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Example 31 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AnnotationParser method parseElement.

     * Parses a {@link NameValuePair}.
     * @return {@code non-null;} the parsed element
private NameValuePair parseElement() throws IOException {
    int elementNameIndex = input.readUnsignedShort();
    CstString elementName = (CstString) pool.get(elementNameIndex);
    if (observer != null) {
        parsed(2, "element_name: " + elementName.toHuman());
        parsed(0, "value: ");
    Constant value = parseValue();
    if (observer != null) {
    return new NameValuePair(elementName, value);
Also used : NameValuePair( Constant( CstString(

Example 32 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class DebugInfoEncoder method emitHeader.

     * Emits the header sequence, which consists of LEB128-encoded initial
     * line number and string indicies for names of all non-"this" arguments.
     * @param sortedPositions positions, sorted by ascending address
     * @param methodArgs local list entries for method argumens arguments,
     * in left-to-right order omitting "this"
     * @throws IOException
private void emitHeader(ArrayList<PositionList.Entry> sortedPositions, ArrayList<LocalList.Entry> methodArgs) throws IOException {
    boolean annotate = (annotateTo != null) || (debugPrint != null);
    int mark = output.getCursor();
    // Start by initializing the line number register.
    if (sortedPositions.size() > 0) {
        PositionList.Entry entry = sortedPositions.get(0);
        line = entry.getPosition().getLine();
    if (annotate) {
        annotate(output.getCursor() - mark, "line_start: " + line);
    int curParam = getParamBase();
    // paramTypes will not include 'this'
    StdTypeList paramTypes = desc.getParameterTypes();
    int szParamTypes = paramTypes.size();
         * Initialize lastEntryForReg to have an initial
         * entry for the 'this' pointer.
    if (!isStatic) {
        for (LocalList.Entry arg : methodArgs) {
            if (curParam == arg.getRegister()) {
                lastEntryForReg[curParam] = arg;
    // Write out the number of parameter entries that will follow.
    mark = output.getCursor();
    if (annotate) {
        annotate(output.getCursor() - mark, String.format("parameters_size: %04x", szParamTypes));
         * Then emit the string indicies of all the method parameters.
         * Note that 'this', if applicable, is excluded.
    for (int i = 0; i < szParamTypes; i++) {
        Type pt = paramTypes.get(i);
        LocalList.Entry found = null;
        mark = output.getCursor();
        for (LocalList.Entry arg : methodArgs) {
            if (curParam == arg.getRegister()) {
                found = arg;
                if (arg.getSignature() != null) {
                         * Parameters with signatures will be re-emitted
                         * in complete as LOCAL_START_EXTENDED's below.
                } else {
                lastEntryForReg[curParam] = arg;
        if (found == null) {
                 * Emit a null symbol for "unnamed." This is common
                 * for, e.g., synthesized methods and inner-class
                 * this$0 arguments.
        if (annotate) {
            String parameterName = (found == null || found.getSignature() != null) ? "<unnamed>" : found.getName().toHuman();
            annotate(output.getCursor() - mark, "parameter " + parameterName + " " + RegisterSpec.PREFIX + curParam);
        curParam += pt.getCategory();
    for (LocalList.Entry arg : lastEntryForReg) {
        if (arg == null) {
        CstString signature = arg.getSignature();
        if (signature != null) {
Also used : LocalList( Type( CstType( StdTypeList( PositionList( CstString( CstString(

Example 33 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AnnotationItem method annotateTo.

     * Write a (listing file) annotation for this instance to the given
     * output, that consumes no bytes of output. This is for annotating
     * a reference to this instance at the point of the reference.
     * @param out {@code non-null;} where to output to
     * @param prefix {@code non-null;} prefix for each line of output
public void annotateTo(AnnotatedOutput out, String prefix) {
    out.annotate(0, prefix + "visibility: " + annotation.getVisibility().toHuman());
    out.annotate(0, prefix + "type: " + annotation.getType().toHuman());
    for (NameValuePair pair : annotation.getNameValuePairs()) {
        CstString name = pair.getName();
        Constant value = pair.getValue();
        out.annotate(0, prefix + name.toHuman() + ": " + ValueEncoder.constantToHuman(value));
Also used : NameValuePair( Constant( CstString(

Example 34 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class StringIdsSection method intern.

     * Interns an element into this instance.
     * @param string {@code non-null;} the string to intern
     * @return {@code non-null;} the interned string
public synchronized StringIdItem intern(StringIdItem string) {
    if (string == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("string == null");
    CstString value = string.getValue();
    StringIdItem already = strings.get(value);
    if (already != null) {
        return already;
    strings.put(value, string);
    return string;
Also used : CstString(

Example 35 with CstString

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class TypeIdItem method writeTo.

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void writeTo(DexFile file, AnnotatedOutput out) {
    CstType type = getDefiningClass();
    CstString descriptor = type.getDescriptor();
    int idx = file.getStringIds().indexOf(descriptor);
    if (out.annotates()) {
        out.annotate(0, indexString() + ' ' + descriptor.toHuman());
        out.annotate(4, "  descriptor_idx: " + Hex.u4(idx));
Also used : CstType( CstString(


CstString ( CstType ( Constant ( ByteArray ( ConstantPool ( ParseException ( NameValuePair ( RegisterSpec ( CstFieldRef ( CstNat ( Annotation ( Type ( ClassDefItem ( CstAnnotation ( CstMethodRef ( Attribute ( CstInsn ( Annotations ( AnnotationsList ( LocalItem (