use of in project amazon-qldb-dmv-sample-java by aws-samples.
the class ExportJournal method createExport.
* Request QLDB to export the contents of the journal for the given time
* period and s3 configuration. Before calling this function the S3 bucket
* should be created, see {@link #createS3BucketIfNotExists(String, AmazonS3)}.
* @param name
* Name of the ledger.
* @param startTime
* Time from when the journal contents should be exported.
* @param endTime
* Time until which the journal contents should be exported.
* @param bucket
* S3 bucket to write the data to.
* @param prefix
* S3 prefix to be prefixed to the files written.
* @param s3EncryptionConfiguration
* Encryption configuration for S3.
* @param roleArn
* The IAM role ARN to be used when exporting the journal.
* @return {@link ExportJournalToS3Result} from QLDB.
public static ExportJournalToS3Result createExport(String name, Date startTime, Date endTime, String bucket, String prefix, S3EncryptionConfiguration s3EncryptionConfiguration, String roleArn) {"Let's create a journal export for ledger with name: {}...", name);
S3ExportConfiguration s3ExportConfiguration = new S3ExportConfiguration().withBucket(bucket).withPrefix(prefix).withEncryptionConfiguration(s3EncryptionConfiguration);
ExportJournalToS3Request request = new ExportJournalToS3Request().withName(name).withInclusiveStartTime(startTime).withExclusiveEndTime(endTime).withS3ExportConfiguration(s3ExportConfiguration).withRoleArn(roleArn);
try {
ExportJournalToS3Result result = client.exportJournalToS3(request);"Requested QLDB to export contents of the journal.");
return result;
} catch (InvalidParameterException ipe) {
log.error("The eventually consistent behavior of the IAM service may cause this export" + " to fail its first attempts, please retry.");
throw ipe;
use of in project amazon-qldb-dmv-sample-java by aws-samples.
the class ExportJournal method createJournalExportAndAwaitCompletion.
* Create a new journal export on a S3 bucket and wait for its completion.
* @param ledgerName
* The name of the bucket to be created.
* @param s3BucketName
* The name of the S3 bucket to create journal export on.
* @param s3Prefix
* The optional prefix name for the output objects of the export.
* @param roleArn
* The IAM role ARN to be used when exporting the journal.
* @param encryptionConfiguration
* The encryption settings to be used by the export job to write data in the given S3 bucket.
* @param awaitTimeoutMs
* Milliseconds to wait for export to complete.
* @return {@link ExportJournalToS3Result} from QLDB.
* @throws InterruptedException if thread is being interrupted while waiting for the export to complete.
public static ExportJournalToS3Result createJournalExportAndAwaitCompletion(String ledgerName, String s3BucketName, String s3Prefix, String roleArn, S3EncryptionConfiguration encryptionConfiguration, long awaitTimeoutMs) throws InterruptedException {
AmazonS3 s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient();
createS3BucketIfNotExists(s3BucketName, s3Client);
if (roleArn == null) {
roleArn = createExportRole(EXPORT_ROLE_NAME, AmazonIdentityManagementClientBuilder.defaultClient(), s3BucketName, encryptionConfiguration.getKmsKeyArn(), EXPORT_ROLE_POLICY_NAME);
try {
Date startTime = Date.from(, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));
Date endTime = Date.from(;
ExportJournalToS3Result exportJournalToS3Result = createExport(ledgerName, startTime, endTime, s3BucketName, s3Prefix, encryptionConfiguration, roleArn);
// Wait for export to complete.
waitForExportToComplete(Constants.LEDGER_NAME, exportJournalToS3Result.getExportId(), awaitTimeoutMs);"JournalS3Export for exportId " + exportJournalToS3Result.getExportId() + " is completed.");
return exportJournalToS3Result;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Unable to create an export!", e);
throw e;
use of in project amazon-qldb-dmv-sample-java by aws-samples.
the class ValidateQldbHashChain method createExport.
* Export journal contents to a S3 bucket.
* @return the ExportId of the journal export.
* @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted while waiting for export to complete.
private static String createExport() throws InterruptedException {
String accountId = AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder.defaultClient().getCallerIdentity(new GetCallerIdentityRequest()).getAccount();
String bucketName = Constants.JOURNAL_EXPORT_S3_BUCKET_NAME_PREFIX + "-" + accountId;
String prefix = Constants.LEDGER_NAME + "-" + + "/";
S3EncryptionConfiguration encryptionConfiguration = new S3EncryptionConfiguration().withObjectEncryptionType(S3ObjectEncryptionType.SSE_S3);
ExportJournalToS3Result exportJournalToS3Result = ExportJournal.createJournalExportAndAwaitCompletion(Constants.LEDGER_NAME, bucketName, prefix, null, encryptionConfiguration, ExportJournal.DEFAULT_EXPORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
return exportJournalToS3Result.getExportId();