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Example 1 with FilterData

use of in project kotlin by JetBrains.

the class Project method getApplicableDensities.

     * Returns the set of applicable densities for this project. If null, there are no density
     * restrictions and all densities apply.
     * @return the list of specific densities that apply in this project, or null if all densities
     * apply
public List<String> getApplicableDensities() {
    if (mCachedApplicableDensities == null) {
        // ...then we should only enforce hdpi densities, not all these others!
        if (isGradleProject() && getGradleProjectModel() != null && getCurrentVariant() != null) {
            Set<String> relevantDensities = Sets.newHashSet();
            Variant variant = getCurrentVariant();
            List<String> variantFlavors = variant.getProductFlavors();
            AndroidProject gradleProjectModel = getGradleProjectModel();
            addResConfigsFromFlavor(relevantDensities, null, getGradleProjectModel().getDefaultConfig());
            for (ProductFlavorContainer container : gradleProjectModel.getProductFlavors()) {
                addResConfigsFromFlavor(relevantDensities, variantFlavors, container);
            // Are there any splits that specify densities?
            if (relevantDensities.isEmpty()) {
                AndroidArtifact mainArtifact = variant.getMainArtifact();
                Collection<AndroidArtifactOutput> outputs = mainArtifact.getOutputs();
                for (AndroidArtifactOutput output : outputs) {
                    for (OutputFile file : output.getOutputs()) {
                        final String DENSITY_NAME =;
                        if (file.getFilterTypes().contains(DENSITY_NAME)) {
                            for (FilterData data : file.getFilters()) {
                                if (DENSITY_NAME.equals(data.getFilterType())) {
            if (!relevantDensities.isEmpty()) {
                mCachedApplicableDensities = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(10);
                for (String density : relevantDensities) {
                    String folder = ResourceFolderType.DRAWABLE.getName() + '-' + density;
            } else {
                mCachedApplicableDensities = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            mCachedApplicableDensities = Collections.emptyList();
    return mCachedApplicableDensities.isEmpty() ? null : mCachedApplicableDensities;
Also used : Variant( OutputFile( ProductFlavorContainer( FilterData( AndroidProject( AndroidArtifactOutput( AndroidArtifact( Nullable(


Nullable ( FilterData ( OutputFile ( AndroidArtifact ( AndroidArtifactOutput ( AndroidProject ( ProductFlavorContainer ( Variant (