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Example 1 with PackagingFileAction

use of in project atlas by alibaba.

the class AtlasMergeJavaResourcesTransform method transform.

public void transform(TransformInvocation invocation) throws IOException {
    waitableExecutor.execute(new Callable<Void>() {

        public Void call() throws Exception {
            cacheDir = new File(intermediateDir, "zip-cache");
            FileCacheByPath zipCache = new FileCacheByPath(cacheDir);
            TransformOutputProvider outputProvider = invocation.getOutputProvider();
            checkNotNull(outputProvider, "Missing output object for transform " + getName());
            ParsedPackagingOptions packagingOptions = new ParsedPackagingOptions(AtlasMergeJavaResourcesTransform.this.packagingOptions);
            boolean full = false;
            IncrementalFileMergerState state = loadMergeState();
            if (state == null || !invocation.isIncremental()) {
                     * This is a full build.
                state = new IncrementalFileMergerState();
                full = true;
            List<Runnable> cacheUpdates = new ArrayList<>();
            Map<IncrementalFileMergerInput, QualifiedContent> contentMap = new HashMap<>();
            List<IncrementalFileMergerInput> inputs = new ArrayList<>(AtlasIncrementalFileMergeTransformUtils.toInput(invocation, zipCache, cacheUpdates, full, contentMap, null, appVariantOutputContext.getVariantContext().getVariantName()));
                 * In an ideal world, we could just send the inputs to the file merger. However, in the
                 * real world we live in, things are more complicated :)
                 * We need to:
                 * 1. We need to bring inputs that refer to the project scope before the other inputs.
                 * 2. Prefix libraries that come from directories with "lib/".
                 * 3. Filter all inputs to remove anything not accepted by acceptedPathsPredicate neither
                 * by packagingOptions.
            // Sort inputs to move project scopes to the start.
            inputs.sort((i0, i1) -> {
                int v0 = contentMap.get(i0).getScopes().contains(QualifiedContent.Scope.PROJECT) ? 0 : 1;
                int v1 = contentMap.get(i1).getScopes().contains(QualifiedContent.Scope.PROJECT) ? 0 : 1;
                return v0 - v1;
            // Prefix libraries with "lib/" if we're doing libraries.
            assert mergedType.size() == 1;
            QualifiedContent.ContentType mergedType = AtlasMergeJavaResourcesTransform.this.mergedType.iterator().next();
            if (mergedType == ExtendedContentType.NATIVE_LIBS) {
                inputs = -> {
                    QualifiedContent qc = contentMap.get(i);
                    if (qc.getFile().isDirectory()) {
                        i = new RenameIncrementalFileMergerInput(i, s -> "lib/" + s, s -> s.substring("lib/".length()));
                        contentMap.put(i, qc);
                    return i;
            // Filter inputs.
            Predicate<String> inputFilter = acceptedPathsPredicate.and(path -> packagingOptions.getAction(path) != PackagingFileAction.EXCLUDE);
            inputs = -> {
                IncrementalFileMergerInput i2 = new FilterIncrementalFileMergerInput(i, inputFilter);
                contentMap.put(i2, contentMap.get(i));
                return i2;
                 * Create the algorithm used by the merge transform. This algorithm decides on which
                 * algorithm to delegate to depending on the packaging option of the path. By default it
                 * requires just one file (no merging).
            StreamMergeAlgorithm mergeTransformAlgorithm = -> {
                PackagingFileAction packagingAction = packagingOptions.getAction(path);
                switch(packagingAction) {
                    case EXCLUDE:
                        // Should have been excluded from the input.
                        throw new AssertionError();
                    case PICK_FIRST:
                        return StreamMergeAlgorithms.pickFirst();
                    case MERGE:
                        return StreamMergeAlgorithms.concat();
                    case NONE:
                        return StreamMergeAlgorithms.acceptOnlyOne();
                        throw new AssertionError();
                 * Create an output that uses the algorithm. This is not the final output because,
                 * unfortunately, we still have the complexity of the project scope overriding other scopes
                 * to solve.
                 * When resources inside a jar file are extracted to a directory, the results may not be
                 * expected on Windows if the file names end with "." (bug 65337573), or if there is an
                 * uppercase/lowercase conflict. To work around this issue, we copy these resources to a
                 * jar file.
            IncrementalFileMergerOutput baseOutput;
            if (mergedType == QualifiedContent.DefaultContentType.RESOURCES) {
                outputLocation = outputProvider.getContentLocation("resources", getOutputTypes(), getScopes(), Format.JAR);
                baseOutput = IncrementalFileMergerOutputs.fromAlgorithmAndWriter(mergeTransformAlgorithm, MergeOutputWriters.toZip(outputLocation));
            } else {
                outputLocation = outputProvider.getContentLocation("resources", getOutputTypes(), getScopes(), Format.DIRECTORY);
                baseOutput = IncrementalFileMergerOutputs.fromAlgorithmAndWriter(mergeTransformAlgorithm, MergeOutputWriters.toDirectory(outputLocation));
                 * We need a custom output to handle the case in which the same path appears in multiple
                 * inputs and the action is NONE, but only one input is actually PROJECT. In this specific
                 * case we will ignore all other inputs.
            Set<IncrementalFileMergerInput> projectInputs = contentMap.keySet().stream().filter(i -> contentMap.get(i).getScopes().contains(QualifiedContent.Scope.PROJECT)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
            IncrementalFileMergerOutput output = new DelegateIncrementalFileMergerOutput(baseOutput) {

                public void create(@NonNull String path, @NonNull List<IncrementalFileMergerInput> inputs) {
                    super.create(path, filter(path, inputs));

                public void update(@NonNull String path, @NonNull List<String> prevInputNames, @NonNull List<IncrementalFileMergerInput> inputs) {
                    super.update(path, prevInputNames, filter(path, inputs));

                public void remove(@NonNull String path) {

                private ImmutableList<IncrementalFileMergerInput> filter(@NonNull String path, @NonNull List<IncrementalFileMergerInput> inputs) {
                    PackagingFileAction packagingAction = packagingOptions.getAction(path);
                    if (packagingAction == PackagingFileAction.NONE && {
                        inputs =;
                    return ImmutableList.copyOf(inputs);
            state = IncrementalFileMerger.merge(ImmutableList.copyOf(inputs), output, state);
            return null;
    for (AwbTransform awbTransform : appVariantOutputContext.getAwbTransformMap().values()) {
        File awbCacheDir = new File(intermediateDir, "awb-zip-cache" + File.separator + awbTransform.getAwbBundle().getName());
        waitableExecutor.execute(new Callable<Void>() {

            public Void call() throws Exception {
                FileCacheByPath zipCache = new FileCacheByPath(awbCacheDir);
                ParsedPackagingOptions packagingOptions = new ParsedPackagingOptions(AtlasMergeJavaResourcesTransform.this.packagingOptions);
                boolean full = false;
                IncrementalFileMergerState state = loadAwbMergeState(awbTransform.getAwbBundle());
                if (state == null || !invocation.isIncremental()) {
                         * This is a full build.
                    state = new IncrementalFileMergerState();
                    if (appVariantOutputContext.getAwbJniFolder(awbTransform.getAwbBundle()).exists() && mergedType.contains(ExtendedContentType.NATIVE_LIBS)) {
                    if (appVariantOutputContext.getAwbJavaResFolder(awbTransform.getAwbBundle()).exists() && mergedType.contains(QualifiedContent.DefaultContentType.RESOURCES)) {
                    full = true;
                List<Runnable> cacheUpdates = new ArrayList<>();
                Map<IncrementalFileMergerInput, QualifiedContent> contentMap = new HashMap<>();
                List<IncrementalFileMergerInput> inputs = new ArrayList<>(AtlasIncrementalFileMergeTransformUtils.toInput(invocation, zipCache, cacheUpdates, full, contentMap, awbTransform, appVariantOutputContext.getVariantContext().getVariantName()));
                     * In an ideal world, we could just send the inputs to the file merger. However, in the
                     * real world we live in, things are more complicated :)
                     * We need to:
                     * 1. We need to bring inputs that refer to the project scope before the other inputs.
                     * 2. Prefix libraries that come from directories with "lib/".
                     * 3. Filter all inputs to remove anything not accepted by acceptedPathsPredicate neither
                     * by packagingOptions.
                // Sort inputs to move project scopes to the start.
                inputs.sort((i0, i1) -> {
                    int v0 = contentMap.get(i0).getScopes().contains(QualifiedContent.Scope.PROJECT) ? 0 : 1;
                    int v1 = contentMap.get(i1).getScopes().contains(QualifiedContent.Scope.PROJECT) ? 0 : 1;
                    return v0 - v1;
                // Prefix libraries with "lib/" if we're doing libraries.
                assert mergedType.size() == 1;
                QualifiedContent.ContentType mergedType = AtlasMergeJavaResourcesTransform.this.mergedType.iterator().next();
                if (mergedType == ExtendedContentType.NATIVE_LIBS) {
                    inputs = -> {
                        QualifiedContent qc = contentMap.get(i);
                        if (qc.getFile().isDirectory()) {
                            i = new RenameIncrementalFileMergerInput(i, s -> "lib/" + s, s -> s.substring("lib/".length()));
                            contentMap.put(i, qc);
                        return i;
                // Filter inputs.
                Predicate<String> inputFilter = acceptedPathsPredicate.and(path -> packagingOptions.getAction(path) != PackagingFileAction.EXCLUDE);
                inputs = -> {
                    IncrementalFileMergerInput i2 = new FilterIncrementalFileMergerInput(i, inputFilter);
                    contentMap.put(i2, contentMap.get(i));
                    return i2;
                     * Create the algorithm used by the merge transform. This algorithm decides on which
                     * algorithm to delegate to depending on the packaging option of the path. By default it
                     * requires just one file (no merging).
                StreamMergeAlgorithm mergeTransformAlgorithm = -> {
                    PackagingFileAction packagingAction = packagingOptions.getAction(path);
                    switch(packagingAction) {
                        case EXCLUDE:
                            // Should have been excluded from the input.
                            throw new AssertionError();
                        case PICK_FIRST:
                            return StreamMergeAlgorithms.pickFirst();
                        case MERGE:
                            return StreamMergeAlgorithms.concat();
                        case NONE:
                            return StreamMergeAlgorithms.acceptOnlyOne();
                            throw new AssertionError();
                     * Create an output that uses the algorithm. This is not the final output because,
                     * unfortunately, we still have the complexity of the project scope overriding other scopes
                     * to solve.
                     * When resources inside a jar file are extracted to a directory, the results may not be
                     * expected on Windows if the file names end with "." (bug 65337573), or if there is an
                     * uppercase/lowercase conflict. To work around this issue, we copy these resources to a
                     * jar file.
                IncrementalFileMergerOutput baseOutput;
                if (mergedType == QualifiedContent.DefaultContentType.RESOURCES) {
                    File outputLocation = new File(appVariantOutputContext.getAwbJavaResFolder(awbTransform.getAwbBundle()), "res.jar");
                    if (!appVariantOutputContext.getAwbJavaResFolder(awbTransform.getAwbBundle()).exists()) {
                    baseOutput = IncrementalFileMergerOutputs.fromAlgorithmAndWriter(mergeTransformAlgorithm, MergeOutputWriters.toZip(outputLocation));
                } else {
                    File outputLocation = appVariantOutputContext.getAwbJniFolder(awbTransform.getAwbBundle());
                    baseOutput = IncrementalFileMergerOutputs.fromAlgorithmAndWriter(mergeTransformAlgorithm, MergeOutputWriters.toDirectory(outputLocation));
                     * We need a custom output to handle the case in which the same path appears in multiple
                     * inputs and the action is NONE, but only one input is actually PROJECT. In this specific
                     * case we will ignore all other inputs.
                Set<IncrementalFileMergerInput> projectInputs = contentMap.keySet().stream().filter(i -> contentMap.get(i).getScopes().contains(QualifiedContent.Scope.PROJECT)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
                IncrementalFileMergerOutput output = new DelegateIncrementalFileMergerOutput(baseOutput) {

                    public void create(@NonNull String path, @NonNull List<IncrementalFileMergerInput> inputs) {
                        super.create(path, filter(path, inputs));

                    public void update(@NonNull String path, @NonNull List<String> prevInputNames, @NonNull List<IncrementalFileMergerInput> inputs) {
                        super.update(path, prevInputNames, filter(path, inputs));

                    public void remove(@NonNull String path) {

                    private ImmutableList<IncrementalFileMergerInput> filter(@NonNull String path, @NonNull List<IncrementalFileMergerInput> inputs) {
                        PackagingFileAction packagingAction = packagingOptions.getAction(path);
                        if (packagingAction == PackagingFileAction.NONE && {
                            inputs =;
                        return ImmutableList.copyOf(inputs);
                state = IncrementalFileMerger.merge(ImmutableList.copyOf(inputs), output, state);
                saveAwbMergeState(state, awbTransform.getAwbBundle());
                return null;
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    appVariantOutputContext.getAwbTransformMap().values().stream().forEach(awbTransform -> {
        if (awbTransform.getAwbBundle().isMBundle) {
            if (mergedType.contains(ExtendedContentType.NATIVE_LIBS)) {
                File bundleOutputLocation = appVariantOutputContext.getAwbJniFolder(awbTransform.getAwbBundle());
                if (bundleOutputLocation.exists()) {
                    try {
              , outputLocation);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
            } else {
                File bundleOutputLocation = new File(appVariantOutputContext.getAwbJavaResFolder(awbTransform.getAwbBundle()), "res.jar");
                File tempDir = new File(outputLocation.getParentFile(), "unzip");
                try {
                    if (bundleOutputLocation.exists() && ZipUtils.isZipFile(bundleOutputLocation)) {
                        BetterZip.unzipDirectory(bundleOutputLocation, tempDir);
                } catch (IOException e) {
    if (!mergedType.contains(ExtendedContentType.NATIVE_LIBS)) {
        File tempDir = new File(outputLocation.getParentFile(), "unzip");
        if (outputLocation != null && outputLocation.exists() && ZipUtils.isZipFile(outputLocation)) {
            BetterZip.unzipDirectory(outputLocation, tempDir);
        if (tempDir.exists() && tempDir.listFiles() != null) {
            BetterZip.zipDirectory(tempDir, outputLocation);
    paths.parallelStream().forEach(s -> processAtlasNativeSo(s));
Also used : ZipOutputStream( java.util(java.util) SdkConstants( BetterZip( PackagingOptions( Callable(java.util.concurrent.Callable) VariantScope( Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) ExtendedContentType( ImmutableCollectors( ImmutableList( FileUtils( AtlasBuildContext( MergeJavaResourcesTransform( AwbBundle( FileCacheByPath( PackagingFileAction( ImmutableSet( Files(java.nio.file.Files) Nullable( WaitableExecutor( Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) ZipUtils( Preconditions.checkNotNull( Collectors( ParsedPackagingOptions( ZipUtil( Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) AppVariantOutputContext( NonNull( MD5Util( Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) AwbTransform( AtlasIncrementalFileMergeTransformUtils( ImmutableSet( ExtendedContentType( ImmutableList( Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) NonNull( ImmutableList( ParsedPackagingOptions( PackagingFileAction( FileCacheByPath( AwbTransform(


SdkConstants ( NonNull ( Nullable ( ( AppVariantOutputContext ( AwbTransform ( PackagingOptions ( PackagingFileAction ( ParsedPackagingOptions ( AtlasIncrementalFileMergeTransformUtils ( ExtendedContentType ( VariantScope ( MergeJavaResourcesTransform ( FileCacheByPath ( ( WaitableExecutor ( FileUtils ( ImmutableCollectors ( Preconditions.checkNotNull ( ImmutableList (