use of com.andrew.apollo.model.Artist in project frostwire by frostwire.
the class ArtistAdapter method buildCache.
* Method used to cache the data used to populate the list or grid. The idea
* is to cache everything before {@code #getView(int, View, ViewGroup)} is
* called.
public void buildCache() {
mData = new DataHolder[getCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < getCount(); i++) {
// Build the artist
final Artist artist = getItem(i);
if (artist != null) {
// Build the data holder
mData[i] = new DataHolder();
// Artist Id
mData[i].mItemId = artist.mArtistId;
// Artist names (line one)
mData[i].mLineOne = artist.mArtistName;
// Number of albums (line two)
mData[i].mLineTwo = MusicUtils.makeLabel(getContext(), R.plurals.Nalbums, artist.mAlbumNumber);
// Number of songs (line three)
mData[i].mLineThree = MusicUtils.makeLabel(getContext(), R.plurals.Nsongs, artist.mSongNumber);
use of com.andrew.apollo.model.Artist in project frostwire by frostwire.
the class ArtistLoader method loadInBackground.
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Artist> loadInBackground() {
ArrayList<Artist> mArtistsList = new ArrayList<>();
// Create the Cursor
Cursor mCursor = makeCursor(getContext());
// Gather the data
if (mCursor != null && mCursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
// Copy the artist id
final long id = mCursor.getLong(0);
// Copy the artist name
final String artistName = mCursor.getString(1);
// Copy the number of albums
final int albumCount = mCursor.getInt(2);
// Copy the number of songs
final int songCount = mCursor.getInt(3);
// Create a new artist
final Artist artist = new Artist(id, artistName, songCount, albumCount);
// Add everything up
} while (mCursor.moveToNext());
// Close the cursor
if (mCursor != null) {
return mArtistsList;
use of com.andrew.apollo.model.Artist in project frostwire by frostwire.
the class ApolloFragment method onCreateContextMenu.
public void onCreateContextMenu(final ContextMenu menu, final View v, final ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
// Get the position of the selected item
final AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo) menuInfo;
int mSelectedPosition = info.position - mAdapter.getOffset();
// Create a new song
mItem = mAdapter.getItem(mSelectedPosition);
// TODO: Remove these mutable properties, parametrize the onMenuEvent handlers.
if (mItem instanceof Song) {
Song mSong = (Song) mItem;
mSelectedId = mSong.mSongId;
mSongName = mSong.mSongName;
mAlbumName = mSong.mAlbumName;
mArtistName = mSong.mArtistName;
mSongList = null;
} else if (mItem instanceof Album) {
Album mAlbum = (Album) mItem;
mSelectedId = mAlbum.mAlbumId;
mSongName = null;
mAlbumName = mAlbum.mAlbumName;
mArtistName = mAlbum.mArtistName;
mSongList = MusicUtils.getSongListForAlbum(getActivity(), mAlbum.mAlbumId);
} else if (mItem instanceof Artist) {
Artist mArtist = (Artist) mItem;
mSelectedId = mArtist.mArtistId;
mSongName = null;
mArtistName = mArtist.mArtistName;
mSongList = MusicUtils.getSongListForArtist(getActivity(), mArtist.mArtistId);
} else if (mItem instanceof Genre) {
Genre mGenre = (Genre) mItem;
mSelectedId = mGenre.mGenreId;
mSongList = MusicUtils.getSongListForGenre(getActivity(), mGenre.mGenreId);
} else if (mItem instanceof Playlist) {
Playlist mPlaylist = (Playlist) mItem;
mSelectedId = mPlaylist.mPlaylistId;
if (mSelectedId == PlaylistLoader.FAVORITE_PLAYLIST_ID) {
mSongList = MusicUtils.getSongListForFavorites(getActivity());
} else if (mSelectedId == PlaylistLoader.LAST_ADDED_PLAYLIST_ID) {
mSongList = MusicUtils.getSongListForLastAdded(getActivity());
} else {
mSongList = MusicUtils.getSongListForPlaylist(getActivity(), mPlaylist.mPlaylistId);
// Play the selected songs
menu.add(GROUP_ID, FragmentMenuItems.PLAY_SELECTION, Menu.NONE, getString(R.string.context_menu_play_selection)).setIcon(R.drawable.contextmenu_icon_play);
// Play the next song
menu.add(GROUP_ID, FragmentMenuItems.PLAY_NEXT, Menu.NONE, getString(R.string.context_menu_play_next)).setIcon(R.drawable.contextmenu_icon_next);
// Add the song/album to the queue
menu.add(GROUP_ID, FragmentMenuItems.ADD_TO_QUEUE, Menu.NONE, getString(R.string.add_to_queue)).setIcon(R.drawable.contextmenu_icon_queue_add);
// Add the song to favorite's playlist
menu.add(GROUP_ID, FragmentMenuItems.ADD_TO_FAVORITES, Menu.NONE, R.string.add_to_favorites).setIcon(R.drawable.contextmenu_icon_favorite);
// Add the song/album to a playlist
final SubMenu subMenu = menu.addSubMenu(GROUP_ID, FragmentMenuItems.ADD_TO_PLAYLIST, Menu.NONE, R.string.add_to_playlist).setIcon(R.drawable.contextmenu_icon_add_to_existing_playlist_dark);
MusicUtils.makePlaylistMenu(getActivity(), GROUP_ID, subMenu, true);
if (mItem instanceof Song) {
menu.add(GROUP_ID, FragmentMenuItems.USE_AS_RINGTONE, Menu.NONE, getString(R.string.context_menu_use_as_ringtone)).setIcon(R.drawable.contextmenu_icon_ringtone);
// More by artist
menu.add(GROUP_ID, FragmentMenuItems.MORE_BY_ARTIST, Menu.NONE, getString(R.string.context_menu_more_by_artist)).setIcon(R.drawable.contextmenu_icon_artist);
// Delete the album
menu.add(GROUP_ID, FragmentMenuItems.DELETE, Menu.NONE, getString(R.string.context_menu_delete)).setIcon(R.drawable.contextmenu_icon_trash);