by the Samza thread to commit checkpoint for the shard owned by the record processor instance.
* @param seqNumber sequenceNumber to checkpoint for the shard owned by this processor instance.
public void checkpoint(String seqNumber) {
ExtendedSequenceNumber seqNumberToCheckpoint = new ExtendedSequenceNumber(seqNumber);
if (initSeqNumber.compareTo(seqNumberToCheckpoint) > 0) {
LOG.warn("Samza called checkpoint with seqNumber {} smaller than initial seqNumber {} for {}. Ignoring it!", seqNumber, initSeqNumber, this);
if (checkpointer == null) {
// checkpointer could be null as a result of shard re-assignment before the first record is processed.
LOG.warn("Ignoring checkpointing for {} with seqNumber {} because of re-assignment.", this, seqNumber);
try {
lastCheckpointedRecordSeqNumber = seqNumberToCheckpoint;
} catch (ShutdownException e) {
// This can happen as a result of shard re-assignment.
String msg = String.format("Checkpointing %s with seqNumber %s failed with exception. Dropping the checkpoint.", this, seqNumber);
LOG.warn(msg, e);
} catch (InvalidStateException e) {
// This can happen when KCL encounters issues with internal state, eg: dynamoDB table is not found
String msg = String.format("Checkpointing %s with seqNumber %s failed with exception.", this, seqNumber);
LOG.error(msg, e);
throw new SamzaException(msg, e);
} catch (ThrottlingException e) {
// Throttling is handled by KCL via the client lib configuration properties. If we get an exception inspite of
// throttling back-off behavior, let's throw an exception as the configs
String msg = String.format("Checkpointing %s with seqNumber %s failed with exception. Checkpoint interval is" + " too aggressive for the provisioned throughput of the dynamoDB table where the checkpoints are stored." + " Either reduce the checkpoint interval -or- increase the throughput of dynamoDB table.", this, seqNumber);
throw new SamzaException(msg);
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the class TestKinesisRecordProcessor method testLifeCycleHelper.
private void testLifeCycleHelper(int numRecords) {
String system = "kinesis";
String stream = "stream";
final CountDownLatch receivedShutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final CountDownLatch receivedRecordsLatch = new CountDownLatch(numRecords > 0 ? 1 : 0);
KinesisRecordProcessorListener listener = new KinesisRecordProcessorListener() {
public void onReceiveRecords(SystemStreamPartition ssp, List<Record> records, long millisBehindLatest) {
public void onShutdown(SystemStreamPartition ssp) {
KinesisRecordProcessor processor = new KinesisRecordProcessor(new SystemStreamPartition(system, stream, new Partition(0)), listener);
// Initialize the processor
ExtendedSequenceNumber seqNum = new ExtendedSequenceNumber("0000");
InitializationInput initializationInput = new InitializationInput().withShardId("shard-0000").withExtendedSequenceNumber(seqNum);
// Call processRecords on the processor
List<Record> records = generateRecords(numRecords, Collections.singletonList(processor)).get(processor);
// Verification steps
// Verify there is a receivedRecords call to listener.
Assert.assertEquals("Unable to receive records.", 0, receivedRecordsLatch.getCount());
if (numRecords > 0) {
// Call checkpoint on last record
processor.checkpoint(records.get(records.size() - 1).getSequenceNumber());
// Call shutdown (with ZOMBIE reason) on processor and verify that the processor calls shutdown on the listener.
shutDownProcessor(processor, ShutdownReason.ZOMBIE);
// Verify that the processor is shutdown.
Assert.assertEquals("Unable to shutdown processor.", 0, receivedShutdownLatch.getCount());