use of in project nifi by apache.
the class TestDeleteS3Object method testDeleteVersionFromExpressions.
public void testDeleteVersionFromExpressions() {
runner.setProperty(DeleteS3Object.REGION, "us-west-2");
runner.setProperty(DeleteS3Object.BUCKET, "${s3.bucket}");
runner.setProperty(DeleteS3Object.VERSION_ID, "${s3.version}");
final Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<>();
attrs.put("filename", "test-key");
attrs.put("s3.bucket", "test-bucket");
attrs.put("s3.version", "test-version");
runner.enqueue(new byte[0], attrs);;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(DeleteS3Object.REL_SUCCESS, 1);
ArgumentCaptor<DeleteVersionRequest> captureRequest = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DeleteVersionRequest.class);
Mockito.verify(mockS3Client, Mockito.times(1)).deleteVersion(captureRequest.capture());
DeleteVersionRequest request = captureRequest.getValue();
assertEquals("test-bucket", request.getBucketName());
assertEquals("test-key", request.getKey());
assertEquals("test-version", request.getVersionId());
Mockito.verify(mockS3Client, Mockito.never()).deleteObject(Mockito.any(DeleteObjectRequest.class));
use of in project opencast by opencast.
the class AwsS3DistributionServiceImpl method restoreElement.
protected MediaPackageElement restoreElement(String channelId, MediaPackage mediaPackage, String elementId, String fileName) throws DistributionException {
String objectName = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileName)) {
objectName = buildObjectName(channelId, mediaPackage.getIdentifier().toString(), elementId, fileName);
} else {
objectName = buildObjectName(channelId, mediaPackage.getIdentifier().toString(), mediaPackage.getElementById(elementId));
// Get the latest version of the file
// Note that this should be the delete marker for the file. We'll check, but if there is more than one delete marker
// we'll have probs
ListVersionsRequest lv = new ListVersionsRequest().withBucketName(bucketName).withPrefix(objectName).withMaxResults(1);
VersionListing listing = s3.listVersions(lv);
if (listing.getVersionSummaries().size() < 1) {
throw new DistributionException("Object not found: " + objectName);
String versionId = listing.getVersionSummaries().get(0).getVersionId();
// Verify that this is in fact a delete marker
GetObjectMetadataRequest metadata = new GetObjectMetadataRequest(bucketName, objectName, versionId);
// Ok, so there's no way of asking AWS directly if the object is deleted in this version of the SDK
// So instead, we ask for its metadata
// If it's deleted, then there *isn't* any metadata and we get a 404, which throws the exception
// This, imo, is an incredibly boneheaded omission from the AWS SDK, and implies we should look for something which
// sucks less
// FIXME: This section should be refactored with a simple s3.doesObjectExist(bucketName, objectName) once we update
// the AWS SDK
boolean isDeleted = false;
try {
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// Note: This exception is actually a 405, not a 404.
// This is expected, but very confusing if you're thinking it should be a 'file not found', rather than a 'method
// not allowed on stuff that's deleted'
// It's unclear what the expected behaviour is for things which have never existed...
isDeleted = true;
if (isDeleted) {
// Delete the delete marker
DeleteVersionRequest delete = new DeleteVersionRequest(bucketName, objectName, versionId);
return mediaPackage.getElementById(elementId);
use of in project aws-doc-sdk-examples by awsdocs.
the class DeleteObjectVersionEnabledBucket method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Regions clientRegion = Regions.DEFAULT_REGION;
String bucketName = "*** Bucket name ***";
String keyName = "*** Key name ****";
try {
AmazonS3 s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider()).withRegion(clientRegion).build();
// Check to ensure that the bucket is versioning-enabled.
String bucketVersionStatus = s3Client.getBucketVersioningConfiguration(bucketName).getStatus();
if (!bucketVersionStatus.equals(BucketVersioningConfiguration.ENABLED)) {
System.out.printf("Bucket %s is not versioning-enabled.", bucketName);
} else {
// Add an object.
PutObjectResult putResult = s3Client.putObject(bucketName, keyName, "Sample content for deletion example.");
System.out.printf("Object %s added to bucket %s\n", keyName, bucketName);
// Delete the version of the object that we just created.
System.out.println("Deleting versioned object " + keyName);
s3Client.deleteVersion(new DeleteVersionRequest(bucketName, keyName, putResult.getVersionId()));
System.out.printf("Object %s, version %s deleted\n", keyName, putResult.getVersionId());
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// The call was transmitted successfully, but Amazon S3 couldn't process
// it, so it returned an error response.
} catch (SdkClientException e) {
// Amazon S3 couldn't be contacted for a response, or the client
// couldn't parse the response from Amazon S3.
use of in project nifi by apache.
the class TestDeleteS3Object method testDeleteVersionSimple.
public void testDeleteVersionSimple() {
runner.setProperty(DeleteS3Object.REGION, "us-west-2");
runner.setProperty(DeleteS3Object.BUCKET, "test-bucket");
runner.setProperty(DeleteS3Object.VERSION_ID, "test-version");
final Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<>();
attrs.put("filename", "test-key");
runner.enqueue(new byte[0], attrs);;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(DeleteS3Object.REL_SUCCESS, 1);
ArgumentCaptor<DeleteVersionRequest> captureRequest = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DeleteVersionRequest.class);
Mockito.verify(mockS3Client, Mockito.times(1)).deleteVersion(captureRequest.capture());
DeleteVersionRequest request = captureRequest.getValue();
assertEquals("test-bucket", request.getBucketName());
assertEquals("test-key", request.getKey());
assertEquals("test-version", request.getVersionId());
Mockito.verify(mockS3Client, Mockito.never()).deleteObject(Mockito.any(DeleteObjectRequest.class));
use of in project nifi by apache.
the class DeleteS3Object method onTrigger.
public void onTrigger(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session) {
FlowFile flowFile = session.get();
if (flowFile == null) {
final long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
final String bucket = context.getProperty(BUCKET).evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile).getValue();
final String key = context.getProperty(KEY).evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile).getValue();
final String versionId = context.getProperty(VERSION_ID).evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile).getValue();
final AmazonS3 s3 = getClient();
// Deletes a key on Amazon S3
try {
if (versionId == null) {
final DeleteObjectRequest r = new DeleteObjectRequest(bucket, key);
// This call returns success if object doesn't exist
} else {
final DeleteVersionRequest r = new DeleteVersionRequest(bucket, key, versionId);
} catch (final AmazonServiceException ase) {
getLogger().error("Failed to delete S3 Object for {}; routing to failure", new Object[] { flowFile, ase });
flowFile = session.penalize(flowFile);
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE);
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS);
final long transferMillis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNanos);
getLogger().info("Successfully delete S3 Object for {} in {} millis; routing to success", new Object[] { flowFile, transferMillis });