use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class DefaultS3OutputStream method doUploadMultipart.
protected PartETag doUploadMultipart(S3BlobStore blobStore, String bucketName, String blobName, String uploadId, InputStream is, int length, boolean lastPart) throws AmazonS3Exception {
UploadPartRequest request = new UploadPartRequest().withBucketName(bucketName).withKey(blobName).withUploadId(uploadId).withPartNumber(multipartChunks).withInputStream(is).withPartSize(length).withLastPart(lastPart);
UploadPartResult response = blobStore.client().uploadPart(request);
return response.getPartETag();
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class S3AFileSystem method uploadPart.
* Upload part of a multi-partition file.
* Increments the write and put counters.
* <i>Important: this call does not close any input stream in the request.</i>
* @param request request
* @return the result of the operation.
* @throws AmazonClientException on problems
public UploadPartResult uploadPart(UploadPartRequest request) throws AmazonClientException {
long len = request.getPartSize();
try {
UploadPartResult uploadPartResult = s3.uploadPart(request);
incrementPutCompletedStatistics(true, len);
return uploadPartResult;
} catch (AmazonClientException e) {
incrementPutCompletedStatistics(false, len);
throw e;
use of in project bender by Nextdoor.
the class S3TransporterTest method getMockClient.
private AmazonS3Client getMockClient() {
AmazonS3Client mockClient = spy(AmazonS3Client.class);
UploadPartResult uploadResult = new UploadPartResult();
InitiateMultipartUploadResult initUploadResult = new InitiateMultipartUploadResult();
return mockClient;
use of in project bender by Nextdoor.
the class S3TransporterTest method testCompressed.
public void testCompressed() throws TransportException, IllegalStateException, IOException {
* Create mock client, requets, and replies
AmazonS3Client mockClient = getMockClient();
* Capture the InputStream into a ByteArrayOutputStream before the Transport thread closes the
* InputStream and makes it unavailable for reading.
ByteArrayOutputStream captured = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Answer answer = new Answer() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
UploadPartRequest req = invocation.getArgumentAt(0, UploadPartRequest.class);
return new UploadPartResult();
* Fill buffer with mock data
S3TransportBuffer buffer = new S3TransportBuffer(1000, false, new S3TransportSerializer());
InternalEvent mockIevent = mock(InternalEvent.class);
* Create transport
Map<String, MultiPartUpload> multiPartUploads = new HashMap<String, MultiPartUpload>(0);
S3Transport transport = new S3Transport(mockClient, "bucket", "basepath", true, multiPartUploads);
* Do actual test
LinkedHashMap<String, String> partitions = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
partitions.put(S3Transport.FILENAME_KEY, "a_filename");
ArgumentCaptor<UploadPartRequest> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(UploadPartRequest.class);
transport.sendBatch(buffer, partitions, new TestContext());
* Check results
assertEquals("bucket", argument.getValue().getBucketName());
assertEquals("basepath/a_filename.bz2", argument.getValue().getKey());
assertEquals(1, argument.getValue().getPartNumber());
assertEquals(40, argument.getValue().getPartSize());
assertEquals("123", argument.getValue().getUploadId());
* Convert the actual InputStream from the client into a ByteArrayOutputStream which can be read
* and verified.
byte[] actualBytes = captured.toByteArray();
byte[] expectedBytes = { 66, 90, 104, 57, 49, 65, 89, 38, 83, 89, 118, -10, -77, -27, 0, 0, 0, -63, 0, 0, 16, 1, 0, -96, 0, 48, -52, 12, -62, 12, 46, -28, -118, 112, -95, 32, -19, -19, 103, -54 };
assertArrayEquals(expectedBytes, actualBytes);
use of in project bender by Nextdoor.
the class S3TransporterTest method testCompressedBuffer.
public void testCompressedBuffer() throws TransportException, IllegalStateException, IOException {
* Create mock client, requets, and replies
AmazonS3Client mockClient = getMockClient();
* Capture the InputStream into a ByteArrayOutputStream before the Transport thread closes the
* InputStream and makes it unavailable for reading.
ByteArrayOutputStream captured = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Answer answer = new Answer() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
UploadPartRequest req = invocation.getArgumentAt(0, UploadPartRequest.class);
return new UploadPartResult();
* Fill buffer with mock data
S3TransportBuffer buffer = new S3TransportBuffer(1000, true, new S3TransportSerializer());
InternalEvent mockIevent = mock(InternalEvent.class);
* Create transport
Map<String, MultiPartUpload> multiPartUploads = new HashMap<String, MultiPartUpload>(0);
S3Transport transport = new S3Transport(mockClient, "bucket", "basepath", true, multiPartUploads);
* Do actual test
LinkedHashMap<String, String> partitions = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
partitions.put(S3Transport.FILENAME_KEY, "a_filename");
ArgumentCaptor<UploadPartRequest> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(UploadPartRequest.class);
transport.sendBatch(buffer, partitions, new TestContext());
* Check results
assertEquals("bucket", argument.getValue().getBucketName());
assertEquals("basepath/a_filename.bz2", argument.getValue().getKey());
assertEquals(1, argument.getValue().getPartNumber());
assertEquals(40, argument.getValue().getPartSize());
assertEquals("123", argument.getValue().getUploadId());
* Convert the actual InputStream from the client into a ByteArrayOutputStream which can be read
* and verified.
byte[] actualBytes = captured.toByteArray();
byte[] expectedBytes = { 66, 90, 104, 57, 49, 65, 89, 38, 83, 89, 118, -10, -77, -27, 0, 0, 0, -63, 0, 0, 16, 1, 0, -96, 0, 48, -52, 12, -62, 12, 46, -28, -118, 112, -95, 32, -19, -19, 103, -54 };
assertArrayEquals(expectedBytes, actualBytes);