use of in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class CloudwatchMetadataHandler method getPartitions.
* Gets the list of LogStreams that need to be scanned to satisfy the requested table. In most cases this will be just
* 1 LogStream and this results in just 1 partition. If, however, the request is for the special ALL_LOG_STREAMS view
* then all LogStreams in the requested LogGroup (schema) are queried and turned into partitions 1:1.
* @note This method applies partition pruning based on the log_stream field.
* @see MetadataHandler
public void getPartitions(BlockWriter blockWriter, GetTableLayoutRequest request, QueryStatusChecker queryStatusChecker) throws Exception {
CloudwatchTableName cwTableName = tableResolver.validateTable(request.getTableName());
DescribeLogStreamsRequest cwRequest = new DescribeLogStreamsRequest(cwTableName.getLogGroupName());
if (!ALL_LOG_STREAMS_TABLE.equals(cwTableName.getLogStreamName())) {
DescribeLogStreamsResult result;
do {
result = invoker.invoke(() -> awsLogs.describeLogStreams(cwRequest));
for (LogStream next : result.getLogStreams()) {
// Each log stream that matches any possible partition pruning should be added to the partition list.
blockWriter.writeRows((Block block, int rowNum) -> {
boolean matched = block.setValue(LOG_GROUP_FIELD, rowNum, cwRequest.getLogGroupName());
matched &= block.setValue(LOG_STREAM_FIELD, rowNum, next.getLogStreamName());
matched &= block.setValue(LOG_STREAM_SIZE_FIELD, rowNum, next.getStoredBytes());
return matched ? 1 : 0;
} while (result.getNextToken() != null && queryStatusChecker.isQueryRunning());
use of in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class CloudwatchTableResolver method loadLogStreams.
* Loads the requested LogStream as identified by the TableName.
* @param logGroup The properly cased schema name.
* @param logStream The table name to validate.
* @return The CloudwatchTableName or null if not found.
* @note This method also primes the cache with other CloudwatchTableNames found along the way while scaning Cloudwatch.
private CloudwatchTableName loadLogStreams(String logGroup, String logStream) throws TimeoutException {
// As an optimization, see if the table name is an exact match (meaning likely no casing issues)
CloudwatchTableName result = loadLogStream(logGroup, logStream);
if (result != null) {
return result;
}"loadLogStreams: Did not find a match for the table, falling back to LogGroup scan for {}:{}", logGroup, logStream);
DescribeLogStreamsRequest validateTableRequest = new DescribeLogStreamsRequest(logGroup);
DescribeLogStreamsResult validateTableResult;
do {
validateTableResult = invoker.invoke(() -> awsLogs.describeLogStreams(validateTableRequest));
for (LogStream nextStream : validateTableResult.getLogStreams()) {
String logStreamName = nextStream.getLogStreamName();
CloudwatchTableName nextCloudwatch = new CloudwatchTableName(logGroup, logStreamName);
tableCache.put(nextCloudwatch.toTableName(), nextCloudwatch);
if (nextCloudwatch.getLogStreamName().equalsIgnoreCase(logStreamName)) {
// We stop loading once we find the one we care about. This is an optimization that
// attempt to exploit the fact that we likely access more recent logstreams first."loadLogStreams: Matched {} for {}", nextCloudwatch, logStream);
return nextCloudwatch;
} while (validateTableResult.getNextToken() != null);
// We could not find a match
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such table " + logGroup + " " + logStream);
use of in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class CloudwatchTableResolver method loadLogStream.
* Optomizaiton that attempts to load a specific LogStream as identified by the TableName.
* @param logGroup The properly cased schema name.
* @param logStream The table name to validate.
* @return The CloudwatchTableName or null if not found.
* @note This method also primes the cache with other CloudwatchTableNames found along the way while scanning Cloudwatch.
private CloudwatchTableName loadLogStream(String logGroup, String logStream) throws TimeoutException {
if (ALL_LOG_STREAMS_TABLE.equalsIgnoreCase(logStream)) {
return new CloudwatchTableName(logGroup, ALL_LOG_STREAMS_TABLE);
String effectiveTableName = logStream;
if (effectiveTableName.contains(LAMBDA_PATTERN)) {"loadLogStream: Appears to be a lambda log_stream, substituting Lambda pattern {} for {}", LAMBDA_PATTERN, effectiveTableName);
effectiveTableName = effectiveTableName.replace(LAMBDA_PATTERN, LAMBDA_ACTUAL_PATTERN);
DescribeLogStreamsRequest request = new DescribeLogStreamsRequest(logGroup).withLogStreamNamePrefix(effectiveTableName);
DescribeLogStreamsResult result = invoker.invoke(() -> awsLogs.describeLogStreams(request));
for (LogStream nextStream : result.getLogStreams()) {
String logStreamName = nextStream.getLogStreamName();
CloudwatchTableName nextCloudwatch = new CloudwatchTableName(logGroup, logStreamName);
if (nextCloudwatch.getLogStreamName().equalsIgnoreCase(logStreamName)) {"loadLogStream: Matched {} for {}:{}", nextCloudwatch, logGroup, logStream);
return nextCloudwatch;
return null;
use of in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class CloudwatchMetadataHandlerTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
when(mockAwsLogs.describeLogStreams(any(DescribeLogStreamsRequest.class))).thenAnswer((InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) -> {
return new DescribeLogStreamsResult().withLogStreams(new LogStream().withLogStreamName("table-9"), new LogStream().withLogStreamName("table-10"));
when(mockAwsLogs.describeLogGroups(any(DescribeLogGroupsRequest.class))).thenAnswer((InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) -> {
return new DescribeLogGroupsResult().withLogGroups(new LogGroup().withLogGroupName("schema-1"), new LogGroup().withLogGroupName("schema-20"));
handler = new CloudwatchMetadataHandler(mockAwsLogs, new LocalKeyFactory(), mockSecretsManager, mockAthena, "spillBucket", "spillPrefix");
allocator = new BlockAllocatorImpl();
use of in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class CloudwatchMetadataHandlerTest method doGetTableLayout.
public void doGetTableLayout() throws Exception {"doGetTableLayout - enter");
when(mockAwsLogs.describeLogStreams(any(DescribeLogStreamsRequest.class))).thenAnswer((InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) -> {
DescribeLogStreamsRequest request = (DescribeLogStreamsRequest) invocationOnMock.getArguments()[0];
DescribeLogStreamsResult result = new DescribeLogStreamsResult();
Integer nextToken;
if (request.getNextToken() == null) {
nextToken = 1;
} else if (Integer.valueOf(request.getNextToken()) < 3) {
nextToken = Integer.valueOf(request.getNextToken()) + 1;
} else {
nextToken = null;
List<LogStream> logStreams = new ArrayList<>();
if (request.getNextToken() == null || Integer.valueOf(request.getNextToken()) < 3) {
int continuation = request.getNextToken() == null ? 0 : Integer.valueOf(request.getNextToken());
for (int i = 0 + continuation * 100; i < 300; i++) {
LogStream nextLogStream = new LogStream();
nextLogStream.setLogStreamName("table-" + String.valueOf(i));
nextLogStream.setStoredBytes(i * 1000L);
if (nextToken != null) {
return result;
Map<String, ValueSet> constraintsMap = new HashMap<>();
constraintsMap.put("log_stream", EquatableValueSet.newBuilder(allocator, Types.MinorType.VARCHAR.getType(), true, false).add("table-10").build());
Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.newBuilder().addStringField("log_stream").build();
GetTableLayoutRequest req = new GetTableLayoutRequest(identity, "queryId", "default", new TableName("schema-1", "all_log_streams"), new Constraints(constraintsMap), schema, Collections.singleton("log_stream"));
GetTableLayoutResponse res = handler.doGetTableLayout(allocator, req);"doGetTableLayout - {}", res.getPartitions().getSchema());"doGetTableLayout - {}", res.getPartitions());
assertTrue(res.getPartitions().getSchema().findField("log_stream") != null);
assertTrue(res.getPartitions().getRowCount() == 1);
verify(mockAwsLogs, times(4)).describeLogStreams(any(DescribeLogStreamsRequest.class));"doGetTableLayout - exit");