use of in project aws-doc-sdk-examples by awsdocs.
the class RecognizeCelebrities method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Change photo to the path and filename of your image.
String photo = "moviestars.jpg";
AmazonRekognition rekognitionClient = AmazonRekognitionClientBuilder.defaultClient();
ByteBuffer imageBytes = null;
try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(photo))) {
imageBytes = ByteBuffer.wrap(IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Failed to load file " + photo);
RecognizeCelebritiesRequest request = new RecognizeCelebritiesRequest().withImage(new Image().withBytes(imageBytes));
System.out.println("Looking for celebrities in image " + photo + "\n");
RecognizeCelebritiesResult result = rekognitionClient.recognizeCelebrities(request);
// Display recognized celebrity information
List<Celebrity> celebs = result.getCelebrityFaces();
System.out.println(celebs.size() + " celebrity(s) were recognized.\n");
for (Celebrity celebrity : celebs) {
System.out.println("Celebrity recognized: " + celebrity.getName());
System.out.println("Celebrity ID: " + celebrity.getId());
BoundingBox boundingBox = celebrity.getFace().getBoundingBox();
System.out.println("position: " + boundingBox.getLeft().toString() + " " + boundingBox.getTop().toString());
System.out.println("Further information (if available):");
for (String url : celebrity.getUrls()) {
System.out.println(result.getUnrecognizedFaces().size() + " face(s) were unrecognized.");