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Example 11 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class ValueEncoder method writeAnnotation.

     * Writes out the encoded form of the given annotation, that is,
     * as an {@code encoded_annotation} and not including a
     * {@code value_type} prefix. If the output stream keeps
     * (debugging) annotations and {@code topLevel} is
     * {@code true}, then this method will write (debugging)
     * annotations.
     * @param annotation {@code non-null;} annotation instance to write
     * @param topLevel {@code true} iff the given annotation is the
     * top-level annotation or {@code false} if it is a sub-annotation
     * of some other annotation
public void writeAnnotation(Annotation annotation, boolean topLevel) {
    boolean annotates = topLevel && out.annotates();
    StringIdsSection stringIds = file.getStringIds();
    TypeIdsSection typeIds = file.getTypeIds();
    CstType type = annotation.getType();
    int typeIdx = typeIds.indexOf(type);
    if (annotates) {
        out.annotate("  type_idx: " + Hex.u4(typeIdx) + " // " + type.toHuman());
    Collection<NameValuePair> pairs = annotation.getNameValuePairs();
    int size = pairs.size();
    if (annotates) {
        out.annotate("  size: " + Hex.u4(size));
    int at = 0;
    for (NameValuePair pair : pairs) {
        CstString name = pair.getName();
        int nameIdx = stringIds.indexOf(name);
        Constant value = pair.getValue();
        if (annotates) {
            out.annotate(0, "  elements[" + at + "]:");
            out.annotate("    name_idx: " + Hex.u4(nameIdx) + " // " + name.toHuman());
        if (annotates) {
            out.annotate("    value: " + constantToHuman(value));
    if (annotates) {
Also used : NameValuePair( Constant( CstType( CstString(

Example 12 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AnnotationParser method parseAnnotation.

     * Parses a single annotation.
     * @param visibility {@code non-null;} visibility of the parsed annotation
     * @return {@code non-null;} the parsed annotation
private Annotation parseAnnotation(AnnotationVisibility visibility) throws IOException {
    int typeIndex = input.readUnsignedShort();
    int numElements = input.readUnsignedShort();
    CstString typeString = (CstString) pool.get(typeIndex);
    CstType type = new CstType(Type.intern(typeString.getString()));
    if (observer != null) {
        parsed(2, "type: " + type.toHuman());
        parsed(2, "num_elements: " + numElements);
    Annotation annotation = new Annotation(type, visibility);
    for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
        if (observer != null) {
            parsed(0, "elements[" + i + "]:");
        NameValuePair element = parseElement();
        if (observer != null) {
    return annotation;
Also used : NameValuePair( CstType( CstString( Annotation( CstAnnotation(

Example 13 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AnnotationParser method parseConstant.

     * Helper for {@link #parseValue}, which parses a constant reference
     * and returns the referred-to constant value.
     * @return {@code non-null;} the parsed value
private Constant parseConstant() throws IOException {
    int constValueIndex = input.readUnsignedShort();
    Constant value = (Constant) pool.get(constValueIndex);
    if (observer != null) {
        String human = (value instanceof CstString) ? ((CstString) value).toQuoted() : value.toHuman();
        parsed(2, "constant_value: " + human);
    return value;
Also used : Constant( CstString( CstString(

Example 14 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AnnotationParser method parseValue.

     * Parses an annotation value.
     * @return {@code non-null;} the parsed value
private Constant parseValue() throws IOException {
    int tag = input.readUnsignedByte();
    if (observer != null) {
        CstString humanTag = new CstString(Character.toString((char) tag));
        parsed(1, "tag: " + humanTag.toQuoted());
    switch(tag) {
        case 'B':
                CstInteger value = (CstInteger) parseConstant();
                return CstByte.make(value.getValue());
        case 'C':
                CstInteger value = (CstInteger) parseConstant();
                int intValue = value.getValue();
                return CstChar.make(value.getValue());
        case 'D':
                CstDouble value = (CstDouble) parseConstant();
                return value;
        case 'F':
                CstFloat value = (CstFloat) parseConstant();
                return value;
        case 'I':
                CstInteger value = (CstInteger) parseConstant();
                return value;
        case 'J':
                CstLong value = (CstLong) parseConstant();
                return value;
        case 'S':
                CstInteger value = (CstInteger) parseConstant();
                return CstShort.make(value.getValue());
        case 'Z':
                CstInteger value = (CstInteger) parseConstant();
                return CstBoolean.make(value.getValue());
        case 'c':
                int classInfoIndex = input.readUnsignedShort();
                CstString value = (CstString) pool.get(classInfoIndex);
                Type type = Type.internReturnType(value.getString());
                if (observer != null) {
                    parsed(2, "class_info: " + type.toHuman());
                return new CstType(type);
        case 's':
                return parseConstant();
        case 'e':
                int typeNameIndex = input.readUnsignedShort();
                int constNameIndex = input.readUnsignedShort();
                CstString typeName = (CstString) pool.get(typeNameIndex);
                CstString constName = (CstString) pool.get(constNameIndex);
                if (observer != null) {
                    parsed(2, "type_name: " + typeName.toHuman());
                    parsed(2, "const_name: " + constName.toHuman());
                return new CstEnumRef(new CstNat(constName, typeName));
        case '@':
                Annotation annotation = parseAnnotation(AnnotationVisibility.EMBEDDED);
                return new CstAnnotation(annotation);
        case '[':
                int numValues = input.readUnsignedShort();
                CstArray.List list = new CstArray.List(numValues);
                if (observer != null) {
                    parsed(2, "num_values: " + numValues);
                for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {
                    if (observer != null) {
                        parsed(0, "element_value[" + i + "]:");
                    list.set(i, parseValue());
                if (observer != null) {
                return new CstArray(list);
                throw new ParseException("unknown annotation tag: " + Hex.u1(tag));
Also used : CstFloat( CstNat( CstArray( CstLong( CstString( CstAnnotation( CstDouble( CstEnumRef( Annotation( CstAnnotation( Type( CstType( CstInteger( CstType( AnnotationsList( ParseException(

Example 15 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AttributeFactory method parse.

     * Parses and makes an attribute based on the bytes at the
     * indicated position in the given array. This method figures out
     * the name, and then does all the setup to call on to {@link #parse0},
     * which does the actual construction.
     * @param cf {@code non-null;} class file to parse from
     * @param context context to parse in; one of the {@code CTX_*}
     * constants
     * @param offset offset into {@code dcf}'s {@code bytes}
     * to start parsing at
     * @param observer {@code null-ok;} parse observer to report to, if any
     * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed {@link Attribute}
public final Attribute parse(DirectClassFile cf, int context, int offset, ParseObserver observer) {
    if (cf == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("cf == null");
    if ((context < 0) || (context >= CTX_COUNT)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad context");
    CstString name = null;
    try {
        ByteArray bytes = cf.getBytes();
        ConstantPool pool = cf.getConstantPool();
        int nameIdx = bytes.getUnsignedShort(offset);
        int length = bytes.getInt(offset + 2);
        name = (CstString) pool.get(nameIdx);
        if (observer != null) {
            observer.parsed(bytes, offset, 2, "name: " + name.toHuman());
            observer.parsed(bytes, offset + 2, 4, "length: " + Hex.u4(length));
        return parse0(cf, context, name.getString(), offset + 6, length, observer);
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
        ex.addContext("...while parsing " + ((name != null) ? (name.toHuman() + " ") : "") + "attribute at offset " + Hex.u4(offset));
        throw ex;
Also used : ConstantPool( CstString( ByteArray( ParseException(


CstString ( CstType ( Constant ( ByteArray ( ConstantPool ( ParseException ( NameValuePair ( RegisterSpec ( CstFieldRef ( CstNat ( Annotation ( Type ( ClassDefItem ( CstAnnotation ( CstMethodRef ( Attribute ( CstInsn ( Annotations ( AnnotationsList ( LocalItem (