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Example 1 with Region

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class S3AUtils method translateException.

   * Translate an exception raised in an operation into an IOException.
   * The specific type of IOException depends on the class of
   * {@link AmazonClientException} passed in, and any status codes included
   * in the operation. That is: HTTP error codes are examined and can be
   * used to build a more specific response.
   * @param operation operation
   * @param path path operated on (may be null)
   * @param exception amazon exception raised
   * @return an IOE which wraps the caught exception.
public static IOException translateException(String operation, String path, AmazonClientException exception) {
    String message = String.format("%s%s: %s", operation, path != null ? (" on " + path) : "", exception);
    if (!(exception instanceof AmazonServiceException)) {
        if (containsInterruptedException(exception)) {
            return (IOException) new InterruptedIOException(message).initCause(exception);
        return new AWSClientIOException(message, exception);
    } else {
        IOException ioe;
        AmazonServiceException ase = (AmazonServiceException) exception;
        // this exception is non-null if the service exception is an s3 one
        AmazonS3Exception s3Exception = ase instanceof AmazonS3Exception ? (AmazonS3Exception) ase : null;
        int status = ase.getStatusCode();
        switch(status) {
            case 301:
                if (s3Exception != null) {
                    if (s3Exception.getAdditionalDetails() != null && s3Exception.getAdditionalDetails().containsKey(ENDPOINT_KEY)) {
                        message = String.format("Received permanent redirect response to " + "endpoint %s.  This likely indicates that the S3 endpoint " + "configured in %s does not match the AWS region containing " + "the bucket.", s3Exception.getAdditionalDetails().get(ENDPOINT_KEY), ENDPOINT);
                    ioe = new AWSS3IOException(message, s3Exception);
                } else {
                    ioe = new AWSServiceIOException(message, ase);
            // permissions
            case 401:
            case 403:
                ioe = new AccessDeniedException(path, null, message);
            // the object isn't there
            case 404:
            case 410:
                ioe = new FileNotFoundException(message);
            // a shorter one while it is being read.
            case 416:
                ioe = new EOFException(message);
                // no specific exit code. Choose an IOE subclass based on the class
                // of the caught exception
                ioe = s3Exception != null ? new AWSS3IOException(message, s3Exception) : new AWSServiceIOException(message, ase);
        return ioe;
Also used : InterruptedIOException( AccessDeniedException(java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException) AmazonServiceException(com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException) FileNotFoundException( EOFException( InterruptedIOException( IOException( AmazonS3Exception(

Example 2 with Region

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class S3Backend method init.

public void init(CachingDataStore store, String homeDir, Properties prop) throws DataStoreException {
    ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    try {
        startTime = new Date();
        LOG.debug("init"); = store;
        s3ReqDecorator = new S3RequestDecorator(prop);
        s3service = Utils.openService(prop);
        if (bucket == null || "".equals(bucket.trim())) {
            bucket = prop.getProperty(S3Constants.S3_BUCKET);
            // Alternately check if the 'container' property is set
            if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(bucket)) {
                bucket = prop.getProperty(S3Constants.S3_CONTAINER);
        String region = prop.getProperty(S3Constants.S3_REGION);
        Region s3Region = null;
        if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(region)) {
            com.amazonaws.regions.Region ec2Region = Regions.getCurrentRegion();
            if (ec2Region != null) {
                s3Region = Region.fromValue(ec2Region.getName());
            } else {
                throw new AmazonClientException("parameter [" + S3Constants.S3_REGION + "] not configured and cannot be derived from environment");
        } else {
            if (Utils.DEFAULT_AWS_BUCKET_REGION.equals(region)) {
                s3Region = Region.US_Standard;
            } else if (Region.EU_Ireland.toString().equals(region)) {
                s3Region = Region.EU_Ireland;
            } else {
                s3Region = Region.fromValue(region);
        if (!s3service.doesBucketExist(bucket)) {
            s3service.createBucket(bucket, s3Region);
  "Created bucket [{}] in [{}] ", bucket, region);
        } else {
  "Using bucket [{}] in [{}] ", bucket, region);
        int writeThreads = 10;
        String writeThreadsStr = prop.getProperty(S3Constants.S3_WRITE_THREADS);
        if (writeThreadsStr != null) {
            writeThreads = Integer.parseInt(writeThreadsStr);
        }"Using thread pool of [{}] threads in S3 transfer manager.", writeThreads);
        tmx = new TransferManager(s3service, (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(writeThreads, new NamedThreadFactory("s3-transfer-manager-worker")));
        int asyncWritePoolSize = 10;
        String maxConnsStr = prop.getProperty(S3Constants.S3_MAX_CONNS);
        if (maxConnsStr != null) {
            asyncWritePoolSize = Integer.parseInt(maxConnsStr) - writeThreads;
        asyncWriteExecuter = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(asyncWritePoolSize, new NamedThreadFactory("s3-write-worker"));
        String renameKeyProp = prop.getProperty(S3Constants.S3_RENAME_KEYS);
        boolean renameKeyBool = (renameKeyProp == null || "".equals(renameKeyProp)) ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(renameKeyProp);"Rename keys [{}]", renameKeyBool);
        if (renameKeyBool) {
        LOG.debug("S3 Backend initialized in [{}] ms", +(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime.getTime()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.debug("  error ", e);
        Map<String, String> filteredMap = Maps.newHashMap();
        if (prop != null) {
            filteredMap = Maps.filterKeys(Maps.fromProperties(prop), new Predicate<String>() {

                public boolean apply(String input) {
                    return !input.equals(S3Constants.ACCESS_KEY) && !input.equals(S3Constants.SECRET_KEY);
        throw new DataStoreException("Could not initialize S3 from " + filteredMap, e);
    } finally {
        if (contextClassLoader != null) {
Also used : TransferManager( DataStoreException( NamedThreadFactory( AmazonClientException(com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException) Date(java.util.Date) AmazonServiceException(com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException) AmazonClientException(com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException) DataStoreException( IOException( S3RequestDecorator( Region( ThreadPoolExecutor(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 3 with Region

use of in project presto by prestodb.

the class PrestoS3FileSystem method createAmazonS3Client.

private AmazonS3Client createAmazonS3Client(URI uri, Configuration hadoopConfig, ClientConfiguration clientConfig) {
    AWSCredentialsProvider credentials = getAwsCredentialsProvider(uri, hadoopConfig);
    Optional<EncryptionMaterialsProvider> emp = createEncryptionMaterialsProvider(hadoopConfig);
    AmazonS3Client client;
    String signerType = hadoopConfig.get(S3_SIGNER_TYPE);
    if (signerType != null) {
    if (emp.isPresent()) {
        client = new AmazonS3EncryptionClient(credentials, emp.get(), clientConfig, new CryptoConfiguration(), METRIC_COLLECTOR);
    } else {
        client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, clientConfig, METRIC_COLLECTOR);
    // use local region when running inside of EC2
    if (pinS3ClientToCurrentRegion) {
        Region region = Regions.getCurrentRegion();
        if (region != null) {
    String endpoint = hadoopConfig.get(S3_ENDPOINT);
    if (endpoint != null) {
    return client;
Also used : AmazonS3Client( AmazonS3EncryptionClient( EncryptionMaterialsProvider( KMSEncryptionMaterialsProvider( CryptoConfiguration( Region(com.amazonaws.regions.Region) AWSCredentialsProvider(com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider)

Example 4 with Region

use of in project YCSB by brianfrankcooper.

the class S3Client method init.

  * Initialize any state for the storage.
  * Called once per S3 instance; If the client is not null it is re-used.
public void init() throws DBException {
    final int count = INIT_COUNT.incrementAndGet();
    synchronized (S3Client.class) {
        Properties propsCL = getProperties();
        int recordcount = Integer.parseInt(propsCL.getProperty("recordcount"));
        int operationcount = Integer.parseInt(propsCL.getProperty("operationcount"));
        int numberOfOperations = 0;
        if (recordcount > 0) {
            if (recordcount > operationcount) {
                numberOfOperations = recordcount;
            } else {
                numberOfOperations = operationcount;
        } else {
            numberOfOperations = operationcount;
        if (count <= numberOfOperations) {
            String accessKeyId = null;
            String secretKey = null;
            String endPoint = null;
            String region = null;
            String maxErrorRetry = null;
            String maxConnections = null;
            String protocol = null;
            BasicAWSCredentials s3Credentials;
            ClientConfiguration clientConfig;
            if (s3Client != null) {
                System.out.println("Reusing the same client");
            try {
                InputStream propFile = S3Client.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("");
                Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties());
                accessKeyId = props.getProperty("s3.accessKeyId");
                if (accessKeyId == null) {
                    accessKeyId = propsCL.getProperty("s3.accessKeyId");
                secretKey = props.getProperty("s3.secretKey");
                if (secretKey == null) {
                    secretKey = propsCL.getProperty("s3.secretKey");
                endPoint = props.getProperty("s3.endPoint");
                if (endPoint == null) {
                    endPoint = propsCL.getProperty("s3.endPoint", "");
                region = props.getProperty("s3.region");
                if (region == null) {
                    region = propsCL.getProperty("s3.region", "us-east-1");
                maxErrorRetry = props.getProperty("s3.maxErrorRetry");
                if (maxErrorRetry == null) {
                    maxErrorRetry = propsCL.getProperty("s3.maxErrorRetry", "15");
                maxConnections = props.getProperty("s3.maxConnections");
                if (maxConnections == null) {
                    maxConnections = propsCL.getProperty("s3.maxConnections");
                protocol = props.getProperty("s3.protocol");
                if (protocol == null) {
                    protocol = propsCL.getProperty("s3.protocol", "HTTPS");
                sse = props.getProperty("s3.sse");
                if (sse == null) {
                    sse = propsCL.getProperty("s3.sse", "false");
                String ssec = props.getProperty("s3.ssec");
                if (ssec == null) {
                    ssec = propsCL.getProperty("s3.ssec", null);
                } else {
                    ssecKey = new SSECustomerKey(ssec);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("The file properties doesn't exist " + e.toString());
            try {
                System.out.println("Inizializing the S3 connection");
                s3Credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKeyId, secretKey);
                clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration();
                if (protocol.equals("HTTP")) {
                } else {
                if (maxConnections != null) {
                s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(s3Credentials, clientConfig);
                System.out.println("Connection successfully initialized");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Could not connect to S3 storage: " + e.toString());
                throw new DBException(e);
        } else {
            System.err.println("The number of threads must be less or equal than the operations");
            throw new DBException(new Error("The number of threads must be less or equal than the operations"));
Also used : DBException( SSECustomerKey( AmazonS3Client( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( AmazonS3Client( Properties(java.util.Properties) ClientConfiguration(com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration) DBException(

Example 5 with Region

use of in project quickutil by quickutil.

the class AWSS3Util method buildClient.

 * 获取客户端实例
 * @param s3Name-S3Name
 * @return
public static AmazonS3 buildClient(String s3Name) {
    AmazonS3ClientBuilder s3Builder = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard();
    s3Builder.setCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(new BasicAWSCredentials(bucketMap.get(s3Name).get("access_key"), bucketMap.get(s3Name).get("secret_key"))));
    s3Builder.setEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration(bucketMap.get(s3Name).get("endpoint"), bucketMap.get(s3Name).get("region")));
Also used : AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(com.amazonaws.auth.AWSStaticCredentialsProvider) AmazonS3ClientBuilder( EndpointConfiguration(com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration) BasicAWSCredentials(com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials)


AmazonS3Client ( AmazonServiceException (com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException)11 AmazonS3Exception ( IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)10 Regions (com.amazonaws.regions.Regions)9 AmazonS3 ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)9 AmazonClientException (com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException)8 BasicAWSCredentials (com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials)8 Date (java.util.Date)8 Map (java.util.Map)8 ClientConfiguration (com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration)7 TransferManager ( FileNotFoundException ( SdkClientException (com.amazonaws.SdkClientException)5 OperationContext (com.vmware.xenon.common.OperationContext)5 InterruptedIOException ( CreateBucketRequest ( ListObjectsRequest (