use of in project flink by apache.
the class KinesisProxy method listShards.
* Get metainfo for a Kinesis stream, which contains information about which shards this Kinesis
* stream possess.
* <p>This method is using a "full jitter" approach described in AWS's article, <a
* href="">"Exponential Backoff and
* Jitter"</a>. This is necessary because concurrent calls will be made by all parallel
* subtask's fetcher. This jitter backoff approach will help distribute calls across the
* fetchers over time.
* @param streamName the stream to describe
* @param startShardId which shard to start with for this describe operation (earlier shard's
* infos will not appear in result)
* @return the result of the describe stream operation
private ListShardsResult listShards(String streamName, @Nullable String startShardId, @Nullable String startNextToken) throws InterruptedException {
final ListShardsRequest listShardsRequest = new ListShardsRequest();
if (startNextToken == null) {
} else {
// Note the nextToken returned by AWS expires within 300 sec.
ListShardsResult listShardsResults = null;
// Call ListShards, with full-jitter backoff (if we get LimitExceededException).
int retryCount = 0;
// are taken up.
while (retryCount <= listShardsMaxRetries && listShardsResults == null) {
// retry until we get a result
try {
listShardsResults = kinesisClient.listShards(listShardsRequest);
} catch (LimitExceededException le) {
long backoffMillis = BACKOFF.calculateFullJitterBackoff(listShardsBaseBackoffMillis, listShardsMaxBackoffMillis, listShardsExpConstant, retryCount++);
LOG.warn("Got LimitExceededException when listing shards from stream " + streamName + ". Backing off for " + backoffMillis + " millis.");
} catch (ResourceInUseException reInUse) {
if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
// List Shards will throw an exception if stream in not in active state. Return
// and re-use previous state available."The stream is currently not in active state. Reusing the older state " + "for the time being");
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException reNotFound) {
throw new RuntimeException("Stream not found. Error while getting shard list.", reNotFound);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException inArg) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Arguments to listShards.", inArg);
} catch (ExpiredNextTokenException expiredToken) {
LOG.warn("List Shards has an expired token. Reusing the previous state.");
} catch (SdkClientException ex) {
if (retryCount < listShardsMaxRetries && isRecoverableSdkClientException(ex)) {
long backoffMillis = BACKOFF.calculateFullJitterBackoff(listShardsBaseBackoffMillis, listShardsMaxBackoffMillis, listShardsExpConstant, retryCount++);
LOG.warn("Got SdkClientException when listing shards from stream {}. Backing off for {} millis.", streamName, backoffMillis);
} else {
// (otherwise would return null result and keep trying forever)
throw ex;
if (startShardId != null && listShardsResults != null) {
List<Shard> shards = listShardsResults.getShards();
shards.removeIf(shard -> StreamShardHandle.compareShardIds(shard.getShardId(), startShardId) <= 0);
return listShardsResults;