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Example 1 with DragLayer

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class FolderIcon method onDrop.

private void onDrop(final WorkspaceItemInfo item, DragObject d, Rect finalRect, float scaleRelativeToDragLayer, int index, boolean itemReturnedOnFailedDrop) {
    item.cellX = -1;
    item.cellY = -1;
    DragView animateView = d.dragView;
    // will not have a view to animate
    if (animateView != null && mActivity instanceof Launcher) {
        final Launcher launcher = (Launcher) mActivity;
        DragLayer dragLayer = launcher.getDragLayer();
        Rect from = new Rect();
        dragLayer.getViewRectRelativeToSelf(animateView, from);
        Rect to = finalRect;
        if (to == null) {
            to = new Rect();
            Workspace workspace = launcher.getWorkspace();
            // Set cellLayout and this to it's final state to compute final animation locations
            float scaleX = getScaleX();
            float scaleY = getScaleY();
            scaleRelativeToDragLayer = dragLayer.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(this, to);
            // Finished computing final animation locations, restore current state
        int numItemsInPreview = Math.min(MAX_NUM_ITEMS_IN_PREVIEW, index + 1);
        boolean itemAdded = false;
        if (itemReturnedOnFailedDrop || index >= MAX_NUM_ITEMS_IN_PREVIEW) {
            List<WorkspaceItemInfo> oldPreviewItems = new ArrayList<>(mCurrentPreviewItems);
            mInfo.add(item, index, false);
            if (!oldPreviewItems.equals(mCurrentPreviewItems)) {
                int newIndex = mCurrentPreviewItems.indexOf(item);
                if (newIndex >= 0) {
                    // If the item dropped is going to be in the preview, we update the
                    // index here to reflect its position in the preview.
                    index = newIndex;
                mPreviewItemManager.hidePreviewItem(index, true);
                mPreviewItemManager.onDrop(oldPreviewItems, mCurrentPreviewItems, item);
                itemAdded = true;
            } else {
                removeItem(item, false);
        if (!itemAdded) {
            mInfo.add(item, index, true);
        int[] center = new int[2];
        float scale = getLocalCenterForIndex(index, numItemsInPreview, center);
        center[0] = Math.round(scaleRelativeToDragLayer * center[0]);
        center[1] = Math.round(scaleRelativeToDragLayer * center[1]);
        to.offset(center[0] - animateView.getMeasuredWidth() / 2, center[1] - animateView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2);
        float finalAlpha = index < MAX_NUM_ITEMS_IN_PREVIEW ? 1f : 0f;
        float finalScale = scale * scaleRelativeToDragLayer;
        // Account for potentially different icon sizes with non-default grid settings
        if (d.dragSource instanceof AllAppsContainerView) {
            DeviceProfile grid = mActivity.getDeviceProfile();
            float containerScale = (1f * grid.iconSizePx / grid.allAppsIconSizePx);
            finalScale *= containerScale;
        final int finalIndex = index;
        dragLayer.animateView(animateView, from, to, finalAlpha, 1, 1, finalScale, finalScale, DROP_IN_ANIMATION_DURATION, Interpolators.DEACCEL_2, Interpolators.ACCEL_2, () -> {
            mPreviewItemManager.hidePreviewItem(finalIndex, false);
        }, DragLayer.ANIMATION_END_DISAPPEAR, null);
        if (!itemAdded)
            mPreviewItemManager.hidePreviewItem(index, true);
        FolderNameInfos nameInfos = new FolderNameInfos();
        if (FeatureFlags.FOLDER_NAME_SUGGEST.get()) {
   -> {
                d.folderNameProvider.getSuggestedFolderName(getContext(), mInfo.contents, nameInfos);
                showFinalView(finalIndex, item, nameInfos, d.logInstanceId);
        } else {
            showFinalView(finalIndex, item, nameInfos, d.logInstanceId);
    } else {
Also used : AllAppsContainerView( Rect( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DragView( DeviceProfile( DragLayer( Launcher( Workspace( WorkspaceItemInfo(

Example 2 with DragLayer

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class Folder method animateOpen.

 * Opens the user folder described by the specified tag. The opening of the folder
 * is animated relative to the specified View. If the View is null, no animation
 * is played.
private void animateOpen(List<WorkspaceItemInfo> items, int pageNo) {
    Folder openFolder = getOpen(mActivityContext);
    if (openFolder != null && openFolder != this) {
        // Close any open folder before opening a folder.
    mItemsInvalidated = true;
    mIsOpen = true;
    BaseDragLayer dragLayer = mActivityContext.getDragLayer();
    // There was a one-off crash where the folder had a parent already.
    if (getParent() == null) {
    } else {
        if (FeatureFlags.IS_STUDIO_BUILD) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Opening folder (" + this + ") which already has a parent:" + getParent());
    // This is set to true in close(), but isn't reset to false until onDropCompleted(). This
    // leads to an inconsistent state if you drag out of the folder and drag back in without
    // dropping. One resulting issue is that replaceFolderWithFinalItem() can be called twice.
    mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = false;
    FolderAnimationManager fam = new FolderAnimationManager(this, true);
    AnimatorSet anim = fam.getAnimator();
    anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

        public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {

        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
            mState = STATE_OPEN;
    // Footer animation
    if (mContent.getPageCount() > 1 && !mInfo.hasOption(FolderInfo.FLAG_MULTI_PAGE_ANIMATION)) {
        int footerWidth = mContent.getDesiredWidth() - mFooter.getPaddingLeft() - mFooter.getPaddingRight();
        float textWidth = mFolderName.getPaint().measureText(mFolderName.getText().toString());
        float translation = (footerWidth - textWidth) / 2;
        mFolderName.setTranslationX(mContent.mIsRtl ? -translation : translation);
        // Do not update the flag if we are in drag mode. The flag will be updated, when we
        // actually drop the icon.
        final boolean updateAnimationFlag = !mDragInProgress;
        anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                mFolderName.animate().setDuration(FOLDER_NAME_ANIMATION_DURATION).translationX(0).setInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(getContext(), android.R.interpolator.fast_out_slow_in));
                if (updateAnimationFlag) {
                    mInfo.setOption(FolderInfo.FLAG_MULTI_PAGE_ANIMATION, true, mLauncherDelegate.getModelWriter());
    } else {
    // Because t=0 has the folder match the folder icon, we can skip the
    // first frame and have the same movement one frame earlier.
    anim.setCurrentPlayTime(Math.min(getSingleFrameMs(getContext()), anim.getTotalDuration()));
    // Make sure the folder picks up the last drag move even if the finger doesn't move.
    if (mDragController.isDragging()) {
Also used : BaseDragLayer( Animator(android.animation.Animator) AnimatorListenerAdapter(android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter) SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) AnimatorSet(android.animation.AnimatorSet) SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint)

Example 3 with DragLayer

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class LauncherAppWidgetHostView method onInterceptTouchEvent.

public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
    if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
        DragLayer dragLayer = mLauncher.getDragLayer();
        if (mIsScrollable) {
    return mLongPressHelper.hasPerformedLongPress();
Also used : DragLayer(

Example 4 with DragLayer

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class ArrowPopup method orientAboutObject.

 * @see #orientAboutObject()
 * @param allowAlignLeft Set to false if we already tried aligning left and didn't have room.
 * @param allowAlignRight Set to false if we already tried aligning right and didn't have room.
 * TODO: Can we test this with all permutations of widths/heights and icon locations + RTL?
private void orientAboutObject(boolean allowAlignLeft, boolean allowAlignRight) {
    measure(MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
    int extraVerticalSpace = mArrowHeight + mArrowOffsetVertical + getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.popup_vertical_padding);
    // The margins are added after we call this method, so we need to account for them here.
    int numVisibleChildren = 0;
    for (int i = getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        if (getChildAt(i).getVisibility() == VISIBLE) {
    int childMargins = (numVisibleChildren - 1) * mMargin;
    int height = getMeasuredHeight() + extraVerticalSpace + childMargins;
    int width = getMeasuredWidth() + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
    InsettableFrameLayout dragLayer = getPopupContainer();
    Rect insets = dragLayer.getInsets();
    // Align left (right in RTL) if there is room.
    int leftAlignedX = mTempRect.left;
    int rightAlignedX = mTempRect.right - width;
    mIsLeftAligned = !mIsRtl ? allowAlignLeft : !allowAlignRight;
    int x = mIsLeftAligned ? leftAlignedX : rightAlignedX;
    // Offset x so that the arrow and shortcut icons are center-aligned with the original icon.
    int iconWidth = mTempRect.width();
    int xOffset = iconWidth / 2 - mArrowOffsetHorizontal - mArrowWidth / 2;
    x += mIsLeftAligned ? xOffset : -xOffset;
    // Check whether we can still align as we originally wanted, now that we've calculated x.
    if (!allowAlignLeft && !allowAlignRight) {
    // We've already tried both ways and couldn't make it fit. onLayout() will set the
    // gravity to CENTER_HORIZONTAL, but continue below to update y.
    } else {
        boolean canBeLeftAligned = x + width + insets.left < dragLayer.getWidth() - insets.right;
        boolean canBeRightAligned = x > insets.left;
        boolean alignmentStillValid = mIsLeftAligned && canBeLeftAligned || !mIsLeftAligned && canBeRightAligned;
        if (!alignmentStillValid) {
            // Try again, but don't allow this alignment we already know won't work.
            orientAboutObject(allowAlignLeft && !mIsLeftAligned, /* allowAlignLeft */
            allowAlignRight && mIsLeftAligned);
    // Open above icon if there is room.
    int iconHeight = mTempRect.height();
    int y = - height;
    mIsAboveIcon = y > dragLayer.getTop() +;
    if (!mIsAboveIcon) {
        y = + iconHeight + extraVerticalSpace;
    // Insets are added later, so subtract them now.
    x -= insets.left;
    y -=;
    mGravity = 0;
    if (y + height > dragLayer.getBottom() - insets.bottom) {
        // The container is opening off the screen, so just center it in the drag layer instead.
        mGravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL;
        // Put the container next to the icon, preferring the right side in ltr (left in rtl).
        int rightSide = leftAlignedX + iconWidth - insets.left;
        int leftSide = rightAlignedX - iconWidth - insets.left;
        if (!mIsRtl) {
            if (rightSide + width < dragLayer.getRight()) {
                x = rightSide;
                mIsLeftAligned = true;
            } else {
                x = leftSide;
                mIsLeftAligned = false;
        } else {
            if (leftSide > dragLayer.getLeft()) {
                x = leftSide;
                mIsLeftAligned = false;
            } else {
                x = rightSide;
                mIsLeftAligned = true;
        mIsAboveIcon = true;
    if (Gravity.isVertical(mGravity)) {
    FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams();
    FrameLayout.LayoutParams arrowLp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) mArrow.getLayoutParams();
    if (mIsAboveIcon) {
        arrowLp.gravity = lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;
        lp.bottomMargin = getPopupContainer().getHeight() - y - getMeasuredHeight() -;
        arrowLp.bottomMargin = lp.bottomMargin - arrowLp.height - mArrowOffsetVertical - insets.bottom;
    } else {
        arrowLp.gravity = lp.gravity = Gravity.TOP;
        lp.topMargin = y +;
        arrowLp.topMargin = lp.topMargin - - arrowLp.height - mArrowOffsetVertical;
Also used : Rect( FrameLayout(android.widget.FrameLayout) InsettableFrameLayout( InsettableFrameLayout(

Example 5 with DragLayer

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class ButtonDropTarget method getIconRect.

public Rect getIconRect(DragObject dragObject) {
    int viewWidth = dragObject.dragView.getMeasuredWidth();
    int viewHeight = dragObject.dragView.getMeasuredHeight();
    int drawableWidth = mDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
    int drawableHeight = mDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
    DragLayer dragLayer = mLauncher.getDragLayer();
    // Find the rect to animate to (the view is center aligned)
    Rect to = new Rect();
    dragLayer.getViewRectRelativeToSelf(this, to);
    final int width = drawableWidth;
    final int height = drawableHeight;
    final int left;
    final int right;
    if (Utilities.isRtl(getResources())) {
        right = to.right - getPaddingRight();
        left = right - width;
    } else {
        left = to.left + getPaddingLeft();
        right = left + width;
    final int top = + (getMeasuredHeight() - height) / 2;
    final int bottom = top + height;
    to.set(left, top, right, bottom);
    // Center the destination rect about the trash icon
    final int xOffset = -(viewWidth - width) / 2;
    final int yOffset = -(viewHeight - height) / 2;
    to.offset(xOffset, yOffset);
    return to;
Also used : DragLayer( Rect(


DragLayer ( Rect ( BaseDragLayer ( AnimatorSet (android.animation.AnimatorSet)2 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)2 Resources (android.content.res.Resources)2 Drawable ( ViewGroup (android.view.ViewGroup)2 DeviceProfile ( DragView ( ItemInfo ( Animator (android.animation.Animator)1 AnimatorListenerAdapter (android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter)1 ObjectAnimator (android.animation.ObjectAnimator)1 AppWidgetHostView (android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView)1 Point ( GradientDrawable ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)1 View (android.view.View)1 OnDrawListener (android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnDrawListener)1