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Example 1 with ExtraMaterialsDescription

use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.

the class S3CryptoModuleAE method decipherWithInstructionFile.

private S3Object decipherWithInstructionFile(GetObjectRequest req, long[] desiredRange, long[] cryptoRange, S3ObjectWrapper retrieved, S3ObjectWrapper instructionFile) {
    ExtraMaterialsDescription extraMatDesc = NONE;
    boolean keyWrapExpected = isStrict();
    if (req instanceof EncryptedGetObjectRequest) {
        final EncryptedGetObjectRequest ereq = (EncryptedGetObjectRequest) req;
        extraMatDesc = ereq.getExtraMaterialDescription();
        if (!keyWrapExpected) {
            keyWrapExpected = ereq.isKeyWrapExpected();
    final String json = instructionFile.toJsonString();
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, String> matdesc = Collections.unmodifiableMap(JsonUtils.jsonToMap(json));
    final ContentCryptoMaterial cekMaterial = ContentCryptoMaterial.fromInstructionFile(matdesc, kekMaterialsProvider, cryptoConfig.getCryptoProvider(), // range is sometimes necessary to compute the adjusted IV
    cryptoRange, extraMatDesc, keyWrapExpected, kms);
    securityCheck(cekMaterial, retrieved);
    final S3ObjectWrapper decrypted = decrypt(retrieved, cekMaterial, cryptoRange);
    // Adjust the output to the desired range of bytes.
    final S3ObjectWrapper adjusted = adjustToDesiredRange(decrypted, desiredRange, matdesc);
    return adjusted.getS3Object();
Also used : EncryptedGetObjectRequest( ExtraMaterialsDescription(

Example 2 with ExtraMaterialsDescription

use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.

the class ContentCryptoMaterial method fromObjectMetadata0.

 * @return a non-null content crypto material.
private static ContentCryptoMaterial fromObjectMetadata0(ObjectMetadata metadata, EncryptionMaterialsAccessor kekMaterialAccessor, Provider securityProvider, long[] range, ExtraMaterialsDescription extra, boolean keyWrapExpected, AWSKMSClient kms) {
    // CEK and IV
    final Map<String, String> userMeta = metadata.getUserMetadata();
    String b64key = userMeta.get(Headers.CRYPTO_KEY_V2);
    if (b64key == null) {
        b64key = userMeta.get(Headers.CRYPTO_KEY);
        if (b64key == null) {
            throw new AmazonClientException("Content encrypting key not found.");
    final byte[] cekWrapped = Base64.decode(b64key);
    byte[] iv = Base64.decode(userMeta.get(Headers.CRYPTO_IV));
    if (cekWrapped == null || iv == null) {
        throw new AmazonClientException("Content encrypting key or IV not found.");
    // Material description
    final String matdescStr = userMeta.get(Headers.MATERIALS_DESCRIPTION);
    final String keyWrapAlgo = userMeta.get(Headers.CRYPTO_KEYWRAP_ALGORITHM);
    final boolean isKMS = isKMSKeyWrapped(keyWrapAlgo);
    final Map<String, String> core = matdescFromJson(matdescStr);
    final Map<String, String> merged = isKMS || extra == null ? core : extra.mergeInto(core);
    final EncryptionMaterials materials;
    if (isKMS) {
        materials = new KMSEncryptionMaterials(core.get(KMSEncryptionMaterials.CUSTOMER_MASTER_KEY_ID));
    } else {
        materials = kekMaterialAccessor == null ? null : kekMaterialAccessor.getEncryptionMaterials(merged);
        if (materials == null) {
            throw new AmazonClientException("Unable to retrieve the client encryption materials");
    // CEK algorithm
    final String cekAlgo = userMeta.get(Headers.CRYPTO_CEK_ALGORITHM);
    final boolean isRangeGet = range != null;
    // The content crypto scheme may vary depending on whether
    // it is a range get operation
    final ContentCryptoScheme contentCryptoScheme = ContentCryptoScheme.fromCEKAlgo(cekAlgo, isRangeGet);
    if (isRangeGet) {
        // Adjust the IV as needed
        iv = contentCryptoScheme.adjustIV(iv, range[0]);
    } else {
        // Validate the tag length supported
        final int tagLenExpected = contentCryptoScheme.getTagLengthInBits();
        if (tagLenExpected > 0) {
            final String s = userMeta.get(Headers.CRYPTO_TAG_LENGTH);
            final int tagLenActual = Integer.parseInt(s);
            if (tagLenExpected != tagLenActual) {
                throw new AmazonClientException("Unsupported tag length: " + tagLenActual + ", expected: " + tagLenExpected);
    // Unwrap or decrypt the CEK
    if (keyWrapExpected && keyWrapAlgo == null) {
        throw newKeyWrapException();
    final SecretKey cek = cek(cekWrapped, keyWrapAlgo, materials, securityProvider, contentCryptoScheme, kms);
    return new ContentCryptoMaterial(merged, cekWrapped, keyWrapAlgo, contentCryptoScheme.createCipherLite(cek, iv, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, securityProvider));
Also used : SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey) KMSEncryptionMaterials( EncryptionMaterials( AmazonClientException(com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException) KMSEncryptionMaterials(

Example 3 with ExtraMaterialsDescription

use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.

the class ContentCryptoMaterial method fromInstructionFile0.

 * @return a non-null content crypto material.
private static ContentCryptoMaterial fromInstructionFile0(Map<String, String> instFile, EncryptionMaterialsAccessor kekMaterialAccessor, Provider securityProvider, long[] range, ExtraMaterialsDescription extra, boolean keyWrapExpected, AWSKMSClient kms) {
    // CEK and IV
    String b64key = instFile.get(Headers.CRYPTO_KEY_V2);
    if (b64key == null) {
        b64key = instFile.get(Headers.CRYPTO_KEY);
        if (b64key == null) {
            throw new AmazonClientException("Content encrypting key not found.");
    final byte[] cekWrapped = Base64.decode(b64key);
    byte[] iv = Base64.decode(instFile.get(Headers.CRYPTO_IV));
    if (cekWrapped == null || iv == null) {
        throw new AmazonClientException("Necessary encryption info not found in the instruction file " + instFile);
    final String keyWrapAlgo = instFile.get(Headers.CRYPTO_KEYWRAP_ALGORITHM);
    final boolean isKMS = isKMSKeyWrapped(keyWrapAlgo);
    // Material description
    final String matdescStr = instFile.get(Headers.MATERIALS_DESCRIPTION);
    final Map<String, String> core = matdescFromJson(matdescStr);
    final Map<String, String> merged = extra == null || isKMS ? core : extra.mergeInto(core);
    EncryptionMaterials materials;
    if (isKMS) {
        materials = new KMSEncryptionMaterials(core.get(KMSEncryptionMaterials.CUSTOMER_MASTER_KEY_ID));
    } else {
        materials = kekMaterialAccessor == null ? null : kekMaterialAccessor.getEncryptionMaterials(merged);
        if (materials == null) {
            throw new AmazonClientException("Unable to retrieve the encryption materials that originally " + "encrypted object corresponding to instruction file " + instFile);
    // CEK algorithm
    final String cekAlgo = instFile.get(Headers.CRYPTO_CEK_ALGORITHM);
    final boolean isRangeGet = range != null;
    // The content crypto scheme may vary depending on whether
    // it is a range get operation
    final ContentCryptoScheme contentCryptoScheme = ContentCryptoScheme.fromCEKAlgo(cekAlgo, isRangeGet);
    if (isRangeGet) {
        // Adjust the IV as needed
        iv = contentCryptoScheme.adjustIV(iv, range[0]);
    } else {
        // Validate the tag length supported
        final int tagLenExpected = contentCryptoScheme.getTagLengthInBits();
        if (tagLenExpected > 0) {
            final String s = instFile.get(Headers.CRYPTO_TAG_LENGTH);
            final int tagLenActual = Integer.parseInt(s);
            if (tagLenExpected != tagLenActual) {
                throw new AmazonClientException("Unsupported tag length: " + tagLenActual + ", expected: " + tagLenExpected);
    // Unwrap or decrypt the CEK
    if (keyWrapExpected && keyWrapAlgo == null) {
        throw newKeyWrapException();
    final SecretKey cek = cek(cekWrapped, keyWrapAlgo, materials, securityProvider, contentCryptoScheme, kms);
    return new ContentCryptoMaterial(merged, cekWrapped, keyWrapAlgo, contentCryptoScheme.createCipherLite(cek, iv, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, securityProvider));
Also used : SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey) KMSEncryptionMaterials( EncryptionMaterials( AmazonClientException(com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException) KMSEncryptionMaterials(

Example 4 with ExtraMaterialsDescription

use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.

the class S3CryptoModuleAE method decipherWithMetadata.

private S3Object decipherWithMetadata(GetObjectRequest req, long[] desiredRange, long[] cryptoRange, S3ObjectWrapper retrieved) {
    ExtraMaterialsDescription extraMatDesc = NONE;
    boolean keyWrapExpected = isStrict();
    if (req instanceof EncryptedGetObjectRequest) {
        final EncryptedGetObjectRequest ereq = (EncryptedGetObjectRequest) req;
        extraMatDesc = ereq.getExtraMaterialDescription();
        if (!keyWrapExpected) {
            keyWrapExpected = ereq.isKeyWrapExpected();
    final ContentCryptoMaterial cekMaterial = ContentCryptoMaterial.fromObjectMetadata(retrieved.getObjectMetadata(), kekMaterialsProvider, cryptoConfig.getCryptoProvider(), // range is sometimes necessary to compute the adjusted IV
    cryptoRange, extraMatDesc, keyWrapExpected, kms);
    securityCheck(cekMaterial, retrieved);
    final S3ObjectWrapper decrypted = decrypt(retrieved, cekMaterial, cryptoRange);
    // Adjust the output to the desired range of bytes.
    final S3ObjectWrapper adjusted = adjustToDesiredRange(decrypted, desiredRange, null);
    return adjusted.getS3Object();
Also used : EncryptedGetObjectRequest( ExtraMaterialsDescription(


AmazonClientException (com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException)2 EncryptedGetObjectRequest ( EncryptionMaterials ( ExtraMaterialsDescription ( KMSEncryptionMaterials ( SecretKey (javax.crypto.SecretKey)2