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Example 1 with DraggableView

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class LauncherDragController method startDrag.

protected DragView startDrag(@Nullable Drawable drawable, @Nullable View view, DraggableView originalView, int dragLayerX, int dragLayerY, DragSource source, ItemInfo dragInfo, Point dragOffset, Rect dragRegion, float initialDragViewScale, float dragViewScaleOnDrop, DragOptions options) {
    AbstractFloatingView.closeOpenViews(mActivity, false, TYPE_DISCOVERY_BOUNCE);
    mOptions = options;
    if (mOptions.simulatedDndStartPoint != null) {
        mLastTouch.x = mMotionDown.x = mOptions.simulatedDndStartPoint.x;
        mLastTouch.y = mMotionDown.y = mOptions.simulatedDndStartPoint.y;
    final int registrationX = mMotionDown.x - dragLayerX;
    final int registrationY = mMotionDown.y - dragLayerY;
    final int dragRegionLeft = dragRegion == null ? 0 : dragRegion.left;
    final int dragRegionTop = dragRegion == null ? 0 :;
    mLastDropTarget = null;
    mDragObject = new DropTarget.DragObject(mActivity.getApplicationContext());
    mDragObject.originalView = originalView;
    mIsInPreDrag = mOptions.preDragCondition != null && !mOptions.preDragCondition.shouldStartDrag(0);
    final Resources res = mActivity.getResources();
    final float scaleDps = mIsInPreDrag ? res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.pre_drag_view_scale) : 0f;
    final DragView dragView = mDragObject.dragView = drawable != null ? new DragView(mActivity, drawable, registrationX, registrationY, initialDragViewScale, dragViewScaleOnDrop, scaleDps) : new DragView(mActivity, view, view.getMeasuredWidth(), view.getMeasuredHeight(), registrationX, registrationY, initialDragViewScale, dragViewScaleOnDrop, scaleDps);
    mDragObject.dragComplete = false;
    mDragObject.xOffset = mMotionDown.x - (dragLayerX + dragRegionLeft);
    mDragObject.yOffset = mMotionDown.y - (dragLayerY + dragRegionTop);
    mDragDriver = DragDriver.create(this, mOptions, mFlingToDeleteHelper::recordMotionEvent);
    if (!mOptions.isAccessibleDrag) {
        mDragObject.stateAnnouncer = DragViewStateAnnouncer.createFor(dragView);
    mDragObject.dragSource = source;
    mDragObject.dragInfo = dragInfo;
    mDragObject.originalDragInfo = mDragObject.dragInfo.makeShallowCopy();
    if (dragOffset != null) {
        dragView.setDragVisualizeOffset(new Point(dragOffset));
    if (dragRegion != null) {
        dragView.setDragRegion(new Rect(dragRegion));
    mActivity.getDragLayer().performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS);, mLastTouch.y);
    mDistanceSinceScroll = 0;
    if (!mIsInPreDrag) {
    } else if (mOptions.preDragCondition != null) {
    handleMoveEvent(mLastTouch.x, mLastTouch.y);
    if (!mActivity.isTouchInProgress() && options.simulatedDndStartPoint == null) {
        // If it is an internal drag and the touch is already complete, cancel immediately
    return dragView;
Also used : Rect( DropTarget( Resources(android.content.res.Resources) Point( Point(

Example 2 with DraggableView

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class DragPreviewProvider method createDrawable.

 * Returns a new drawable to show when the {@link #mView} is being dragged around.
 * Responsibility for the drawable is transferred to the caller.
public Drawable createDrawable() {
    if (mView instanceof LauncherAppWidgetHostView) {
        return null;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    // Assume scaleX == scaleY, which is always the case for workspace items.
    float scale = mView.getScaleX();
    if (mView instanceof DraggableView) {
        ((DraggableView) mView).getSourceVisualDragBounds(mTempRect);
        width = mTempRect.width();
        height = mTempRect.height();
    } else {
        width = mView.getWidth();
        height = mView.getHeight();
    return new FastBitmapDrawable(BitmapRenderer.createHardwareBitmap(width + blurSizeOutline, height + blurSizeOutline, (c) -> drawDragView(c, scale)));
Also used : FastBitmapDrawable( Context(android.content.Context) Rect( Launcher( BitmapRenderer( UI_HELPER_EXECUTOR( FastBitmapDrawable( BlurMaskFilter( FeatureFlags( PorterDuff( SafeCloseable( Drawable( DraggableView( BubbleTextView( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) PorterDuffXfermode( Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable) R( Bitmap( View(android.view.View) LauncherAppWidgetHostView( Canvas( Paint( LauncherAppWidgetHostView( DraggableView( Paint(

Example 3 with DraggableView

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class DragLayer method animateViewIntoPosition.

public void animateViewIntoPosition(DragView dragView, final View child, int duration, View anchorView) {
    ShortcutAndWidgetContainer parentChildren = (ShortcutAndWidgetContainer) child.getParent();
    CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
    Rect dragViewBounds = new Rect();
    getViewRectRelativeToSelf(dragView, dragViewBounds);
    final int fromX = dragViewBounds.left;
    final int fromY =;
    float[] coord = new float[2];
    float childScale = child.getScaleX();
    coord[0] = lp.x + (child.getMeasuredWidth() * (1 - childScale) / 2);
    coord[1] = lp.y + (child.getMeasuredHeight() * (1 - childScale) / 2);
    // Since the child hasn't necessarily been laid out, we force the lp to be updated with
    // the correct coordinates (above) and use these to determine the final location
    float scale = getDescendantCoordRelativeToSelf((View) child.getParent(), coord);
    // We need to account for the scale of the child itself, as the above only accounts for
    // for the scale in parents.
    scale *= childScale;
    int toX = Math.round(coord[0]);
    int toY = Math.round(coord[1]);
    float toScale = scale;
    if (child instanceof DraggableView) {
        // This code is fairly subtle. Please verify drag and drop is pixel-perfect in a number
        // of scenarios before modifying (from all apps, from workspace, different grid-sizes,
        // shortcuts from in and out of Launcher etc).
        DraggableView d = (DraggableView) child;
        Rect destRect = new Rect();
        // In most cases this additional scale factor should be a no-op (1). It mainly accounts
        // for alternate grids where the source and destination icon sizes are different
        toScale *= ((1f * destRect.width()) / (dragView.getMeasuredWidth() - dragView.getBlurSizeOutline()));
        // This accounts for the offset of the DragView created by scaling it about its
        // center as it animates into place.
        float scaleShiftX = dragView.getMeasuredWidth() * (1 - toScale) / 2;
        float scaleShiftY = dragView.getMeasuredHeight() * (1 - toScale) / 2;
        toX += scale * destRect.left - toScale * dragView.getBlurSizeOutline() / 2 - scaleShiftX;
        toY += scale * - toScale * dragView.getBlurSizeOutline() / 2 - scaleShiftY;
    Runnable onCompleteRunnable = () -> child.setVisibility(VISIBLE);
    animateViewIntoPosition(dragView, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, 1, 1, 1, toScale, toScale, onCompleteRunnable, ANIMATION_END_DISAPPEAR, duration, anchorView);
Also used : Rect( CellLayout( ShortcutAndWidgetContainer(

Example 4 with DraggableView

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class DragPreviewProvider method drawDragView.

 * Draws the {@link #mView} into the given {@param destCanvas}.
protected void drawDragView(Canvas destCanvas, float scale) {
    int saveCount =;
    destCanvas.scale(scale, scale);
    if (mView instanceof DraggableView) {
        DraggableView dv = (DraggableView) mView;
        try (SafeCloseable t = dv.prepareDrawDragView()) {
            destCanvas.translate(blurSizeOutline / 2 - mTempRect.left, blurSizeOutline / 2 -;
Also used : DraggableView( SafeCloseable( Paint(

Example 5 with DraggableView

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class PendingItemDragHelper method startDrag.

 * Starts the drag for the pending item associated with the view.
 * @param previewBounds The bounds where the image was displayed,
 *                      {@link WidgetImageView#getBitmapBounds()}
 * @param previewBitmapWidth The actual width of the bitmap displayed in the view.
 * @param previewViewWidth The width of {@link WidgetImageView} displaying the preview
 * @param screenPos Position of {@link WidgetImageView} on the screen
public void startDrag(Rect previewBounds, int previewBitmapWidth, int previewViewWidth, Point screenPos, DragSource source, DragOptions options) {
    final Launcher launcher = Launcher.getLauncher(mView.getContext());
    LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(launcher);
    Drawable preview = null;
    final int previewWidth;
    final int previewHeight;
    final float scale;
    final Point dragOffset;
    final Rect dragRegion;
    mEstimatedCellSize = launcher.getWorkspace().estimateItemSize(mAddInfo);
    DraggableView draggableView;
    if (mAddInfo instanceof PendingAddWidgetInfo) {
        PendingAddWidgetInfo createWidgetInfo = (PendingAddWidgetInfo) mAddInfo;
        int maxWidth = Math.min((int) (previewBitmapWidth * MAX_WIDGET_SCALE), mEstimatedCellSize[0]);
        int[] previewSizeBeforeScale = new int[1];
        if (mRemoteViewsPreview != null) {
            mAppWidgetHostViewPreview = new LauncherAppWidgetHostView(launcher);
            mAppWidgetHostViewPreview.setAppWidget(/* appWidgetId= */
            -1, ((PendingAddWidgetInfo) mAddInfo).info);
            DeviceProfile deviceProfile = launcher.getDeviceProfile();
            Rect padding = new Rect();
            mAppWidgetHostViewPreview.getWidgetInset(deviceProfile, padding);
            mAppWidgetHostViewPreview.setPadding(padding.left,, padding.right, padding.bottom);
            mAppWidgetHostViewPreview.updateAppWidget(/* remoteViews= */
            int width = deviceProfile.cellWidthPx * mAddInfo.spanX + padding.left + padding.right;
            int height = deviceProfile.cellHeightPx * mAddInfo.spanY + + padding.bottom;
            mAppWidgetHostViewPreview.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
        if (mAppWidgetHostViewPreview != null) {
            previewSizeBeforeScale[0] = mAppWidgetHostViewPreview.getMeasuredWidth();
            launcher.getDragController().addDragListener(new AppWidgetHostViewDragListener(launcher));
        if (preview == null && mAppWidgetHostViewPreview == null) {
            Drawable p = new FastBitmapDrawable(app.getWidgetCache().generateWidgetPreview(launcher,, maxWidth, null, previewSizeBeforeScale).first);
            if (RoundedCornerEnforcement.isRoundedCornerEnabled()) {
                p = new RoundDrawableWrapper(p, mEnforcedRoundedCornersForWidget);
            preview = p;
        if (previewSizeBeforeScale[0] < previewBitmapWidth) {
            // The icon has extra padding around it.
            int padding = (previewBitmapWidth - previewSizeBeforeScale[0]) / 2;
            if (previewBitmapWidth > previewViewWidth) {
                padding = padding * previewViewWidth / previewBitmapWidth;
            previewBounds.left += padding;
            previewBounds.right -= padding;
        if (mAppWidgetHostViewPreview != null) {
            previewWidth = mAppWidgetHostViewPreview.getMeasuredWidth();
            previewHeight = mAppWidgetHostViewPreview.getMeasuredHeight();
        } else {
            previewWidth = preview.getIntrinsicWidth();
            previewHeight = preview.getIntrinsicHeight();
        scale = previewBounds.width() / (float) previewWidth;
        launcher.getDragController().addDragListener(new WidgetHostViewLoader(launcher, mView));
        dragOffset = null;
        dragRegion = null;
        draggableView = DraggableView.ofType(DraggableView.DRAGGABLE_WIDGET);
    } else {
        PendingAddShortcutInfo createShortcutInfo = (PendingAddShortcutInfo) mAddInfo;
        Drawable icon = createShortcutInfo.activityInfo.getFullResIcon(app.getIconCache());
        LauncherIcons li = LauncherIcons.obtain(launcher);
        preview = new FastBitmapDrawable(li.createScaledBitmapWithoutShadow(icon, 0));
        previewWidth = preview.getIntrinsicWidth();
        previewHeight = preview.getIntrinsicHeight();
        scale = ((float) launcher.getDeviceProfile().iconSizePx) / previewWidth;
        dragOffset = new Point(previewPadding / 2, previewPadding / 2);
        // Create a preview same as the workspace cell size and draw the icon at the
        // appropriate position.
        DeviceProfile dp = launcher.getDeviceProfile();
        int iconSize = dp.iconSizePx;
        int padding = launcher.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.widget_preview_shortcut_padding);
        previewBounds.left += padding; += padding;
        dragRegion = new Rect();
        dragRegion.left = (mEstimatedCellSize[0] - iconSize) / 2;
        dragRegion.right = dragRegion.left + iconSize; = (mEstimatedCellSize[1] - iconSize - dp.iconTextSizePx - dp.iconDrawablePaddingPx) / 2;
        dragRegion.bottom = + iconSize;
        draggableView = DraggableView.ofType(DraggableView.DRAGGABLE_ICON);
    // Since we are not going through the workspace for starting the drag, set drag related
    // information on the workspace before starting the drag.
    int dragLayerX = screenPos.x + previewBounds.left + (int) ((scale * previewWidth - previewWidth) / 2);
    int dragLayerY = screenPos.y + + (int) ((scale * previewHeight - previewHeight) / 2);
    // Start the drag
    if (mAppWidgetHostViewPreview != null) {
        launcher.getDragController().startDrag(mAppWidgetHostViewPreview, draggableView, dragLayerX, dragLayerY, source, mAddInfo, dragOffset, dragRegion, scale, scale, options);
    } else {
        launcher.getDragController().startDrag(preview, draggableView, dragLayerX, dragLayerY, source, mAddInfo, dragOffset, dragRegion, scale, scale, options);
Also used : Rect( LauncherAppState( FastBitmapDrawable( Drawable( RoundDrawableWrapper( Point( DraggableView( Point( Paint( FastBitmapDrawable( DeviceProfile( AppWidgetHostViewDragListener( LauncherIcons( Launcher(


Rect ( DraggableView ( Paint ( Point ( Drawable ( FastBitmapDrawable ( View (android.view.View)2 Launcher ( SafeCloseable ( LauncherAppWidgetHostView ( AppWidgetHostViewDragListener ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)1 AppWidgetHostView (android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView)1 Context (android.content.Context)1 Resources (android.content.res.Resources)1 Bitmap ( BlurMaskFilter ( Canvas ( PorterDuff ( PorterDuffXfermode (