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Example 1 with Asn1Constructed

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class SPVerifier method checkName.

private void checkName(Asn1Constructed altName) throws IOException {
    Map<String, I18Name> friendlyNames = new HashMap<>();
    for (Asn1Object name : altName.getChildren()) {
        if (name.getAsn1Class() == Asn1Class.Context && name.getTag() == OtherName) {
            Asn1Constructed otherName = (Asn1Constructed) name;
            Iterator<Asn1Object> children = otherName.getChildren().iterator();
            if (children.hasNext()) {
                Asn1Object oidObject =;
                if (OidMappings.sIdWfaHotspotFriendlyName.equals(oidObject) && children.hasNext()) {
                    Asn1Constructed value = castObject(, Asn1Constructed.class);
                    String text = castObject(value.getChildren().iterator().next(), Asn1String.class).getString();
                    I18Name friendlyName = new I18Name(text);
                    friendlyNames.put(friendlyName.getLanguage(), friendlyName);
    Log.d(OSUManager.TAG, "Friendly names: " + friendlyNames.values());
    for (I18Name osuName : mOSUInfo.getOSUProvider().getNames()) {
        I18Name friendlyName = friendlyNames.get(osuName.getLanguage());
        if (!osuName.equals(friendlyName)) {
            throw new IOException("Friendly name '" + osuName + " not in certificate");
Also used : Asn1Constructed( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) I18Name( Asn1String( Asn1String( IOException( Asn1Object(

Example 2 with Asn1Constructed

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class ESTHandler method unpackPkcs7.

private static List<X509Certificate> unpackPkcs7(ByteBuffer pkcs7) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
    Collection<Asn1Object> pkcs7Content = Asn1Decoder.decode(pkcs7);
    if (pkcs7Content.size() != 1) {
        throw new IOException("Unexpected pkcs 7 container: " + pkcs7Content.size());
    Asn1Object data = pkcs7Content.iterator().next();
    if (!data.isConstructed() || !data.matches(sSEQUENCE)) {
        throw new IOException("Expected SEQ OF, got " + data.toSimpleString());
    } else if (data.getChildren().size() != 2) {
        throw new IOException("Expected content info to have two children, got " + data.getChildren().size());
    Iterator<Asn1Object> children = data.getChildren().iterator();
    Asn1Object contentType =;
    if (!contentType.equals(Asn1Oid.PKCS7SignedData)) {
        throw new IOException("Content not PKCS7 signed data");
    Asn1Object content =;
    if (!content.isConstructed() || !content.matches(sCTXT0)) {
        throw new IOException("Expected [CONTEXT 0] with one child, got " + content.toSimpleString() + ", " + content.getChildren().size());
    Asn1Object signedData = content.getChildren().iterator().next();
    Map<Integer, Asn1Object> itemMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (Asn1Object item : signedData.getChildren()) {
        if (itemMap.put(item.getTag(), item) != null && item.getTag() != Asn1Decoder.TAG_SET) {
            throw new IOException("Duplicate item in SignedData: " + item.toSimpleString());
    Asn1Object versionObject = itemMap.get(Asn1Decoder.TAG_INTEGER);
    if (versionObject == null || !(versionObject instanceof Asn1Integer)) {
        throw new IOException("Bad or missing PKCS7 version: " + versionObject);
    int pkcs7version = (int) ((Asn1Integer) versionObject).getValue();
    Asn1Object innerContentInfo = itemMap.get(Asn1Decoder.TAG_SEQ);
    if (innerContentInfo == null || !innerContentInfo.isConstructed() || !innerContentInfo.matches(sSEQUENCE) || innerContentInfo.getChildren().size() != 1) {
        throw new IOException("Bad or missing PKCS7 contentInfo");
    Asn1Object contentID = innerContentInfo.getChildren().iterator().next();
    if (pkcs7version == PKCS7DataVersion && !contentID.equals(Asn1Oid.PKCS7Data) || pkcs7version == PKCS7SignedDataVersion && !contentID.equals(Asn1Oid.PKCS7SignedData)) {
        throw new IOException("Inner PKCS7 content (" + contentID + ") not expected for version " + pkcs7version);
    Asn1Object certWrapper = itemMap.get(0);
    if (certWrapper == null || !certWrapper.isConstructed() || !certWrapper.matches(sCTXT0)) {
        throw new IOException("Expected [CONTEXT 0], got: " + certWrapper);
    List<X509Certificate> certList = new ArrayList<>(certWrapper.getChildren().size());
    CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
    for (Asn1Object certObject : certWrapper.getChildren()) {
        ByteBuffer certOctets = ((Asn1Constructed) certObject).getEncoding();
        if (certOctets == null) {
            throw new IOException("No cert payload in: " + certObject);
        byte[] certBytes = new byte[certOctets.remaining()];
        certList.add((X509Certificate) certFactory.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certBytes)));
    return certList;
Also used : Asn1Constructed( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( CertificateFactory( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) X509Certificate( Asn1Object( Asn1Integer( ByteArrayInputStream( Asn1Integer(

Example 3 with Asn1Constructed

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class SPVerifier method checkName.

private void checkName(Asn1Constructed altName) throws IOException {
    Map<String, I18Name> friendlyNames = new HashMap<>();
    for (Asn1Object name : altName.getChildren()) {
        if (name.getAsn1Class() == Asn1Class.Context && name.getTag() == OtherName) {
            Asn1Constructed otherName = (Asn1Constructed) name;
            Iterator<Asn1Object> children = otherName.getChildren().iterator();
            if (children.hasNext()) {
                Asn1Object oidObject =;
                if (OidMappings.sIdWfaHotspotFriendlyName.equals(oidObject) && children.hasNext()) {
                    Asn1Constructed value = castObject(, Asn1Constructed.class);
                    String text = castObject(value.getChildren().iterator().next(), Asn1String.class).getString();
                    I18Name friendlyName = new I18Name(text);
                    friendlyNames.put(friendlyName.getLanguage(), friendlyName);
    Log.d(OSUManager.TAG, "Friendly names: " + friendlyNames.values());
    for (I18Name osuName : mOSUInfo.getOSUProvider().getNames()) {
        I18Name friendlyName = friendlyNames.get(osuName.getLanguage());
        if (!osuName.equals(friendlyName)) {
            throw new IOException("Friendly name '" + osuName + " not in certificate");
Also used : Asn1Constructed( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) I18Name( Asn1String( Asn1String( IOException( Asn1Object(

Example 4 with Asn1Constructed

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class SPVerifier method getImageData.

private static List<LogoTypeImage> getImageData(Asn1Object logoExtension) throws IOException {
    Asn1Constructed logo = castObject(logoExtension, Asn1Constructed.class);
    Asn1Constructed communityLogo = castObject(logo.getChildren().iterator().next(), Asn1Constructed.class);
    if (communityLogo.getTag() != 0) {
        throw new IOException("Expected tag [0] for communityLogos");
    List<LogoTypeImage> images = new ArrayList<>();
    Asn1Constructed communityLogoSeq = castObject(communityLogo.getChildren().iterator().next(), Asn1Constructed.class);
    for (Asn1Object logoTypeData : communityLogoSeq.getChildren()) {
        if (logoTypeData.getTag() != 0) {
            throw new IOException("Expected tag [0] for LogotypeData");
        for (Asn1Object logoTypeImage : castObject(logoTypeData.getChildren().iterator().next(), Asn1Constructed.class).getChildren()) {
            // only read the image SEQUENCE and skip any audio [1] tags
            if (logoTypeImage.getAsn1Class() == Asn1Class.Universal) {
                images.add(new LogoTypeImage(castObject(logoTypeImage, Asn1Constructed.class)));
    return images;
Also used : Asn1Constructed( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( Asn1Object(

Example 5 with Asn1Constructed

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class ESTHandler method unpackPkcs7.

private static List<X509Certificate> unpackPkcs7(ByteBuffer pkcs7) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
    Collection<Asn1Object> pkcs7Content = Asn1Decoder.decode(pkcs7);
    if (pkcs7Content.size() != 1) {
        throw new IOException("Unexpected pkcs 7 container: " + pkcs7Content.size());
    Asn1Object data = pkcs7Content.iterator().next();
    if (!data.isConstructed() || !data.matches(sSEQUENCE)) {
        throw new IOException("Expected SEQ OF, got " + data.toSimpleString());
    } else if (data.getChildren().size() != 2) {
        throw new IOException("Expected content info to have two children, got " + data.getChildren().size());
    Iterator<Asn1Object> children = data.getChildren().iterator();
    Asn1Object contentType =;
    if (!contentType.equals(Asn1Oid.PKCS7SignedData)) {
        throw new IOException("Content not PKCS7 signed data");
    Asn1Object content =;
    if (!content.isConstructed() || !content.matches(sCTXT0)) {
        throw new IOException("Expected [CONTEXT 0] with one child, got " + content.toSimpleString() + ", " + content.getChildren().size());
    Asn1Object signedData = content.getChildren().iterator().next();
    Map<Integer, Asn1Object> itemMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (Asn1Object item : signedData.getChildren()) {
        if (itemMap.put(item.getTag(), item) != null && item.getTag() != Asn1Decoder.TAG_SET) {
            throw new IOException("Duplicate item in SignedData: " + item.toSimpleString());
    Asn1Object versionObject = itemMap.get(Asn1Decoder.TAG_INTEGER);
    if (versionObject == null || !(versionObject instanceof Asn1Integer)) {
        throw new IOException("Bad or missing PKCS7 version: " + versionObject);
    int pkcs7version = (int) ((Asn1Integer) versionObject).getValue();
    Asn1Object innerContentInfo = itemMap.get(Asn1Decoder.TAG_SEQ);
    if (innerContentInfo == null || !innerContentInfo.isConstructed() || !innerContentInfo.matches(sSEQUENCE) || innerContentInfo.getChildren().size() != 1) {
        throw new IOException("Bad or missing PKCS7 contentInfo");
    Asn1Object contentID = innerContentInfo.getChildren().iterator().next();
    if (pkcs7version == PKCS7DataVersion && !contentID.equals(Asn1Oid.PKCS7Data) || pkcs7version == PKCS7SignedDataVersion && !contentID.equals(Asn1Oid.PKCS7SignedData)) {
        throw new IOException("Inner PKCS7 content (" + contentID + ") not expected for version " + pkcs7version);
    Asn1Object certWrapper = itemMap.get(0);
    if (certWrapper == null || !certWrapper.isConstructed() || !certWrapper.matches(sCTXT0)) {
        throw new IOException("Expected [CONTEXT 0], got: " + certWrapper);
    List<X509Certificate> certList = new ArrayList<>(certWrapper.getChildren().size());
    CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
    for (Asn1Object certObject : certWrapper.getChildren()) {
        ByteBuffer certOctets = ((Asn1Constructed) certObject).getEncoding();
        if (certOctets == null) {
            throw new IOException("No cert payload in: " + certObject);
        byte[] certBytes = new byte[certOctets.remaining()];
        certList.add((X509Certificate) certFactory.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certBytes)));
    return certList;
Also used : Asn1Constructed( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( CertificateFactory( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) X509Certificate( Asn1Object( Asn1Integer( ByteArrayInputStream( Asn1Integer(


Asn1Constructed ( Asn1Object ( IOException ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)10 X509Certificate ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 I18Name ( Asn1Integer ( Asn1Octets ( Asn1String ( HTTPHandler ( HTTPResponse ( DERBitString ( DERIA5String ( DERPrintableString ( ByteArrayInputStream ( URL ( CertificateFactory (