use of in project bender by Nextdoor.
the class BaseHandler method init.
* Loads @{link com.nextdoor.bender.config.Configuration} from a resource file and initializes
* classes.
* @param ctx function context as specified when function is invoked by lambda.
* @throws HandlerException error while loading the @{link
* com.nextdoor.bender.config.Configuration}.
public void init(Context ctx) throws HandlerException {
* Function alias is the last part of the Function ARN
String alias = null;
String[] tokens = ctx.getInvokedFunctionArn().split(":");
if (tokens.length == 7) {
alias = "$LATEST";
} else if (tokens.length == 8) {
alias = tokens[7];
BenderLayout.ALIAS = alias;
BenderLayout.VERSION = ctx.getFunctionVersion();
* Create a new monitor and then get a static copy of it
monitor = Monitor.getInstance();
monitor.addTag("functionName", ctx.getFunctionName());
monitor.addTag("functionVersion", alias);
String configFile;
* TODO: Replace this to always use env vars. Code was written prior to lambda env vars
* existing.
if (System.getenv("BENDER_CONFIG") != null) {
configFile = System.getenv("BENDER_CONFIG");
} else if (CONFIG_FILE == null) {
configFile = "/config/" + alias;
} else {
configFile = CONFIG_FILE;
}"Bender Initializing (config: %s)", configFile));
try {
if (configFile.startsWith("s3://")) {
config = BenderConfig.load(s3ClientFactory, new AmazonS3URI(configFile));
} else if (configFile.startsWith("file://")) {
File file = new File(configFile.replaceFirst("file://", ""));
String string = FileUtils.readFileToString(file);
config = BenderConfig.load(configFile, string);
} else {
config = BenderConfig.load(configFile);
} catch (ConfigurationException | IOException e) {
throw new HandlerException("Error loading configuration: " + e.getMessage(), e);
HandlerResources handlerResources;
try {
handlerResources = new HandlerResources(config);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new HandlerException("Unable to load resource: " + e.getMessage(), e);
* Add user tags
* Add Lambda function tags. These will override duplicate user tags.
if (config.getHandlerConfig().getIncludeFunctionTags()) {
AWSLambda lambda = this.lambdaClientFactory.newInstance();
ListTagsResult res = lambda.listTags(new ListTagsRequest().withResource(ctx.getInvokedFunctionArn()));
* Filter out tags that come from CloudFormation
res.getTags().entrySet().stream().filter(map -> !map.getKey().startsWith("aws:cloudformation")).collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)));
* Register reporters
* Init other things
wrapper = handlerResources.getWrapperFactory().newInstance();
ser = handlerResources.getSerializerProcessor();
setIpcService(new IpcSenderService(handlerResources.getTransportFactory()));
sources = new ArrayList<Source>(handlerResources.getSources().values());
queueSize = config.getHandlerConfig().getQueueSize();
initialized = true;