use of in project Neo-Launcher by NeoApplications.
the class FocusHelper method handleHotseatButtonKeyEvent.
* Handles key events in the workspace hotseat (bottom of the screen).
* <p>Currently we don't special case for the phone UI in different orientations, even though
* the hotseat is on the side in landscape mode. This is to ensure that accessibility
* consistency is maintained across rotations.
static boolean handleHotseatButtonKeyEvent(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent e) {
boolean consume = FocusLogic.shouldConsume(keyCode);
if (e.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP || !consume) {
return consume;
final Launcher launcher = Launcher.getLauncher(v.getContext());
final DeviceProfile profile = launcher.getDeviceProfile();
if (DEBUG) {
Log.v(TAG, String.format("Handle HOTSEAT BUTTONS keyevent=[%s] on hotseat buttons, isVertical=%s", KeyEvent.keyCodeToString(keyCode), profile.isVerticalBarLayout()));
// Initialize the variables.
final Workspace workspace = (Workspace) v.getRootView().findViewById(;
final ShortcutAndWidgetContainer hotseatParent = (ShortcutAndWidgetContainer) v.getParent();
final CellLayout hotseatLayout = (CellLayout) hotseatParent.getParent();
final ItemInfo itemInfo = (ItemInfo) v.getTag();
int pageIndex = workspace.getNextPage();
int pageCount = workspace.getChildCount();
int iconIndex = hotseatParent.indexOfChild(v);
int iconRank = ((CellLayout.LayoutParams) hotseatLayout.getShortcutsAndWidgets().getChildAt(iconIndex).getLayoutParams()).cellX;
final CellLayout iconLayout = (CellLayout) workspace.getChildAt(pageIndex);
if (iconLayout == null) {
// animation.)
return consume;
final ViewGroup iconParent = iconLayout.getShortcutsAndWidgets();
ViewGroup parent = null;
int[][] matrix = null;
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP && !profile.isVerticalBarLayout()) {
matrix = FocusLogic.createSparseMatrixWithHotseat(iconLayout, hotseatLayout, profile);
iconIndex += iconParent.getChildCount();
parent = iconParent;
} else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT && profile.isVerticalBarLayout()) {
matrix = FocusLogic.createSparseMatrixWithHotseat(iconLayout, hotseatLayout, profile);
iconIndex += iconParent.getChildCount();
parent = iconParent;
} else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT && profile.isVerticalBarLayout()) {
keyCode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN;
} else {
// For other KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT and KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT navigation, do not use the
// matrix extended with hotseat.
matrix = FocusLogic.createSparseMatrix(hotseatLayout);
parent = hotseatParent;
// Process the focus.
int newIconIndex = FocusLogic.handleKeyEvent(keyCode, matrix, iconIndex, pageIndex, pageCount, Utilities.isRtl(v.getResources()));
View newIcon = null;
switch(newIconIndex) {
parent = getCellLayoutChildrenForIndex(workspace, pageIndex + 1);
newIcon = parent.getChildAt(0);
// TODO(hyunyoungs): handle cases where the child is not an icon but
// a folder or a widget.
workspace.snapToPage(pageIndex + 1);
parent = getCellLayoutChildrenForIndex(workspace, pageIndex - 1);
newIcon = parent.getChildAt(0);
// TODO(hyunyoungs): handle cases where the child is not an icon but
// a folder or a widget.
workspace.snapToPage(pageIndex - 1);
parent = getCellLayoutChildrenForIndex(workspace, pageIndex - 1);
newIcon = parent.getChildAt(parent.getChildCount() - 1);
// TODO(hyunyoungs): handle cases where the child is not an icon but
// a folder or a widget.
workspace.snapToPage(pageIndex - 1);
// Go to the previous page but keep the focus on the same hotseat icon.
workspace.snapToPage(pageIndex - 1);
// Go to the next page but keep the focus on the same hotseat icon.
workspace.snapToPage(pageIndex + 1);
if (parent == iconParent && newIconIndex >= iconParent.getChildCount()) {
newIconIndex -= iconParent.getChildCount();
if (parent != null) {
if (newIcon == null && newIconIndex >= 0) {
newIcon = parent.getChildAt(newIconIndex);
if (newIcon != null) {
playSoundEffect(keyCode, v);
return consume;
use of in project Neo-Launcher by NeoApplications.
the class Workspace method beginDragShared.
public DragView beginDragShared(View child, DragSource source, ItemInfo dragObject, DragPreviewProvider previewProvider, DragOptions dragOptions) {
if (TestProtocol.sDebugTracing) {
Log.d(TestProtocol.NO_CONTEXT_MENU, "beginDragShared");
float iconScale = 1f;
if (child instanceof BubbleTextView) {
Drawable icon = ((BubbleTextView) child).getIcon();
if (icon instanceof FastBitmapDrawable) {
iconScale = ((FastBitmapDrawable) icon).getAnimatedScale();
mOutlineProvider = previewProvider;
// The drag bitmap follows the touch point around on the screen
final Bitmap b = previewProvider.createDragBitmap();
int halfPadding = previewProvider.previewPadding / 2;
float scale = previewProvider.getScaleAndPosition(b, mTempXY);
int dragLayerX = mTempXY[0];
int dragLayerY = mTempXY[1];
DeviceProfile grid = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile();
Point dragVisualizeOffset = null;
Rect dragRect = null;
if (child instanceof BubbleTextView) {
dragRect = new Rect();
BubbleTextView.getIconBounds(child, dragRect, grid.iconSizePx);
dragLayerY +=;
// Note: The dragRect is used to calculate drag layer offsets, but the
// dragVisualizeOffset in addition to the dragRect (the size) to position the outline.
dragVisualizeOffset = new Point(-halfPadding, halfPadding);
} else if (child instanceof FolderIcon) {
int previewSize = grid.folderIconSizePx;
dragVisualizeOffset = new Point(-halfPadding, halfPadding - child.getPaddingTop());
dragRect = new Rect(0, child.getPaddingTop(), child.getWidth(), previewSize);
} else if (previewProvider instanceof ShortcutDragPreviewProvider) {
dragVisualizeOffset = new Point(-halfPadding, halfPadding);
// Clear the pressed state if necessary
if (child instanceof BubbleTextView) {
BubbleTextView icon = (BubbleTextView) child;
if (child.getParent() instanceof ShortcutAndWidgetContainer) {
mDragSourceInternal = (ShortcutAndWidgetContainer) child.getParent();
if (child instanceof BubbleTextView && !dragOptions.isAccessibleDrag) {
PopupContainerWithArrow popupContainer = PopupContainerWithArrow.showForIcon((BubbleTextView) child);
if (popupContainer != null) {
dragOptions.preDragCondition = popupContainer.createPreDragCondition();
mLauncher.getUserEventDispatcher().resetElapsedContainerMillis("dragging started");
DragView dv = mDragController.startDrag(b, dragLayerX, dragLayerY, source, dragObject, dragVisualizeOffset, dragRect, scale * iconScale, scale, dragOptions);
return dv;
use of in project Neo-Launcher by NeoApplications.
the class ShortcutAndWidgetContainer method onLayout.
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
int count = getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final View child = getChildAt(i);
if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
if (child instanceof LauncherAppWidgetHostView) {
LauncherAppWidgetHostView lahv = (LauncherAppWidgetHostView) child;
// Scale and center the widget to fit within its cells.
DeviceProfile profile = mActivity.getDeviceProfile();
float scaleX = profile.appWidgetScale.x;
float scaleY = profile.appWidgetScale.y;
lahv.setScaleToFit(Math.min(scaleX, scaleY));
lahv.setTranslationForCentering(-(lp.width - (lp.width * scaleX)) / 2.0f, -(lp.height - (lp.height * scaleY)) / 2.0f);
int childLeft = lp.x;
int childTop = lp.y;
child.layout(childLeft, childTop, childLeft + lp.width, childTop + lp.height);
if (lp.dropped) {
lp.dropped = false;
final int[] cellXY = mTmpCellXY;
mWallpaperManager.sendWallpaperCommand(getWindowToken(), WallpaperManager.COMMAND_DROP, cellXY[0] + childLeft + lp.width / 2, cellXY[1] + childTop + lp.height / 2, 0, null);
use of in project Neo-Launcher by NeoApplications.
the class Folder method centerAboutIcon.
private void centerAboutIcon() {
DeviceProfile grid = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile();
DragLayer.LayoutParams lp = (DragLayer.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams();
DragLayer parent = mLauncher.getDragLayer();
int width = getFolderWidth();
int height = getFolderHeight();
parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(mFolderIcon, sTempRect);
int centerX = sTempRect.centerX();
int centerY = sTempRect.centerY();
int centeredLeft = centerX - width / 2;
int centeredTop = centerY - height / 2;
// We need to bound the folder to the currently visible workspace area
if (mLauncher.getStateManager().getState().overviewUi) {
parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(mLauncher.getOverviewPanel(), sTempRect);
} else {
int left = Math.min(Math.max(sTempRect.left, centeredLeft), sTempRect.right - width);
int top = Math.min(Math.max(, centeredTop), sTempRect.bottom - height);
int distFromEdgeOfScreen = mLauncher.getWorkspace().getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingLeft();
if (grid.isPhone && (grid.availableWidthPx - width) < 4 * distFromEdgeOfScreen) {
// Center the folder if it is very close to being centered anyway, by virtue of
// filling the majority of the viewport. ie. remove it from the uncanny valley
// of centeredness.
left = (grid.availableWidthPx - width) / 2;
} else if (width >= sTempRect.width()) {
// If the folder doesn't fit within the bounds, center it about the desired bounds
left = sTempRect.left + (sTempRect.width() - width) / 2;
if (height >= sTempRect.height()) {
// Folder height is greater than page height, center on page
top = + (sTempRect.height() - height) / 2;
} else {
// Folder height is less than page height, so bound it to the absolute open folder
// bounds if necessary
Rect folderBounds = grid.getAbsoluteOpenFolderBounds();
left = Math.max(folderBounds.left, Math.min(left, folderBounds.right - width));
top = Math.max(, Math.min(top, folderBounds.bottom - height));
int folderPivotX = width / 2 + (centeredLeft - left);
int folderPivotY = height / 2 + (centeredTop - top);
lp.width = width;
lp.height = height;
lp.x = left;
lp.y = top;
use of in project Neo-Launcher by NeoApplications.
the class Folder method getContentAreaHeight.
protected int getContentAreaHeight() {
DeviceProfile grid = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile();
int maxContentAreaHeight = grid.availableHeightPx - grid.getTotalWorkspacePadding().y - mFooterHeight;
int height = Math.min(maxContentAreaHeight, mContent.getDesiredHeight());
return Math.max(height, MIN_CONTENT_DIMEN);